Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 9 The cooperative victim

The so-called fugitives are the roles assigned by the program team. The nine people have not committed any crime.


The headquarters received an alarm call from a Jinling driver, saying that he had been robbed by a man named Ning Zhou.

"what's the situation?"

Li Tong was surprised.

Time goes back to an hour ago.

In order to avoid Chen Weiting and others, Ning Zhou stopped a taxi and left first.

When the driver asked where he wanted to go, he hesitated and said Ma'anshan.

This made the other party very happy, so he directly offered three hundred yuan. Ning Zhou nodded and agreed.

Nothing happened at first, I left the city smoothly and got on the highway.

Ning Zhou thought that he might not have time to eat for a while, so he found a rest area and planned to get some dry food.

I entered the supermarket, selected something, and when it was time to check out, I touched my pockets, holy shit!

Still panicked.

Didn't he change his clothes at Xinjiekou, but he forgot to take out the remaining money in his pocket?

Only then did I realize that my pocket was empty, not even a dime left.

The program team laughed out loud after seeing it. You actually made such a stupid mistake. Let's see what you do.

Since he had no money, he couldn't pay the bill. Ning Zhou left the supermarket embarrassedly and saw the young driver leaning against the car smoking a cigarette, and waved to him.

"I'm going to the bathroom!"

For a moment, Ning Zhou was overwhelmed. What would he do if he ran out of money later?

After urinating, he was struggling when he saw a fistful of stones on the ground. He picked it up guiltily and hid it in his pocket.

"Didn't you mean to buy something?"

When the young man saw him coming back, he got in the car and took the initiative to ask.

"Oh, the things in the supermarket are too expensive, why not have dinner when we get there."

"Indeed," the young man felt the same way: "Unless I can't bear to be hungry, I usually don't eat in the service area, but some places are different. What are you doing?"

Ning Zhou's right hand holding the stone shook slightly and he placed it on the opponent's head.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not a bad person, but I want to rob you."


Seeing that the other party's hand was already on the doorknob, ready to run away at any moment, Ning Zhou quickly increased his speaking speed.

"I am a contestant in "Celebrity Escape", my name is Ning Zhou, this is the camera on my body, now I am just pretending to rob you.

Of course, you have to give me your money, and then when you go back, you can ask the program team for reimbursement, we."

"Damn it, are you Ning Zhou?"

Instantly, the young man's expression became calm.

"Hey, it's really you, fuck, fuck."

After carefully studying the other party's appearance, he became extremely excited.

"I was watching the live broadcast just now, and I saw you going to Xinjiekou, so I planned to go there and join in the fun, but I didn't expect you to be here.

It’s strange that I didn’t recognize it.”

For a moment, Ning Zhou didn't know how to react. The young man took the initiative to pick up his right hand that was holding the stone and put it on his head again.

"Do you want this?"

When the director in front of the screen saw this scene, he spit out a mouthful of water.

What a polite robber and a cooperative victim.

However, there was no interference. Judging from the name, there was a problem with the fugitive. The robbery was not an accident.

On the contrary, it was Ning Zhou's actions that brought surprise. Well done young man.

"That's right," Ning Zhou naturally put down the stone: "I was originally rich, and the program team gave me the funds, but I forgot about it after I changed my clothes, so..."

"No problem. As for robbery, this is my first time encountering it."

As he spoke, he took out his pocket.

"It's over!"

The highest denomination of the banknotes in the young man's hand was twenty yuan. After counting, the total was a little over one hundred.

Instead he felt embarrassed.

"Basically no one gives you cash now. This is all the change I prepared. I'm afraid if anything happens to you, why don't I transfer it to you via WeChat? How much do you want?"

Ning Zhou was so happy that he encountered such a cooperative "customer" during his first robbery.

“I can’t ask for money from WeChat, it’s too easy to be checked.”

"Hey, I have a way, just wait for me."

With that said, the young man turned around, got out of the car, and ran into the supermarket. Not long after, he came back with a bag of food and 700 yuan.

"There isn't much cash in the supermarket, so I'll give it all to you in exchange for a whole one!"


Ning Zhou was speechless. When this video was played, the audience laughed with joy.

It was not really a robbery, and no one took part in it.

I don't know how lucky I am to be able to participate in this show. Everyone gave thumbs up to the young man's actions.

The main thing is to be able to empathize.

In the past, when watching TV dramas, I thought the bad guys should lose and the good guys should win.

Recently, the approach has changed. It seems that it doesn't matter if the bad guy wins. Moreover, in a sense, the escapees are not really bad guys.

Of course, things have changed since Ning Zhou committed the robbery. He must be a bad guy.

The driver's name was Yan Han. His proactive cooperation won the favor of many viewers. I heard that he stopped driving and became an Internet celebrity.

This is something for later, let’s not mention it for now.

"thank you!"

"Oh," Yan Han waved his hand at the camera on his chest: "I usually like to watch variety shows. I want to thank you for robbing me. I can still be on TV. Hi, how are you guys?"

Hahaha, Ning Zhou was also infected by the other party's emotions and smiled for the first time today.

"Then what should you do next? Should I continue to take you to your destination?"

"You may have to work hard next."

Ning Zhou asked for his car keys and left Yan Han on the side of the highway.

Of course, this is not a real roadside, but an assumption that people must still be in the service area, safety first.

A scenario was drawn up, and Han Dao Yanhan was coerced by him. He took away his money and mobile phone, and then stayed on the roadside.

After fifty minutes, he received help and then called the police.

Of course, the number to call the police is the phone number of the program team, not 110, otherwise something serious might happen.

The old man understood the cause and effect and sighed.

Now he is quite passive, because the nine escapees are quite scattered, and his manpower here is somewhat insufficient.

After looking at the location of the chasing team, he decided to let He Jiong and the others follow them.

At this moment, he didn't have the confidence to absolutely catch Ning Zhou.

After all, he successfully escaped under Chen Weiting's nose, and there was a fifty-minute time difference. Even if the surveillance on the highway could be retrieved, when He Jiong and the others arrived, no one knew where they were.

Thinking of this, Li Tong posted a message in the group.

"Everyone, the fugitive Ning Zhou has been promoted from a D-class fugitive to a C-class fugitive. He robbed a taxi driver with an weapon an hour ago. We have reason to believe that he is dangerous.

Therefore, when facing Ning Zhou, if the situation is urgent, you can use firearms."

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