Chapter 554

“This staff, it’s so easy to be happy, Peng Peng, is Su Ye really so delicious to cook?”

I did see it on the Internet before. Su Ye said that cooking is really good, but Gao Ge was also born as an actor. He was dubious about many things, especially when he didn’t know these in the program group. People, even if they know, are not the kind of people they know.

It is said that the cooking skills are good, but it is also possible to pretend. After all, there are really not too many people who rely on the show to give themselves plasticity, and singing is commonplace.

But, for this matter, it is not good for him to ask Su Ye directly, and some people directly ask others if your cooking is delicious?

On the one hand, it will make people think that you don’t believe in people. On the other hand, it will appear that you don’t know anything, and Gao Ge is also curious. You can only ask yourself Peng Peng who has a good personality.

Hearing this, Peng Peng raised his thumbs naturally, and couldn’t help but exclaimed, “That’s more than great. I have eaten it. Su Ye made a boiled fish fillet before. It is fascinating to everyone. Don’t blame you. You haven’t come before, and it’s normal if you haven’t eaten it. You’ll know after eating it at night, and you’ll be afraid in the future. I think everything I eat is not as delicious as Su Ye’s!”

What Peng Peng wants to say is that you will not have a chance in the future, but I have a chance. At any rate, I have a good relationship with Su Ye. Su Ye’s daughter-in-law is still my sister. This level of relationship is in it. Peng Peng really didn’t worry that he would have no food to eat.

“It’s so magical, I can’t wait to make it. I used to talk about it when I was watching a show, but I have been working out recently. I’m afraid I don’t dare to eat more of these things.”

When Peng Peng and Zifeng heard the words, both of them looked at Gao Ge with the same expressions, which was really a pity.

It lifted the curiosity and appetite of Gao Ge.

No, it’s also in the afternoon. There are many people in the program group, so someone will prepare the materials early.

And Su Ye and Zifeng have caught the time right now, planning to see Curly. They have no time since they came back yesterday, and now they have time to take a look.

“Director, I want to know where is Curly. Can you take us to see it? I haven’t seen Curly in one night. By the way, brother, do you want to go with me and Su Ye?”

Zifeng wanted to see it, but her brother had never seen curls. She believed that her brother would like curls. After all, curls are so cute.


Peng Peng also knew that Zifeng and Su Ye were two people to avoid suspicion. After all, there is Gao Ge now. If you go by yourself, you will let the two of them play by themselves in a while.

Besides, the relationship between myself and my sister and Su Ye is good, even if I go by myself, it will not have a big impact.

“I’ll take you there.”

The previous curly hair was arranged by this staff member, but now he naturally asked Ying Ying to take someone there.

Watching Zifeng Su Ye and Peng Peng leave, Gao Ge was very envious. In fact, he also wanted to go with them.

But, it’s the kind of embarrassment, I can’t say that I just want to go with them.

On one side, the teacher and the teacher Huang are the same as the human spirit, and they have completely seen the thoughts of Gao Ge.

But, Zifeng and Su Ye are the same as their children. They don’t have the feeling of family to Gao Ge yet, so naturally they didn’t even think about letting Gao Ge go with them.

Therefore, the two people looked at each other, and then both understood what the other was thinking, but both of them stopped talking. .

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