The third game of the preseason, New York Knicks vs. Detroit Pistons.

As the hegemon of the Eastern Conference, the Detroit Pistons do not have any superstars.

But the overall strength of the team is outstanding, and it has the flavor of the Iron-Blooded Pistons of the past.

In this game, due to the departure of Madman, Brazilian Lightning 'Barbosa' was appointed as the starting shooting guard. In addition, Korver, who was traded, is still on his way to the Knicks, so no one can fill the gap at the shooting guard.

However, Barbosa's weak defense allowed the NBA's Masked Man 'Hamilton' to get whatever he wanted.

Although it is the Brazilian Lightning, it can only suffer in the face of Hamilton who cannot run to death.

In addition, Zhang Feng's performance in this game was also a bit sluggish.

Facing the second-year rookie Tayshawn Prince and the help of Ben Wallace, Zhang Feng was frustrated many times on the offensive end.

In this game, he made 6 of 15 shots and only scored 19 points, 5 rebounds and 7 assists.

As the No. 1 pick in previous years, facing the Eastern Conference overlords, it is actually quite good to achieve this result.

But for Zhang Feng, who is known as the"strongest number one pick in history", this result is obviously unsatisfactory........

The fourth game of the preseason, New York Knicks vs. St. Anthony Spurs.

In this game, Zhang Feng felt explosive in the first quarter. He made 6 three-pointers in a single quarter and scored 21 points. He directly crushed the opponent Tony Parker, a French sports car.

However, in the second quarter, things took a sudden turn.

The player defending Zhang Feng was changed from a French sports car to 'Bruce Bowen'. This guy has ruined countless people.

But to be honest, his defense is really good and tough.

Facing Bruce Bowen's defense, Zhang Feng was kicked by him when he broke through. However, this action was very hidden, and the referee just gave an ordinary technical foul.

Seeing Zhang Feng lying on the ground in pain, the Knicks generals were very angry.

Bowen, this old guy, is really nothing. Didn’t he just cum on you a few times?

Why do you do this?

Zhang Feng was not a coward. He endured the pain and raised his fist to swing at Bowen.

Zhang Feng is 206cm tall, weighs 115.5kg, and his strength is comparable to that of elite insiders. With one punch, Bowen was stunned.

However, Zhang Feng is still just a new recruit.

Little did he know about Bowen's cunningness. Bowen did not fight back, but fell to the ground in response.

This scene almost caused a fight between players from both sides.

The three people on the team who had the best relationship with Zhang Feng, Barbosa, Anderson, and Zach Randolph, the social bear brother, started fighting with the Spurs directly.

It doesn’t matter who you are as the No. 21 pick, or who you are as the most powerful forward in history.

The big black bear greeted him directly.

Of course, due to the timely intervention of the referee and coach, the fight came to an abrupt end........

Soon, Zhang Feng, Randolph, and Barbosa, the three New York newcomers, were all ejected from the field.

As for the Spurs, it was much lighter, that is, Bowen received an ordinary technical foul penalty.

This made Knicks fans extremely dissatisfied.

Although Bowen's acting skills are good, the black foot obviously wants to destroy Zhang Feng.

In addition, Knicks fans really appreciate Zhang Feng's impulsive behavior.

As Zhang Feng and the others walked towards the players' tunnel, the applause was thunderous and deafening........

In the 2003-04 NBA, the Brawl at the Palace of Auburn Hills had not yet occurred.

The penalties for fights are not as harsh as they were in the small ball era.

After all, in basketball in this era, conflicts of this scale often occur.

Coupled with the fact that the incident happened for a reason, Knicks fans and Chinese people jointly protested, which allowed Zhang Feng, who knocked out Bowen with one punch, not to be severely punished.

Zhang Feng was fined US$100,000, and the other two were fined US$10,000 and US$5,000 respectively.

Regarding this fine, Knicks owner James Dolan directly paid the fine for the three people. At the same time, he also said that he would donate the same amount of fines to charity.

From this move, it can be seen that the Knicks boss appreciates the vigor of several young people on the team. on the other hand.

Due to being tiptoed by Bowen, Zhang Feng sprained his ankle. Zhang Feng's injury resistance reached [80], which is not very serious and can be recovered in about two weeks.


As a man who dared to reject Adi's seven-year $96.5 million contract before entering the NBA, he was injured in the preseason.

This will inevitably make it difficult for the media not to hype this matter up

"It seems that God really favors 'Adi', otherwise the US$96.5 million in the past 7 years would have been given to a glass man."

"There is no shortage of talent in the NBA, but looking at the history of the NBA, how many people can redeem their talent?"

"With a vitreous constitution and a violent personality, there is no doubt that he is the biggest parallel importer after Kwame Brown.".......

Three days later, I was lying on the hospital bed, watching these negative news about myself.

A sharp gaze shot out from Zhang Feng's eyes.

Although Zhang Feng knows the urinal nature of the media, a game can blow you to the sky, but it can also degrade you to hell.

But seeing the ridicule and ridicule from these media, the anger in Zhang Feng's heart burned brightly.

At this time, Zhang Feng walked down from the hospital bed, put on his jersey and sneakers, and planned to find a basketball court to vent his anger.

Suddenly, the nurse came in and said anxiously:"Sir, you can't get out of bed now."

"your foot hurts...not yet..."

The chief doctor said that Zhang Feng's injury will take almost half a month to recover. It has only been three days now. If the injury recurs, this hospital will not be attacked by Knicks fans.



After saying that, Zhang Feng jumped up with all his strength,"Whoa!""With a click, he easily touched the ceiling, which was much higher than the basket.

"But..."The nurse still looked anxious

"Okay, I'm going to do a checkup first."Zhang Feng said helplessly.

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