Chapter 349: Rookies are also crazy! [Please order in full, please give me a reward! 】


Regarding the request of the Four Heroes, Zhang Feng expressed his disgust.

You are the future superstars, and now you are so humble to please me and let you enter the All-Stars. This is really...


But Zhang Feng likes this tone very much.

Black spots!

Black spots!

This is a black spot that they will never be able to wash away in their lifetime.

Zhang Feng was shameless and saved screenshots of their private conversations about him and helping them canvass votes.

Little did we know that the Four Heroes would not be selected to the All-Stars in the next 10 years, that is, their rookie season........

"Ahem, okay"

"Come to New York in two days and let's record a video together"

"But I can't guarantee that all of you can make it to the All-Stars."

Zhang Feng replied one by one.

"Okay, Zhang, you are the brightest cub in New York, oh no, the world!"

——LeBron James

"social me���Brother, you are the best!"

——Carmelo Anthony

"Next time I come to Miami, I’ll take a one-stop service and I’ll take care of it."

——Dwyane Wade.......

A few days later, Zhang Feng found a time when his brothers were resting and recorded a short public welfare video.

"Hello Chinese fans, I am the little emperor LeBron James. Please do not hunt wild animals."

"Hello Chinese fans, I am Carmelo Anthony. Please do not hunt wild animals."

"Hello Chinese fans, I am Dwyane Wade, the Flash. Please do not hunt wild animals."

LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Carmelo Anthony practice this 'Chinese' sentence almost every day in order to win the votes of Chinese fans.

Say it today, let alone say it, with style. of...

Even without reading the subtitles, you can clearly hear what they are saying....

From this point of view alone, the efforts made by these three people in order to"debut" are much better than some fresh meat in later generations.

After recording the first three people, the camera focused on Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng suppressed the smile in his heart and said:"Family, I am their eldest brother - Zhang Feng, please do not hunt animals."".......

Zhang Feng spoke in Chinese, and Le Lang and the others naturally couldn't understand it.

However, afterward, Flash Wade asked curiously:"Zhang, what does big brother mean?"

Zhang Feng said with a serious face:"Brother means!"



After hearing Zhang Feng's explanation, LeBlanc and the others couldn't help but burst into tears of gratitude to Zhang Feng.

Yes, we are all brothers.

Don’t even say it!

The Four Heroes, headed by Zhang Feng, were sitting together, wearing suits, and their figures were not inferior to those of professional male models.

Including melon.

Because of Zhang Feng's sudden emergence, Melon is completely different from his previous life.

He trains very diligently, just to be able to defeat his good friends on the field!!!........

Zhang Feng handed this short video to the beautiful Chinese reporter who interviewed him some time ago.——‘Wang Lu’

"Wang Lu, can you help me promote this short film?"Zhang Feng said

"What short film?"

"If it meets the broadcast standards of our China TV station's"Basketball Park", I will definitely add it."

Wang Lu said

"Don't worry, it definitely matches"

"Full of positive energy."

Zhang Feng was very efficient and quickly sent the video to Wang Lu.

At this time, Wang Lu, who was still in the American hotel, opened the video and...

Watching with astonishment, four young NBA talents stood in a row wearing white suits....

Say something to protect wild animals respectively...

After Wang Lu saw the Chinese spoken by The Flash, she couldn't help but smile and thought to herself:"If this short film is played, no matter what angle it is judged from, it is worth playing."


When Wang Lu heard Zhang Feng speaking in the finale, she couldn't help laughing and squirted out the tea she had just drank.

"I am their eldest brother - Zhang Feng!"


This is simply bullying others for not understanding Chinese!

This Ah Feng is really bad..........

Another half month passed unknowingly.

All-Star voting has entered the second round.

The second round of All-Star votes caused an uproar across the United States.

Wang Ze is still sitting on the throne of voting king.

Ranked second is his compatriot Dayao.

The third one is UFO, the half-human and half-god flying flying man Cat!

Fourth is Kobe...

Fifth is Iverson.........

These people are not surprised, but what is surprising is that...

LeBron James!

Carmelo Anthony!

Dwyane Wade!

These rookies actually came in!!! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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