Chapter 132

Because the music in the bar is too loud, they need to be close together when they talk.

Hmm… This kind of environment is actually similar to a movie theater, and it is easy to create conditions for men and women to get in touch with each other.

Bai Jiliang can smell the faint perfume of Tang Yan~

Uh… the environment is limited, otherwise he should be able to smell what brand it is.

“Don’t want to lie to me, but the teacher will tell me everything!”

“Huh?!” Bai Jiliang raised his brows and smiled at the corners of his mouth, “Really say everything?”


“I do not believe!”

“What do I lie to you? Girls are like this, they share little secrets with each other, so I know everything about you~”

“That’s awesome, do you want to give you an award?”

“You hate~”

“Don’t you know everything, don’t you know if I hate you?”


The conversation on this topic became more and more weird, and in addition to the environment of the scene, Tang Yan felt a little confused in his head.

“By the way, you went on hot search again today!” Tang Yan seemed to think of something, took out his mobile phone, and seemed to want to dig out something for Bai Jiliang to see.

“Okay, I know, you don’t need to show it to me… Mango Terrace is really unreliable, and I didn’t delete those shots.” Bai Jiliang reluctantly picked up the glass and took a sip. .

Tang Yan covered the mask and smiled, although she didn’t know why she had to cover it with her hands~

“You already have fans on the Internet~ handsome guy Bai~”

“Fans? What’s the use of that stuff?” Bai Jiliang asked seriously.


“It’s very useful! You need fans as an artist, and you need fans. The more fans, the higher the popularity, the better to accept endorsements, accept dramas and so on…”

“Uh… I just play for fun when I act. It doesn’t matter if I have fans.” Bai Jiliang shrugged, holding up his cup and trying to clink with Tang Yan.

He just wanted to see how this girl drank a drink~

The result was an eye-opener for him, and the other party took out a… straw!

“Why do you carry this stuff with you?”

“I still have a small opening on my mask~ it’s specially customized, it’s amazing~” Tang Yan’s eyes turned into crescent moons, and he looked very happy.

“All right, mind if I smoke a cigarette?”

“You smoke, the teacher told me, she will help you light a cigarette at home~”

Bai Jiliang is a little strange, “Why doesn’t she even tell you this…”

“We are best friends~”

What a girlfriend…


Tang Yan actually lied.

The place where she worked before was not close at all, although it was not a thousand miles away from here.

Of course, what she said to Bai Jiliang was…It was only ten minutes away, very close.

This is the reason why Tang Yan is late.

She didn’t know why she wanted to come over suddenly, maybe because she was tired from work and wanted to relax?

I talked a lot with Bai Jiliang, and many of them were about Liu Shishi.

After all, they are good girlfriends~ People set this one, and they pinched it to death.


Ten minutes later, Tang Yan raised his head and looked at Wang Xiaocong and Qin Ye who were playing very happily not far away.Frowning, the two friends of Bai Jiliang looked at……..They don’t look like good people~

She actually knew from Liu Shishi that Bai Jiliang’s family was not bankrupt, and she was still a rich second generation.

However, it seems that I have been in an embarrassing period of conflict with my family recently, which is why it is said of bankruptcy.

Don’t ask why Tang Yan knows so much, Liu Shishi, a fool, really tells her everything…

He looked at “Unlike a good duo”, and then at Bai Jiliang, the “quiet beautiful man”.

Tang Yan came to a conclusion in his heart: Out of the silt but not stained!

Ahem…It’s very subjective and idealistic.

Mainly the impression that Bai Jiliang has always given her and what Liu Shishi, a young intelligence-sending expert, said, shows that Bai Jiliang is a super caring and warm man.

How could it be the same kind of people as the two bad boys and rich second generations over there!

Wang Xiaocong:? ? ?

Qin Ye:? ? ?


But after all, it was Bai Jiliang’s friend, Tang Yan asked after thinking about it.

“Aren’t you going to introduce your friend to me?”

Hearing Tang Yan’s words, Bai Jiliang felt more and more that the best friend of Liu Shishi’s classmate… had something.

“Their position is a bit eye-catching, and I don’t know those women, they are so many people, you are not afraid of being recognized?”

So sweet! Sure enough, her judgment was correct! Tang Yan feels beautiful in his heart~

“Forget it…or else let’s go out and shake, the head noise here is too loud, I feel like my ears are almost deaf…”



Bai Jiliang looked at Tang Yan. This kind of dress is relatively ordinary outside, but he is a little maverick in the bar.

How can anyone come to a bar without revealing any meat…I almost covered my neck and hands…

Seeing that she doesn’t even want to take off the mask, it is estimated that she will not go to Bundi.

Why are you still in the bar… Enjoy the noise?

Then…the two went out and pressed the road for half an hour, basically speaking nothing.

It’s also beeping the dog. In the bar, it was so noisy and chatting a lot. When I came out, I suddenly found that there was nothing to say?

Silly Baitian…Oh no, Miss Tang Yan may not know this, Bai Jiliang has probably guessed what she has in mind.

It is estimated that I am still immersed in my own world, maybe there are all kinds of entanglements~

Fancy a girlfriend’s boyfriend?


She still thinks that Bai Jiliang should have no idea of ​​her careful thoughts, and most of the more contact with her is because of Liu Shishi.

“Actually, the teacher told you to break up, maybe because of impulse…” Tang Yan suddenly said such a sentence because of a ghost.

After speaking, she wanted to give herself a mouth.

I have the idea of ​​digging a wall in my heart, but he is hesitant, so the operation is deformed…

Don’t want to be greedy and wandering again ~ unless you punch the opposite person through!

After being quiet for so long, Bai Jiliang thought that this chick would come to a brave confession or something, but this one did?


