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Chapter 413: Anxious Moment

There are two minutes left before the end of the game, and the Knicks are temporarily leading the Lakers by three points.

Lakers ball.

After Kobe dribbled the ball into the frontcourt, he was tightly guarded by Zhang Feng, making it difficult for him to break into the penalty area.

He had no choice but to look for opportunities to shoot from the outside. At this time, Kobe stood on the three-point line and kept dribbling with his hips, trying to shake Zhang Feng away.

He suddenly retreated outside the three-point line and made a direct pull-up. He did not expect that Kobe's shot would be so fast.

By the time he jumped up and reached out to interfere, it was already late, and he had already completed the shot.


Kobe's three-pointer hit the net again. He has already made four three-pointers in this game and his touch is hot.

He walked up to Zhang Feng and said trash talk with a proud look on his face.

"You can't stop me from continuing to score!"

After saying that, he threw himself into the game again.

The persistence in Black Mamba's eyes made Zhang Feng feel a sense of danger..........

105:105 With Kobe's three-pointer, the two teams were tied again, with only one and a half minutes left for Zhang Feng in the final time.

Knicks ball.

Zhang Feng dribbled the ball forward, and other teammates were always running around looking for opportunities.

Kobe still chose to defend him on the outside, and the two went tit-for-tat in the last quarter, neither of them convinced the other.

"I'm going to hit this three-pointer in front of you."

Zhang Feng pointed at Kobe and said confidently.

After saying that, he didn't make any difficult moves. He just stood up and shot a three-pointer.

Kobe already knew that he wanted to shoot a three-pointer and immediately jumped up in front of him. Defense.

Zhang Feng, who is tall and long-armed, directly pulls in front of Kobe. He can't defend. He can only reach out to cover Zhang Feng's eyes, which affects his shooting touch. Great shooting feel


Zhang Feng once again hit his sixth three-pointer of the game. He has practiced shooting three-pointers tens of thousands of times.

His [Infinite Form-Sniper Three-Pointer] was covered by Kobe, and it did not affect his shooting at all..........

Kobe could only smile bitterly when he saw that he could not stop Zhang Feng from scoring. This super rookie's scoring ability was much higher than imagined.

With one minute to go before the end of the game, the Knicks had a three-point lead over the Lakers.

Both teams will lose this game if they are careless in the last minute.

Lakers ball.

After Kobe dribbled the ball to the frontcourt, he saw Zhang Feng defending himself outside the three-point line as usual, and he knew this was an opportunity.

He hurriedly passed the basketball to O'Neal. When he was not in the penalty area, Mutombo was defending inside.

Originally, Zhang Feng wanted to defend O'Neal from outside, but he was in an undefended state when he defended Kobe in the penalty area.

In this last minute, Kobe's scoring ability is better than O'Bill's.........

O'Neal held the ball and hit Mubo with his back, and all his teammates opened up space.

The entire audience is paying attention to O'Neal's singles, which may determine the final victory of the game.

Seeing that he was being defended by the old guy Mutombo, he was very confident that he would be a sure success.

Use his big butt to squeeze Mutombo near the penalty area, and dunk directly in front of the basket that is close at hand.

Mutombo is not as strong as O'Neal. He can't defend but can help defend.

When he saw him jumping up to dunk, Mutombo jumped up directly this time and reached out to slam the basketball out of his hand.

This is his advantage when facing O'Neal, he is tall, has long arms and can jump high.

O'Neal never believed in his dreams that he was blocked by this old guy for a dunk.

"snort! snort! snort!"

"call! call! call!"

After using all his strength to block O'Neal for a dunk, Mutombo was breathing heavily when he landed.

He is about to retire, and he still has to fight with O'Neal in the penalty area. He has played more than 30 minutes in this game..

The basketball he slapped flew directly into the audience at the bottom line.

White Chocolate reacted the fastest and rushed to the bottom line. Before the basketball rushed out, he saved the basketball and passed it to Kirilenko. Due to inertia

, White Chocolate rushed directly into the audience.

Kirilenko quickly passed the basketball to Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng started the fast break at the fastest speed. Now the Knicks have three points left. In the second half of the minute, the Lakers returned to defense quickly. Payton and Kobe directly double-teamed him, trying to steal the basketball from his hands.

Zhang Feng passed the basketball to White Chocolate

Payton in time. Hold him tightly with both hands so that the referee blows the whistle in time........

"Didi! Payton defensive foul free throw!"

After the referee saw Payton's intentional foul, he hurriedly blew the whistle and sent him directly to the free throw line.

Now the Knicks are temporarily leading by three points. As long as White Chocolate makes a free throw, the game will be very stable.

Standing on the free throw line, the referee The basketball in his hand was passed to his hand.

At this time, White Chocolate looked solemn, took a deep breath and threw the basketball in his hand.


His free throw was so powerful that it hit the basket directly.

Zhang Feng saw Bai Chocolate's nervousness and ran over to comfort him in his ear.

"Don't think too much about yourself in your mind. I have full confidence in you."

After he said a few words, White Chocolate nodded and continued to prepare for free throws.

The Lakers players booed in front of him.


The second free throw was missed, and White Chocolate also gave a wry smile.........

The Knicks and Lakers still maintained a three-point advantage, and the basketball fell directly into Kobe's hands.

His missed two free throws gave the Lakers a great chance to come back. As long as they hit a three-pointer and enter overtime,

"What a pity. If White Chocolate had scored a free throw, it would have defeated the Lakers."

"My heart is pounding nervously now. What if the Lakers make this three-pointer and enter overtime?"

"White Chocolate was mentally weak and failed to withstand it at such a critical moment."

The Knicks fans at home saw that he missed two free throws, and they all regretted that he could not win such a good opportunity.

"Our opportunity has come. This time we will definitely hit a three-pointer to enter overtime."

After Kobe saw that he missed two free throws, he also clenched his fists. Now the Lakers' hopes are pinned on him.

With fifteen seconds left before the end of the game, the Lakers missed the last three points and entered overtime. Game.

Just when they were about to serve, the Knicks immediately pressed forward, especially when Kobe was directly double-teamed by Zhang Feng Kirilenko.

Now we all know that the Lakers can only rely on Kobe to shoot three-pointers, and the Knicks mainly defend. The focus was on Kobe.

The Lakers wanted to run out of opportunities, but the Knicks defended really well. Five seconds were about to pass, and it would be a foul if they didn't serve, and the ball would return to the Knicks' hands. At this critical moment, the veteran coach Phil Jackson called a long timeout in time and hurriedly replaced all big men like Marlon O'Neal who did not shoot three-pointers. Fisher and Rick Fox, who are better at shooting three-pointers. Players come in.

The Lakers lineup has undergone a new change. Kobe is the only starter on the court, and the others are substitutes who can shoot three-pointers.

_Fei Lu reminds you: Three things to read-Collect and recommend.

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