Suddenly, Michael Reed made a fake shot. This fake action was so realistic that he almost looked like he was about to leave the ground.

And this action also successfully deceived Zhang Feng....

But Zhang Feng, who has the advantages of height and wingspan, did not take off.

This move was proposed to Zhang Feng many times by Knicks coach Don Cheney.

"Afon, you have the advantage of height. When defending outside players, you don’t need to jump at all."

"Ah, but what if they shoot directly?"

"so what? Just stand on your toes. Remember, you are now a 206cm super big point guard, not the 193cm little guy before, you know?"


Indeed, as Michael Reid said, Zhang Feng himself did not realize this.

I am no longer the little man I used to be....

Why does Mao want to take off?...

Just stand on tiptoes...

Even so, the impact on them is not small.

Furthermore, if they really shoot in front of them, their own bullet speed can also prevent them from shooting from behind........

Although this fake move shook Zhang Feng's center of gravity, Zhang Feng did not take off. After Michael Reed broke through from his left wing, Zhang Feng quickly followed.

The pressure brought by the 120.5kg strong and powerful body caused Michael Reid's dribbling speed to decrease rapidly.

At the same time, the nearby birdman 'Chris Anderson' quickly lifted it out from the basket.

There is no way, after all, Michael Reid's shooting ability is very good.

Step by step, Michael Redd, who climbed from a second-round pick to the Bucks' boss, faced the sudden pounce of Birdman Anderson, and he didn't panic and just made a move....

However, just after Michael Redd took action, the Bucks' TJ Ford quickly reminded:"Be careful."

"careful?"Michael Reed was startled. According to Birdman's defense speed, he would never be able to block himself.

Why should I be careful?

After a moment, Michael Reed suddenly felt a black shadow coming from behind him....

A long arm stretched across his head...


Then he slapped Michael Reid's shot away........

"What a hat!"

"Well done!"

"Hahaha, it seems that Afeng has been able to clearly understand his talent."

At this time, the coach 'Don Cheney' in the New York coach's seat said with a look of relief.

As a tall player, if you can't use your talent, it would be a waste.

Height 206cm. Weight 120.5kg, wingspan 218.2cm. , there is a small hill in front of the defender.

In addition, his agility and speed are not weaker than those of a defender.

As long as he stands and reaches out, he can make these outside players fall into nightmares........

The basketball was slapped out of the boundary by Zhang Feng, and the Bucks still had the ball.

Center 'Brian Skinner' served the ball from the sideline, and he quickly handed it to Michael Reed. At this time, Zhang Feng followed him closely.

Michael Reed did not choose to go it alone again, but called the pick-and-roll from the inside players.

With the help of the pick-and-roll, Michael Reed burst in, but was replaced by the Birdman, who directly blocked the block.

"This big guy with a hedgehog head is so fast."

"Yes, although he is very rough on the offensive end."

"But he has different talents on the defensive end."

Seeing that the little-known 'Chris Anderson' in the NBA has performed well under the Knicks' system, the Bucks' home fans are talking about it........

After the Birdman nailed the block, Zhang Feng protected the rebound.

After protecting, Zhang Feng advanced with the ball.

The Bucks' offense and defense transitioned quickly. At this time, four players had already returned to defense.

But Zhang Feng didn't care so much, he just dribbled the ball and made a fierce attack....

"Whoosh!"With a sound, he first used his speed to pass Tim Thomas, and then Joe Smith followed.

As the power forward of the Bucks, he is very good in terms of strength....

Zhang Feng used his strength to knock it away....

Just when he was about to rush into the penalty area...

Suddenly a gust of wind rushed past the flank...


The basketball in Zhang Feng's hand was cut off by a quick bolt of lightning

"Well done, TJ Ford"

"Haha, TJ Ford use your speed to speed him up, you are the fastest player on our planet."

The Bucks' on-site commentator said loudly and excitedly after seeing TJ Ford steal the ball........

"Although Afon's ability to break through with the ball is very good, he is too tall. Just like Magic John in the past, he is easy to steal the ball when faced with short players with extraordinary speed."

"The reasonable way to play is to observe the game situation and then make a decision."、

Zhang Lili analyzed:

To be honest, what Zhang Lili said is absolutely correct.

This is indeed a huge factor restricting Zhang Feng's dominance........

Returning to the court, after TJ Ford successfully stole the ball, he rushed straight to the backcourt like a flash of lightning.

During this period, Kurt Thomas tried to steal the ball, but was passed by TJ Ford's disguised acceleration.

Seeing the empty basket in front of him, TJ Ford smiled slightly and thought to himself:

"Hum, Zhang Feng, I admit that you are very strong"

"But when it comes to speed, I'm the fastest man on the planet."........

However, just when TJ Ford wanted to end the offense with a slam dunk...

Suddenly, the coach's nervous shouts came from the sidelines.

"Idiot, watch your back."

TJ Ford, who had already taken off at this time, was slightly startled. From the corner of his eye, he saw a cold and stern look that looked like a ferocious beast coming out of its cage....

The whole person couldn't help being frightened.... he...

He actually caught up?


Zhang Feng's big hand slammed the basketball directly onto the backboard.

At the same time, the other big hand also grabbed the rebound.

"Chasing the big hat!"

"Oh, no, this is supposed to be catching someone's hat."......_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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