Chapter 118 Arrogant declaration of award

“I actually said I deserved it”

“I go”

“This guy is so arrogant”

“I can say such a thing”

At first, everyone was ready to listen to Ye Qiu’s generous speech and say some humble words.

But no one thought that he would come directly like this.

All the people are staring at Ye Qiu, and each one’s eyes are bright.

A reporter said with great interest: “Is this surely a joke? This guy is going to offend all those who didn’t win the prize.”

Someone nodded: “The people who come here are not easy, hey, I don’t know where this kid comes from.”

“Maybe someone deliberately made trouble behind the scenes, so Ye Qiu said these things, in fact, they have other meanings.”

Countless reporters’ brains began to run at full speed, and they made up some pictures on their own.

They are getting more and more excited, and they seem to have captured some places worth digging.

“That’s right. With the prize I won, I should be more aggressive”

Unlike reporters, the audience watching the live broadcast on the computer.

I agree with others.

“I think it’s correct.”

“Ye Qiu does have this strength. Apart from him, who can create a box office with a box office of 20 billion yuan. He is also the youngest one in the awards.”

“This is the arrogant and domineering Ye Qiu, and those who pretend to be famous as soon as they come on stage, aren’t they too strong?”

Many viewers believe that Ye Qiu’s performance is real and not artificial.

At this moment, Ye Qiu spoke again.

“Everyone here, I believe you are all working hard for a dream. Three years ago, I was just an ordinary person and a group.”

“But, I am standing here today, I want to say that I have been fighting for this award for a long, long time.”

“Getting this prize is not what I won”

“It’s that I didn’t give up anything”

“If you also have dreams”

“Then fight for him”

“In this process, the important thing is not how many times you have been rejected.”

“How many times have you fallen”

“Or how many times have been knocked down”

“It’s the number of times you bravely stood up.”

“Persevere with you to the end”

“Maybe you won’t get the prize in the end, but you got it.”

“But it’s something more important than prizes.”

The people below clapped wildly.

I was utterly drunk to hear.


Many of them are pure.

For a goal, struggle for a lifetime.

Even if they didn’t get the award, they have been working hard.

Zhao Xiaodao and Liang Chaowei applauded vigorously.

Liang Chaowei also gave Ye Qiu a thumbs up.

Moreover, Ye Qiu won the actor at such a young age.Look at many people in the audience.Even their age is more than twice that of Ye Qiu.

Somewhat accomplished, at least forty years old or older.

Don’t look at the small fresh meat that dominates the screen all the time, but it is still not enough here at the Academy Awards.

It is difficult for them to be recognized by those in the industry.

Even the big guys, the eyes that look at Ye Qiu are shocking.

Not to mention those stars.

They were a little pleased with Ye Qiu before

, But now that Ye Qiu has become such a young actor, their eyes are full of shock and awe of his strength and courage, so that countless people who are jealous of him can no longer challenge him.

As soon as Ye Qiu won the award, the reporters couldn’t wait to send the news out.

Those fans are ecstatic.

“My husband won the prize.”

“I said my husband will win the prize, it’s great.

My husband is so handsome.”

“Ye Qiu is only twenty-two years old this year. I have won the actor at such a young age. Such a high level of achievement has prevented other people from living.” Hehe, I feel that those young people in the entertainment industry seem to be extremely nervous. ”

“I always knew that Brother Qiu would definitely win the prize. I didn’t expect to win the actor as soon as I went, so excited.”

“Just now when I saw Ye Qiu win the prize, I laughed happily with a pig cry, but my mother came over and said I was chasing stars and was about to scold me, but I saw Ye Qiu. Not only did my mother not scold me, but also Let me learn from Ye Qiu, and said that I was in my twenties and I didn’t accomplish anything.”

“My dad is too. When he heard that Ye Qiu had taken the actor, he praised him all the way and said that next time Ye Qiu’s movie would be watched together.”

“What are you, my mother didn’t make dinner today, so she watched the live broadcast exclusively”

I don’t know who started it first.Everyone started a lively discussion about what their parents thought of Ye Qiu.

Even those middle school students.

They said that if they were chasing other stars, their parents would be very opposed.

And if they are chasing Ye Qiu.

Not only did their parents not stop them, but they also educate them to learn more from Ye Qiu.Unconsciously, Ye Qiu also harvested a group of imperial capitals that their parents fan in the mainland, and rented them out.

Facing the news on the live broadcast, At the moment’s Zhuo Xiaowei shivered even more: “I didn’t expect Ye Qiu to actually get the actor.”

“What to do, how do I feel I’m going to be unlucky”

As soon as the voice fell, he saw a meager person at him.

“Zhuo Xiaowei, come out and be beaten”

“Zhuo Xiaowei, didn’t you say that Ye Qiu has no acting skills, didn’t he have no acting skills to get the actor?”

“Is it your home that opened the Golden Image Award? Didn’t you say that Ye Qiu went there and there was no show?”

“Trash, you still want to talk about who is giving you money and making you talk nonsense”

Before long, I received a call again: “Zhuo Xiaowei, come out quickly, apologize, and apologize to Ye Qiu.”

The assistant was a little flustered: Or we will announce first, we will quit Meager, disband the studio, and wait until this gust of turmoil has passed, we will come again.”

You know, with Ye Qiu’s current influence, those fans might tear them up.

Although it is not so exaggerated, most people in China now admire them very much.This is also a fact.

“What are you afraid of? We haven’t done anything illegal.”

Zhuo Xiaowei said coldly: “Furthermore, I just set the meager setting and only follow can comment.

Now our fans have exceeded three million and are still constantly rising.”

The assistant said, “Hey, it’s still the case. Boss, you are so smart, but those people pay attention to you, as if they are trying to scold you.”

Zhuo Xiaowei nodded: “It’s for scolding me, they also pay attention to me, so that my goal is achieved anyway.

But I still need more news, otherwise these fans will soon pass.”

“More Breaking News”

“What do you want to do”

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