“Is it important to be impulsive?”

“Then do you want to pursue her again?” When asked these words, Tang Yan’s voice seemed to be a little nervous.

Bai Jiliang shook his head decisively, “I am not licking a dog…”

“What is a dog licking?”

“It’s too troublesome to explain this kind of thing~ You just need to know that I don’t want to go back to the grass. By the way, you can also tell Master Liu this.”


Bai Jiliang’s words……. He said a little bit unfeeling, but what Tang Yan heard was a joy.

Fortunately, if she hears that kind of reluctant Liu Shishi, she really wants to save this kind of words, she guesses that she will not sleep tonight.

Now? It seems to be in a good mood all of a sudden, and the walking posture has begun to bring a little bounce.


Bai Jiliang looked a little funny…he thought this girl was such a great scheming bitch~

Basically, I can feel it very clearly now. Ah is a bad idea, but I don’t dare to be too silly to be too proactive!

Can’t be the kind of completely scheming green tea, but it is green tea.


As everyone knows, hesitating will lead to defeat~

Picking up a girl from the bar just now, I guess this will push Bai Jiliang to the wall and kiss her.

And what about silly white sweet? Walking with your head down, as if you are interested in the grid on the sidewalk, you must step in the center at every step.

There is a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder…


“Here~” Bai Jiliang stopped suddenly.

“Where is it?” Silly Baitian raised her head in a daze, presumably asking this question subconsciously.

Bai Jiliang feels that if she is not a celebrity, she should be easily abducted and bought as a daughter-in-law~

“It’s the hotel where I am staying… Do you want to go up and sit down?”

Tang Yan…Forget it, let’s call it Silly Baitian, it’s easy to say.

Silly Baitian lowered her head again, as if she was thinking, she just went back to the hotel with Bai Jiliang, would she not be too reserved?

There is also a deep sense of guilt…this little brother broke up with his girlfriend not long ago~

In addition, this breakup still has her own persuasive element in it, so she feels a bit like the vicious female second in the idol drama.

Specially doing things in order to break up the male and female lords, the result is still not a good ending……..It is terrible to think about it.


“Or… forget it, not so good…”

Although Silly Baitian’s tone was a refusal, Bai Jiliang heard it out and she wanted to go up…

According to the usual or past style, it is estimated that Bai Jiliang will not ask any more, just take her by the hand and bring it back to the room.

But now… the bad taste is happening~

“That’s it~ Then I will take you back? Or do you call the assistant to pick you up?”


That’s it?

Silly Baitian is a little dazed, she actually thought Bai Jiliang would keep her for a while.

It really only needs to stay, and she promises to agree immediately!

Blinking and looking at Bai Jiliang with big pitiful eyes, silly Baitian seemed to wish him to change his mouth.

But at this time Bai Jiliang showed the self-cultivation of a straight steel man, pretending to be stupid!


“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing…” Silly Baitian was tangled to death, but it would be impossible for her to change her words on the spot at this time.

Waiting for the time when Assistant Silly Baitian drove over, the two of them found a stone stool and sat down together.

Bai Jiliang took off his coat and placed it under Silly Baitian’s ass.

This little action moved the girl’s inner self again.

It’s so caring…….. Why did Master Liu break up with him?

Silly Baitian has gradually forgotten her role in it, um… a good start.

When she forgets about it, maybe she will have the courage to take the initiative to attack.


“How did you tell?” Silly Baitian’s tone was shy.

“Oh?” Bai Jiliang didn’t understand, what did he see?

Was Silly Baitian suddenly resuscitated and became smarter? It’s not right… Bai Jiliang didn’t show it either.

“I can’t drink cold today~”

Implying to this extent, Bai Jiliang also understands.


Are you crazy? If you can’t drink cold, you come to find him at night?

He was hesitant to go to Bai Jiliang’s room and didn’t dare to go……..Is it impossible to let him not take the usual path?

“Uh…I didn’t see it, you said it yourself.”


“Ah?!” His face was red, and Baitian felt her brain buzzing.

Bai Jiliang didn’t see it, she made it up by herself? How embarrassing is this…

and many more!

“The juice you just drank at the bar was cold?”

“I took a sip and held it in my mouth for ten seconds…”


At this moment, Bai Jiliang is very grateful that the bad taste he just had happened.

This woman’s mind might really be a little bit so… silly enough.

Bai Jiliang really wants to hold her ears and tell her, don’t step on horseback to tease the man in the future menstrual period! This is extremely unethical behavior!


“Your car is here.”

Silly Baitian heard the reminder and was very reluctant to see that her assistant had really come.

It’s very annoying.

What are you doing so soon? What a great opportunity for two people to get along……..Oh!

If you have a golden opportunity in life, you should rush to grasp it.

In fact, Bai Tian was thinking about going to Bai Jiliang’s room to sit in that way. She really just wanted to sit in……..that’s why she ignored the matter of her menstrual period.

After all, she didn’t want to green her girlfriends, she didn’t have such a bad taste.

People want to fall in love with the eight scriptures of the children…….. There is no saying that when you are in love, you come up and give the gun first.


“Sister Tangtang, here.”

The usually well-behaved and cute little assistant is a little annoying in the eyes of silly white sweet today…

Looking at Bai Jiliang expectantly, “Well, apart from the teacher-teacher relationship, are we also good friends?”

“Yes what’s the matter?”

“Then… When I’m not working and bored, can I have dinner and chat together?”

“You just have a treat. My family is bankrupt and I don’t have any money~”

Silly Baitian took off her mask and gave Bai Jiliang a sugar-top smile, “Okay! I’m rich!”


Four thousand five hundred words big chapter!

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