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Watching the time pass by, with five seconds left at the end, Zhang Feng finally accelerated to break through the defense.

Originally, he had been defending in front, but Zhang Feng suddenly changed direction with the ball and shook him away.

Speed up and rush to the penalty area without anyone guarding you.

Faced with O'Neal and Malone jumping up and reaching out to interfere, Zhang Feng grabbed the ball with one hand, turned his whole body directly twice, a total of 720 degrees, avoided the two insiders from blocking the shot, and put the basketball into the basket.

O'Neal and Malone couldn't believe what they were seeing.

After Zhang Feng took the ball, he spun it twice like a top before making a layup.

Many people can do a spinning layup in the air, which is highly difficult and highly entertaining.

Kobe now has no problem spinning his body in the air for a 360-degree layup, but now Zhang Feng has exceeded the limit of NBA players, spinning twice in the air at 720 degrees for a layup.

"Is this still a waist controlled by humans? It can rotate twice for a layup."

"This move is really cool. If you use it on the wild court, you will be invincible."

"O'Neal and Malone couldn't stop Zhang Feng's extremely difficult layup"

"OMG answer-ba11! so amazing!"

"This can also be responded to!"

"Are both of these men superhuman?".........

Both the DJ at the scene and the commentators in the Huaxia live broadcast room were all getting high at this moment.

Many Lakers fans at home felt admiration after seeing Zhang Feng's two-turn layup.

Although Zhang Feng is their biggest opponent!

But he did not hesitate to give him great applause and encouragement!!!

"Zhang Feng's control of his body has reached the limit of human beings. He can make two complete turns in the air, which is really powerful."

The Penguin live broadcast room was overflowing and couldn't help but exclaimed when seeing Zhang Feng's difficult layup.

In the live broadcast room, Chinese fans saw Zhang Feng's 720-degree layup, and they all opened their mouths with incredible eyes...........

The Knicks still maintain a few-point lead, time is getting shorter and shorter, and the entire Lakers team also shows anxious expressions.

The Lakers must seize every offensive opportunity.

Now he dribbles to the frontcourt again, Zhang Feng is still guarding Kobe, and there is only one minute left.

Let O'Neal rush into the penalty area for a layup without hesitation after the pick-and-roll.

Zhang Feng has been following behind to cover up the defense, waiting for Kobe to break through.

When he broke through to the penalty area, Zhang Feng, who was smarter this time, immediately passed the basketball to Fisher on the outside.

Kirilenko was afraid of Fisher's three-pointer and rushed to defend.

After receiving the ball, he saw Lilenko coming to cover and didn't think much. He raised the basketball in his hand and threw it like a cannon.


Fisher's shooting becomes more accurate the closer the critical moment comes, which is why Kobe believes in him."........

105:107 The Lakers are still short of the last two points and have a great chance of winning.

The Knicks white chocolate served, and the Lakers began to press the whole court to disrupt their offense.

Kobe Bryant has been following Zhang Feng. White Chocolate didn't dare to pass the basketball to him because he was afraid that the opportunity would be snatched away.

He could only pass the basketball to Mutombo on the outside. Unexpectedly, the passing route had already been noticed by O'Neal behind him.

When the basketball was passed to his hands, O'Neal hurriedly reached out from behind and snatched the basketball successfully.

The first time the ball was passed to Kobe, Zhang Feng hurriedly followed it and chased it outside the three-point line. still"OK"The combination cooperated tacitly. Knowing that Kobe was going to shoot a three-pointer, he suddenly blocked Zhang Feng in front. By the way, although the OK group has continued conflicts off the court, they have now reached the finals, and the two parties have reached a short-term cooperation agreement for the 'championship'.

All the Lakers fans held their breath to watch Kobe Bryant make this three-pointer. If he made the three-pointer, he would go ahead by one point. If he didn't make the shot, the game would basically be declared lost.

Kobe didn't think much about shooting the basketball in his hands. He failed to score a three-pointer in the last two games.

After the shot, there were more than a dozen players on the field, and the entire audience was watching whether the ball went in or not.


With 8 seconds left in the game, Kobe Bryant hit this key three-pointer, and the Lakers temporarily led by one point 110:109.

After seeing him hit this quasi-winner, the 20,000 fans at Staples Center were already in shock. falling into a state of madness

"Kobe! MVP!"

"Kobe! MVP!"

"Kobe! MVP!"

"Kobe! MVP!".........

The entire audience was shouting Kobe Bryant's MVP voice.

At this time, Kobe had no smile on his face. because he knows...

The game is not over yet!

"Kobe Bryant made a three-pointer to redeem himself this time. There are only a few seconds left in the game. It depends on whether Zhang Feng can counterattack again. That way the game will be fun to watch!"

Barkley, as the commentator, was excited beyond words when he saw Kobe Bryant hit this crucial three-pointer..........

Kirilenko serves while standing outside the three-point line


Just when he was about to serve, Lakers head coach Phil Jackson suddenly called for a short timeout.

The one-point lead did not reassure him, and then he replaced all the fast and defensive defensive players in his team.

Malone O'Neal, who moved slowly and had no defense, was replaced.

As a result, only two starters, Fisher and Kobe, were on the court.

When the short timeout ended, Kirilenko served from the outside. Fisher and Kobe were double-teaming Zhang. Feng, don't let him get the ball easily.

All other Lakers players returned to their own half to prepare for defense.

_Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation.

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