Chapter 197

Zhang Zifeng was helpless. But there is no way for him. Her cousin has been a little disobedient these years.

Zhang Zifeng: “You said that you are taller than me! You are like a kid. Can’t you be a little bit sensible! Can’t let people worry less about snacks! You know how to play games all day long. Let you It’s not hurting you to do some homework.”

Zhang Ziyou: “Oh~~~ Sister! Just this time, please forgive me! Next time I will not play games. I swear to the lights!” He raised three fingers as he said.

next time! next time! I always say that I will never play the game again! But when did she bump into playing a game again, and then beg her to let her go!

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Ziyou saw Su Ye walking out from behind Zifeng! He was stunned, roaring in his heart, isn’t this who? Her sister’s boyfriend-Su Ye! ! !

Immediately, Zhang Ziyou pushed the keyboard aside, turned around and shouted: “Hello, brother-in-law!” The sound was really powerful! A man abruptly shouted out the momentum of an army!

“Hello!” put on his sign and smiled “Little grapefruit! Right.” Zhang Ziyou’s brother-in-law really pleased him! good! good! This child can be taught as a child.

Zhang Ziyou was instantly embarrassed: “No! What about it! Just teach me grapefruit!”

What little grapefruit, how ugly! He is not a fruit. Blame his sister. He has been calling him this since he was a child, but now the male gods have been misled by 27.

Zhang Zifeng was still angry at this time. Although Zhang Ziyou’s brother-in-law made Su Ye very happy, but seeing his girlfriend getting angry, Su Ye planned to make Zifeng angry first. After all, it’s rare for a girlfriend to get angry and can’t hold it back!

Sister Zifeng, who has such a good temper, couldn’t help being angry when she saw her cousin’s unpredictable look. Teach him: “Your parents are busy! You can’t look at you every day, so you just let yourself go. You won’t accept your temper after high school! Is it okay to take study as the main task?”

Zhang Ziyou also understands that her sister has no temper. Once she gets angry, she is really angry.

But he was in the rebellious period and he couldn’t help but back his mouth: “You all have graduated from high school for so long, how can you understand how difficult it is for students now! Then mathematics is simply not human learning. I am annoyed by it. .”

While talking, Zhang Ziyou still felt aggrieved.

“I also want to do well in the exam every time. I don’t want to have such bad grades. But is that possible? I think it is impossible to think about it with my toes! Can you not force me?”

Zhang Zifeng was so angry that he couldn’t speak…

Su Ye: “System!”

【Ding! Here I am! Host! What are the needs? 】

Su Ye: “Give me a Xueba skill for me!”

【Ding! There are almighty learners! Single science bully! What kind of host do I need? 】

Su Ye: “The Almighty Learner!”

【Ding! Host please wait! 】

【Ding! The redemption is successful! 】

Su Ye: “Little grapefruit! In fact, mathematics is not what you think…”

Zhang Ziyou: “Brother Su! Stop! I understand the truth! I don’t use mathematics in my daily life. I really feel that it is useless to learn it. I usually don’t need to do algebra and do geometry when I go out. Learning it is really useless. ”

Math is useless? You are really wrong, kid!

Su Ye saw a Rubik’s Cube on the table and asked, “I usually like to play with this?”

Zhang Ziyou wondered why he asked this, but still replied: “I’m usually boring, so I can have fun.”

Su Ye smiled: “Is the Rubik’s Cube not related to mathematics?”

Zhang Ziyou: “This—it seems to be there!”

Su Ye: “Have you ever played escape room?”

Zhang Ziyou: “Played…played.”

Su Ye: “Is it related to mathematics?”

Zhang Ziyou: “Uh…it seems…really there!”

But he didn’t mean that! He means that he doesn’t need to do math problems in his daily life!

Immediately afterwards. Su Ye introduced him a bunch of things about mathematics.

Su Ye: “In fact, mathematics is derived from ancient Greek. It is a subject that studies concepts such as quantitative structure changes and spatial models.”

Zhang Ziyou was surprised: “Does mathematics originate from ancient Greek?”

See! You do not know!

Su Ye: “It is produced by counting, calculating, measuring, and observing the shape and movement of objects through the use of abstraction and logical reasoning. There are three basic elements of mathematics: logic and intuition, analysis and reasoning, commonality and personality.”

Zhang Ziyou can’t understand it! What is this!

Su Ye saw him with a blank face and smiled in his heart, what he wanted was this kind of effect.

Su Ye: “In short, mathematics is the basic language.”

Zhang Ziyou said: “I understand this! The language of mathematics. It is full of mysteries and it is worth exploring.”

The child is out of help, what do you think!

Su Ye continued: “Mathematics is the basic language. Just like the language of space-time is geometry. The language of astronomy is calculus. Quantum mechanics is described by operator theory. Wave theory is explained by Fourier analysis.”

this. . . . . . This is all in Chinese. . . . . .

How could he not understand!

Zhang Ziyou: “What’s the point of math!”

Su Ye: “Mathematics is the science of order. Its purpose is to discover, characterize, and understand the order of complex appearances.”

Su Ye immediately connected with reality: “The Bucy-Kslman theory competition is now very important in cybernetics, and shock waves play a key role in aircraft design.”

Isn’t mathematics important? Mathematics is extremely important to him.

Su Ye: “According to the United States classification standards for mathematics, mathematics can be divided into general mathematics, discrete mathematics and algebra, analysis, geometry and topology, applied mathematics and many others.”

At this time Zhang Ziyou only nodded.

The current branch of mathematics has involved all areas of our society, life and design.

Su Ye: “Let me introduce you to the branch of mathematics?”

Zhang Ziyou: “How many branches are there?”

Su Ye said: “Many, such as discrete mathematics, fuzzy mathematics, classical mathematics, modern mathematics, computer mathematics, random mathematics, economic mathematics, arithmetic, elementary algebra, advanced algebra, number theory, Euclidean geometry, non-Euclidean Geometry, analytic geometry, differential geometry, algebraic geometry, projective geometry, geometric topology, topology, fractal geometry, calculus, real variable functions.”

Zhang Ziyou: “Brother Su! That’s enough! You can stop! So many, how do you remember?”

Su Ye: “Of course I remember it with my head! This is only a small part.”

So, is this the difference between brain and brain?

People are more popular than people, and you have to shop around!

Zhang Ziyou: “Brother Su! You deserve to be a real Xueba! I always thought that Xueba was for your family.”

Zhang Ziyou: “Brother Su, you will be my brother from now on! I really am…” In the future, if anyone refuses to accept it, he will obey you.

Su Ye: “You really didn’t expect me to be a real man?”

Zhang Ziyou smiled embarrassedly.

Zhang Ziyou silently decided to look at the male god Su Ye.

Never indulge in playing games again! At least take some time to study the math problems. Three years of college entrance examination and five years of simulation, go! 38 sets of brush up. ! Please give him a dozen test questions!

Zhang Ziyou almost feels that he can write a set of math test papers now.

I really admire Su Ye, he is a real master! ! !

Zhang Ziyou regretted renewing himself and said that he would study hard in the future.

Zhang Ziyou: “Sister! I was wrong! I must work hard in the future to stop you from worrying!”

Seeing that Zhang Ziyou was not so stubborn, Zhang Zifeng didn’t feel so angry!

So he closed his temper, “It’s all for your good anyway! You can understand it! Don’t be so rebellious in the future!”

Zhang Ziyou: “Got it! Sister! I try my best to eat a fat man at once, you have to allow me, take it slow!”.

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