“Lao Hu, yes, yes, it’s released worldwide, and it starts with a big production of 700 million. ”

“There are roles that are suitable for you, such as the second male lead, but the money for my play has to be used for production, the big scenes and special effects are very expensive, I have zero remuneration myself, and Sissi only needs two percent of the box office dividends, your words…”

“What, you’re willing to pay yourself?”

“It’s not good, our relationship is here, and you can reduce the salary, the sugar man definitely doesn’t want to, I have actors in my own company…”

“Oh, you have the final say, and you can give money after the box office is settled?”

“Yes, if you are so polite, the second male will trouble you, and the script will be sent to you at night. ”


Zhang Yang hung up the phone calmly.

The role of the second male, Lao Hu can indeed play it, and it just so happens that he plans to delete some undisputed plots, and the second male daughter’s feelings~ line is one of them.

The sensational part of this play only needs to be portrayed on the male protagonist and his son, and it can’t be too routine and deliberate, but it must be bland to set off the thrilling rescue time.

The role of the second female is to give everyone a quiet aftermath of adventure, which is just used to connect the previous and the next, and the role is key and not vulgar.

“You’re fooling into another one?”

Yang Mi twisted her hips and walked over and handed a glass of water to Zhang Yang.

She made a plane to the south of Caiyun this morning, but she didn’t want to come, but Zhang Yang asked.

Because her affiliation with Huanrui is about to expire, she has no job recently, she is on vacation, and there will be no “Rescue Against Time” until December, which is suitable for Huo Jianhua’s partner.

She wanted to take advantage of this time to give Hangzhou a look, look at the surrounding beauty, and find some shops that meet her taste.

As a result, Zhang Yang made a phone call, and she felt embarrassed because of the video, so she had to come over obediently.

“How can it be called foolishness, I am giving Lao Hu a chance to practice. Zhang Yang shook his head and smiled: “The final production cost of this movie may reach one billion, and it will be released simultaneously around the world, so it will earn foreign exchange and go to sea.” ”

“This kind of exposure is an opportunity that can be encountered but not sought at any time. ”

“I asked Lao Hu to take the initiative to speak, but I didn’t want to give people a cheap feeling. ”

Zhang Yang’s words were completely from the bottom of his heart.

Whether it is used to train their own people, as a resource replacement, many people can play the second male lead.

Out of consideration for his friend’s character and favorability, he plans to use Hu Ge, but he must let the other party know about this feeling.

Yang Mi also knew the truth he said, and asked with emotion in her heart and at the same time, “When it comes to global release, how did you do it!?”

This is a global release, or a Chinese-language movie, and a lot of numbers are needed at home and abroad.

So far, few companies have been able to do it, and they won’t do it easily.

Generally speaking, if it can be exported after it is released in China, it can be regarded as a huge success.

Zhang Yang took a breath, returned the cup to Yang Mi’s hand, and said, “Trade secrets!”

And because of that? Of course, because of the networking that comes with the Opportunity Handbook.

Bigwigs from relevant domestic departments and bigwigs from some foreign companies can all be used.

There is a limit to the number of times he can use it, but as long as he is successful, he will continue to “renew” the number of times, and eventually surround these people around him.

That’s the focus of interest.

“This water isn’t sweet enough. Zhang Yang disliked.

“This is mineral water, how sweet is it?” Yang Mi said in disgust: “I’ll add sugar to you?”

“Do you need to be so troublesome?” Zhang Yang looked Yang Mi up and down.

Yang Mi: ?

“What, want to drink water?” Yang Mi took a sip from the cup and puffed out her mouth.

Zhang Yang smiled: “If you dare to feed, I will dare to drink.” ”


Yang Mi spit all the water back into the cup, then handed it to Zhang Yang again, and said, “Add honey, you drink it.” ”

Zhang Yang suddenly showed a disgusted expression and said, “Why are you so disgusting?”

Yang Mi: ?

Shouldn’t this be the old lady’s line!?

“Zhang Yang, you…” Yang Mi wanted to scold angrily, but saw Zhang Yang raise her mobile phone, the screen was facing her, and the video was played.

She immediately choked her angry words in her stomach.

endure the calm for a while, and develop the chest for the second time in one step.

“Boss, what do you want me to do in the south of Caiyun?” Yang Mi pinched the cup to change the topic.

“I’m going to give you a medical treatment. Zhang Yang told the truth.

Yang Mi’s eyes twitched slightly, and she said with a far-fetched smile: “Are you talking about being old?”

“Of course, it is not old compared to most of its peers, but it is more charming than young people. Zhang Yang smiled: “But if you want to play Bei Weiwei, aren’t you afraid of being the second sugar smoke?”

Hearing this, Yang Mi’s expression was shocked.

Sugar Smoke plays He Yisheng Xiaomo, although he is more popular, but it is actually more of a drama guarantor.

Many viewers and netizens said that Wu Qian, the actor of Xiao Zhao Mosheng, played better than her.

In particular, some of the plots of Tang Yan and Zhong Hanliang’s later college associations were ridiculed.

The audience should be more tolerant of male artists, and actresses play roles that are not in line with their age, and they are easy to be ridiculed by the group, and this is one of the reasons why female stars are more like being popular early.

She is now going to play Bei Weiwei, part of the plot is a freshman year, less than twenty years old.

Even if you can look mature and charming because of the character, you can’t lose your sense of youth.

