Chapter 125 Wing Chun Controversy

Tai Sheng’s boxing styles are mostly straight and straight, and they go well with Zheng Zidan’s moves.

It is more complicated and changeable. I have to say that the people of the entire crew at At the moment are also very yearning for today’s battle.

Especially Zheng Zidan, after watching the match between Taisheng and Ye Qiu, it was even more irritating.

For this scene, Ye Weixin specially invited a Wing Chun master to do the actions Ye Qiu wanted to perform.

When Ye Qiu approached Zheng Zidan, he saw Zheng Zidan winking at him.

He immediately guessed what Zheng Zidan meant.

Zheng Zidan wanted to really hit two people and put them in a pose.

Zheng Zidan was calm and composed, and then secretly spoke to Ye Qiu.

This attitude can be considered very sincere.


Ye Qiu immediately gave the opponent a knowing look.

Zheng Zidan really didn’t want to let go of this opportunity.

Because the last competition was Wing Chun’s fight with the same door, Wing Chun, not only the finger boxing method, but also the stick method, Zhang Tianzhi, is the low-footed Wing Chun, which is the ancient method of Wing Chun. Ryazan’s chief disciple, deep Ryazan’s mantle, but Ye Wen had been in contact with his uncle Liang Bi, and also learned from Liang Bi. Why did Zhang Tianzhi have to challenge Ye Wen because he felt Ye Man’s is not authentic Wing Chun, but what Zhang Tianzhi learned is the real ancient Wing Chun.

Wing Chun belongs to Nanquan. Nanquan has no legs, only feet.

This is because although the lethality of the leg is greater than that of the hand, once the kick is kicked, the body is passive. As the saying goes: the half of the leg is 70% risky, so in Wing Chun, there is no high leg. If your legs are more flexible than your hands, like Bruce Lee, no one dares to say that half of your legs are empty. In Ye Wen’s heart, there is no high foot or low foot. Next second Zhong, Ye Qiu and Zheng Zidan picked up a long stick at the same time.

Ye Qiu showed a pair of eyes that looked like stars.

All the martial arts of the Zheng family class under Zheng Zidan’s came.

There are countless people who have picked up their mobile phones and want to film this scene.

In their eyes, the two sides moved in a flash, changing twelve directions one after another.

At the same time, he also played twelve strokes with heavy sprints, and the air Roar screamed with an incomparable chill, and the people around who were not martial arts rubbed their eyes in a panic.

“I don’t seem to see anything”

“These two people, did you press fast forward?”

“This aura is too terrifying, right? They suspect that their eyes are dazzling, otherwise they can’t see anything and only see pieces of clothing fluttering around. Someone directly swallowed their saliva.

“These two people, won’t they be playing for real, right”

Suddenly someone watched for a long time, and finally tentatively told the guess in his heart. The cameraman was sweating: Director, this”

Ye Wei was also panicked in his confidence, but he calmly said, “Continue to shoot.”


The photographer snapped his teeth, bit his scalp, and took the picture. He just prayed in his heart: “Don’t let anything go wrong.”

p Zhang Tianzhi slammed Ye Wen’s body with a stick, Ye Wen hurriedly picked up the long stick to defend, and a surging force shook his way.

The double sticks directly interrupted the faces of both sides at the same time. The look of… awe-inspiring, even if it was the director Ye Weixin behind, there was a quite shocking feeling. Both sides put down the sticks at the same time, and at the same time picked up the eight swords and did not hesitate. He rushed up, Zhang Tianzhi held the knife in both hands, stepped back slowly with his right leg, accumulated the power of the whole body in his hand, and slashed towards the opponent here “good sword technique”

A martial artist sighed.

Seeing Zhang Tianzhi splitting with both knives, there was a solemn expression in Ye Wen’s eyes.

Zhang Tianzhi seized the opportunity and launched attacks again and again, and Ye Wen hurriedly backed away.

Zhang Tianzhi keeps chasing, and it is like a meteor rushing to the moon, pressing step by step. It is obvious that his skill has to be stronger several times, and he does not give the opponent time to stay. When there was a cool breeze, these two people were real masters. In just a blink of an eye, Zhang Tianzhi had used dozens of tricks without stopping, and he hit Ye Wen fiercely with his elbow. On the chest, Ye Wen stepped back a few steps, but his figure fell steadily on the ground.

At the moment Zhang Tianzhi threw down the Eight Swords and changed to Wing Chun Quan Ye Wen’s face was extremely serious.

“I’m not mistaken, this Ye Qiu is so powerful”

Seeing this scene, several people around, their eyes widened, with an unbelievable look.

Then he also raised the Eight Swordsman, and stepped out, already blocking his door.

Ye Wen’s swordsmanship was originally a combination of strength and flexibility, attacking and defending, but Zhang Tianzhi’s style of play was extremely fierce. One punch after another blasted Ye Wen’s body slightly back, while Zhang Tianzhi immediately changed his moves. In an instant, with the strength of the dive just now, Zhang Tianzhi’s attack was constantly launched to attack Zhang Tianzhi like clouds and flowing water, and the few old boxers next to him couldn’t help but open their mouths and were pleasantly surprised.

Although Ye Wen stepped back and leaned back, he didn’t feel nervous at all.Instead, he narrowed his eyes slightly, looking for Ye Qiu’s flaws.

At the next moment, Ye Wen suddenly slid back, while blocking the opponent’s fist with his elbow, and the bridge hand of his right arm suddenly moved forward.At the same moment, he had already pierced Zhang Tianzhi’s waist in Zhang Tianzhi’s eyes, with pain and shock. With a painful look, he withdrew more than a dozen steps in a row, and finally half-kneeled on the ground.

Zhang Tianzhi stood up with a flustered expression on his face.

The two of them worked together seamlessly with this move.Finally, Ye Wen defeated Zhang Tianzhi, devoted himself to martial arts, accepted his apprentice fist, and became a master of the generation.

The whole movie lasted for a month, and Ye Qiu participated in the whole drama for half a month.


“Wow, that’s great”

“Wow, great, I’m exhausted this month”

Ye Qiu also breathed a sigh of relief and now he was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. He leaned against the previous rickshaw, Ye Dao said excitedly: “Everyone has worked so hard for a while and I thank you for your hard work during this period of time. ”

At this time, Zheng Zidan came to Ye Qiu’s side and smiled at him: “Ye Qiu, the whole show is over, let’s go over there and take a photo.”

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