Dayao was blocked by the Knicks' forward defense, and on the offensive end, he was allowed to be pulled out of the paint by Uncle Bird or 'Zach Randolph', thus making Dayao's fatal flaw exposed.

Back and forth, Dayao only played 8 minutes in the first quarter, and only 4 minutes in the second quarter, and he was very tired.

And during the time when Dayao was not around...

The Rockets' inside line was almost overwhelmed by Zhang Feng.

Speaking of which, Zhang Feng is really cool.

When Dayao is on the court, he just throws three-pointers from the outside, transfers passes, or pretends to cut in a few times. There are only a few breakthroughs that really require physical exertion.

And after Dayao comes off the field,...

Warcraft Zhang Feng is in high spirits.

Various breakthroughs to the inside...

Korver and Psy Van Horn on the outside help him open up space.

As for veteran Africa Mountain's pick-and-roll, it also made Zhang Feng's breakthrough easier.

For this reason, this game...Only persisting until the first half of the fourth quarter, the Rockets gave up resistance and replaced all the substitute players.

The Knicks' offensive end tonight is explosive, especially when Dayao is gone.

As for the defensive end, it is also very good.

[Long Arm Combination] composed of Zhang Feng and AK47】...

It’s like a nightmare for the Rockets today...

Francis, the senior Cat Mobley, set a season high in turnovers.

Francis made 8 turnovers in this game.

Old Cat Mobley made 7 turnovers in this game.

The root cause of these mistakes is caused by Zhang Feng's terrifying long arms.......

Zhang Feng only played 32 minutes in this game, but he scored a near-triple-double with 45 points, 14 assists and 8 rebounds.

As for Dayao, he also performed very well, scoring the Rockets' highest 31 points, 11 rebounds and 3 blocks for an All-Star center.

But the Rockets' overall strength is still lagging behind.

In the end, the Rockets lost to the upstarts in the Eastern Conference, the New York Knicks, 89:109, with a score difference of 20 points.......

This season's Rockets are currently ranked seventh in the Western Conference. After losing this game, they fell directly to eighth.

The New York Knicks, the upstarts in the Eastern Conference, have climbed straight to the top of the Eastern Conference.

Because tonight's Pacers suffered an upset loss to the Denver Nuggets led by Carme

"Afon, well done. No home disappointed."After the game, Dayao and Feng hugged each other.

"Well, thank you, Brother Yao"

"The same to you"

"Hehe, Brother Yao, you can think about my proposal carefully."

Zhang Feng said with a smile

"Your proposal? The smart little Chinese giant reacted immediately and said affectionately and firmly:"No, Houston is half of my home and I will not leave.""

"Eh."After hearing Dayao's words, Zhang Feng couldn't help but sigh.

The Rockets were indeed kind to Dayao, but the Rockets' management and coaching staff were a bit stupid....

Let Dayao gain weight, what’s the result?...

NBA careers are too short

"Hehe, Afon, but I read on the news that James, Wade and Anthony all seem to have heard a lot of your suggestions."

"Is there anything you want to say to your brother Yao?"

Dayao said half-jokingly.

Of course, Dayao didn't think Zhang Feng really had any suggestions.

"Hey, Brother Yao, your touch is very soft. You can try to shoot three-pointers from the outside and practice your three-pointers."

"Plus, you don’t have to rely on other people’s advice to gain weight."

At this time, Zhang Feng said seriously, his face no longer had the exaggerated look during the previous conversation.

"Develop three points?"

"Not gaining weight?"

After hearing Zhang Feng's words, Dayao was a little stunned.

His strength is not dominant in the NBA, and he can't even squeeze through some strong power forwards. If he doesn't gain weight, wouldn't he become a defensive loophole?


Shoot a three-pointer?

This is not the center's job.

Seeing Yao's doubts, Zhang Feng thought to himself:"Brother Yao, you don't know. If the future center does not have a three-pointer, he will be embarrassed to come out."

Although Yao Ming is tall, he is different from those muscular men in the United States. Likewise, his touch is very delicate, and it is very possible to separate the three points.

In addition, if Dayao does not gain weight, although his resistance will be worse, it will be beneficial to his health.

If Dayao's weight is kept within the range of 128-132kg, he will have a certain degree of confrontation and can also perform some dance moves.

Then Dayao's history is very likely to change, from an All-Star center to a presence comparable to the superstar center in history.

"Brother Yao, think about this carefully."

"As for the Rockets' management, don't worry. If they dare to embarrass you, come to the Knicks."

"Hey, our Knicks door is always open for you."

Zhang Feng patted his chest and vowed, as if I could protect you.

"Haha, you kid, this is what you really mean."After Dayao heard Zhang Feng's words, he was quite moved.

Even though he was the No. 1 draft pick in the NBA, life in the United States was not what it was like.

Seeing Zhang Feng, a compatriot, he naturally felt like a fellow countryman meeting a fellow countryman, and his eyes welled up with tears........

After leaving the arena and heading to the team's hotel room, Zhang Feng thought about what would happen if Dayao really practiced three-pointers and didn't lose his flexibility due to weight gain.

His career should be amazing.... hey-hey..._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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