“Is the medical beauty you invited reliable?” Yang Mi hesitated for a moment and said: “I’m not afraid of spending money, but I don’t want to have sequelae, and I don’t want to be too deliberate, let alone hurt my face, and I can’t make some expressions in the future.” ”

“The doctor I hired was me. Zhang Yang stretched out his hand and pointed at himself.

Yang Mi was speechless for a moment and said, “This joke is not funny. ”

Zhang Yang is so successful, can he still have time to master medical beauty?

Zhang Yang didn’t argue anything, and asked rhetorically: “You also saw Tie Tie and Qian Qian when you came, what do you think of the current state of the two of them?”

“Don’t say it, they’re smarter than most female colleges. Yang Mi replied with some envy.

When we ate together at noon, she was still praising Liu Yifei’s reverse growth, and Song Yi’s skin condition was good, better than many female college students who couldn’t maintain or stayed up late, and her face was full of glue eggs.

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Liu Yifei is the same age as her, and Song Yi is only a few years younger than her, both of whom belong to the post-85 generation.

Counting the flowers of the first year, everyone is less than thirty.

But because she Yang Mi has been playing all the year round, she has married and had a daughter, which gives people the feeling that she is just


Yang Mihu looked at Zhang Yang suspiciously, and said, “You won’t tell me your skills at this time, right?”

Zhang Yang did it on the sofa, crossed his knees on one leg and said: “You can ask Yifei and Tietie, or you can communicate with Shi Shi and Liying by video, they are also in good shape now.” ”

Yang Mi: !

This confident look, that must be true.

This guy actually knows this, how did he do it?

“That, boss~”

Yang Mi went to the sofa and reached out to pinch Zhang Yang’s thigh.

At this time, Yang Chaoyue suddenly walked in and said, “Boss, the person who Sister Jin will ask for a role… Forehead. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“You go on, I’ll leave first. ”

Seeing Yang Mi and Zhang Yang’s kissing appearance, Yang Chaoyue turned around and left.

0 begging for flowers

She was still complaining in her heart, Zhang Yang didn’t say anything about love with Yang Mi in advance, but asked her to send the documents as soon as she received them.

Isn’t this a temptation for a young beautiful girl!?

“Come back. Zhang Yang spoke.

Yang Chaoyue hurriedly turned around again and walked obediently in front of Zhang Yang.

Yang Mi suddenly felt like she was sitting on pins and needles, like a mango being stabbed, like a fish in her throat.

“Da Mimi is sitting and giving me a massage in order to apologize. Zhang Yang explained to Yang Mi.

Yang Mi felt Yang Chaoyue’s gaze, and thought to herself, you might as well not explain.

“Leave the papers, and then you go and get the gold needle from my room. Zhang Yang said to Yang Chaoyue.


Yang Chaoyue is well-behaved.

Zhang Yang immediately picked up the document and checked it.

There are not many main roles needed in this drama, in the case of a male and a male and a female and a female second, it is enough to determine a female supporting role and seven or eight male supporting roles, and other characters can find someone to make a cameo or use a special contract, and there are not many plots.

So about the actress’s documents, he directly skimmed over them and didn’t read them, after all, there are enough female artists in his company.

In terms of supporting actors, Zhu Yawen, Wei Daxun, plus Zhang Yixing and Bai Jingting in his own company, can all be used.

Zhang Yang flipped through it carefully, while Yang Mi obediently pinched his legs, but his mind was a little flustered.

She felt that Zhang Yang was no longer hypocritical, and she didn’t look at women and men.

Those women may not choose a concubine if they give explicit pictures?

This bastard must be pretending to be in front of himself.

No, he didn’t seem to pretend again.

So what kind of person is he?

Yang Mi secretly looked at Zhang Yang’s side face, and unconsciously leaned in.

“What, you want to send imported honey?” Zhang Yang suddenly turned his head.

Feeling the heat, Honey felt an electric shock all over her body.

At this moment, Yang Chaoyue walked into the room again, holding an acupuncture bag in her hand.

Yang Chaoyue: “…”

So you can’t do it privately?


Yang Mi, who heard the movement, lowered her head at the speed of light.

She was suspicious in her heart, as if she didn’t want to be herself for the past few years.

“Give it to me. ”

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to Yang Chaoyue.

After receiving the golden needle, he directly asked Yang Mi to lie down, and then began to apply the needle and play the needle.

Before Yang Mi could react, she found that her face was covered with golden needles, and there was still heat.

Subsequently, while reading the documents, Zhang Yang flicked the needle to Yang Mi from time to time to add qi.

Half an hour later, he took off the needles and said lightly: “You can use the original camera of your mobile phone to take a look.” ”

Yang Mi thought to herself, is this an elixir?

But she did as she was told, and then she let out a sound of surprise.

“Is this true!?”

“Of course not. Zhang Yang said casually: “After each cast, your state can last for seven days, during which it will get worse and worse, and finally return to your original state.” ”

“But as long as you stick to the needle once every three days, you can stay in the same state as you see it now. ”

“After half a year, you only need to do acupuncture once a month, and you can basically freeze your age. ”

“But now it’s for filming, so I’ll serve it for free. ”

“When the time comes, you’re going to have to come up with chips that I’m happy with. ”

Hearing this, Yang Mi immediately came to Zhang Yang and said in a milky voice: “Boss, what chips do you want?”

At this moment, Liu Yifei walked in from the door with a yawn.

Seeing the state of the two on the sofa, she blinked and said, “Guo Xiang, you still want to rob my man!”

Yang Mi: “…”

This room is poisonous!.

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