"This man looks so affectionate, so handsome, and so talented. Why did his ex-wife break up with him so cruelly?"

"Yes, if I had such a husband, I would definitely treat him like my darling!"

"His eyes are very melancholy, so attractive! It feels like there are many stories, I really want to know more about him!"

"I found that I fell in love with him, I fell in love with him at first sight! Ha ha!"

"Don't rob me, he is mine!"


At this moment, Su Chen was infinitely charming, and many young female viewers at the scene could not help but be nymphomaniacs.

After a few minutes, the song ended!

Everyone who listened to the entire song felt the lingering sound lingering in their ears and enjoyed a musical feast.

"Ouch...that's awesome. I'm really impressed. I didn't expect that among my fans, there would be fans who are like kings. This song"Actor" is sung very well, and the lyrics and music are very well written. You must love your ex-wife very much. , he wrote such a touching song, and we applaud him to encourage him!"

Chou clapped his hands and praised

"Bang bang..." The audience burst into applause

"Thanks!"Su Chen thanked him, stood up and put down his guitar.

Director Jay asked:"Excuse me, what is your name?"

Su Chen responded:"Su Chen! Jay

Chou:"Besides the song you sang just now, do you have any original songs?""

Su Chen was stunned for a moment. He thought he was going to step down immediately. He thought for a moment and replied:"There is more!"

"How many songs are there?"

"Five or six songs!"

Su Chen made nonsense. When he started lying, his face was not red and his heart was not beating. Outsiders could not see through it.

"How about you do another song?"

Director Jay Chou said with a smile. The reason why he is like this is naturally because Su Chen's"Actor" just amazed him. He knows that this song will become a hit as long as it is released and promoted.

He has his own entertainment agency, and there are also many Artists are eager to seek talents and want to see how Su Chen's creative talent is.

"This..." Su Chen was a little hesitant. The reason why he wanted to sing"Actor" was simply because he wanted to use this opportunity to express his emotions. He had no intention of showing it.

If he wanted to express it, he could wait until"Longing for Life" If you perform well on the show, you will still become popular.

"Sing a song!"

"Sing a song!"

"Sing a song!"

Seeing his hesitation, the audience reacted strongly and shouted in unison. His wonderful performance in the first song obviously made him popular.

"Okay, let me play one more song!"

The warm welcome was hard to refuse. Su Chen picked up the guitar, sat on the stool again, and moved the microphone to his mouth.

"What's the name of the next song? What’s the story?"

Director Jay Chou asked curiously.

Su Chen hesitated for a moment, and then said something that shocked everyone:"This song is called"Your Answer".

It was a song I composed in prison.

I was just released today after serving my sentence.

, I am very happy to be able to share this song with you on such a big stage as soon as it comes out.

I hope that after listening to this song, no matter how dark and thorny the future is, you will bravely take your own steps and break all fears.

Throw away the burden, welcome the dawn in the darkness, and find your own answer!


After saying this, the whole place was in an uproar.

"Damn it, he just came out of prison, is it real or fake?"

"No wonder it’s a short position! I just said it was a bit weird, and I thought, it was amazing. I thought he was planned and promoted by an artist from a certain record company?"

"Haha... I thought that was the case too... No wonder his eyes are melancholy, he must be a man full of stories!"

"Everyone in the prison is a talented person, and they speak nicely. Haha, I am reminded of the car thief"Stealing Kwa La". What he said is absolutely correct. There are indeed many talented people in the prison!"

"It's impossible to work part-time, and it's impossible to work part-time in this life, haha... The spiritual leader~ Xiu Gewa, it is said that he will be released from prison soon, he is also a talent!"

"This Su Chen is awesome. He writes songs in prison. Chi Zhiqiang also wrote a prison song back then, which shocked the whole country. He might be the second Chi Zhiqiang!"


"Ouch... I really didn’t expect that. Then how did you end up in jail? What crime was committed? How long were you in jail?" Director Jay was surprised and curious.

Su Chen said calmly:"I got into a dispute with someone and injured someone impulsively. I was jailed for three years!

Director Jay Chou preached:"Young and energetic, I have also had it before. However, a prodigal son will never be replaced by gold. I hope you can restrain yourself in the future!""

"Thanks!"Su Chen sincerely thanked you.

Jay Chou said:"Okay, I can't wait to hear this song you composed in prison! just sing!"

Su Chen nodded slightly, put the guitar on his lap, and immediately started playing the guitar again with both hands.

The whole place suddenly fell silent. Many people were recording videos with their mobile phones, pricking up their ears and listening to the song carefully.

After a while, Su Chen switched his voice to a smokey one and started singing.

"Maybe the world is like this!

I'm still on the road, no one can tell me

, maybe I can only stay silent

, my eyes are wet with tears

, but I'm not willing to be a coward.


The melody flows like water, and the singing is full of magnetism, natural and powerful, without any unnecessary techniques.

Contains strong real emotions!

It is a person whose life is full of twists and turns, telling life insights and stories.

It's so simple, and it's very healing for tens of thousands of people.

Many viewers already had tears in their eyes. Some of them resonated in their hearts, and some of them were because of Su Chen's experience.

"It sounds great. This song is awesome again. It’s such an inspirational song. Su Chen is so talented!"

"yes! It almost made me cry. I feel like he is going to be popular. Many people took videos of it. I guess many people will post the videos online in a while!"

"This ticket is so worth it, it feels like I listened to two���Concert, the other is a concert for a future big star! Ha ha…"

"Stop making noise and listen to the music carefully, okay?"


PS: That’s all the updates today, don’t comment if you don’t like it, I found a lot of people commenting on meFinally, please give me some comfort and support, flowers or whatever.

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