Jamal Crawford is a master in ball control and breakthrough, and his speed is also top-notch in the league. He is in the same league as Mike Bibby and Jason Kidd.

Of course, Jamal Crawford's biggest flaw is that he is too thin. When encountering tough defense, he can only rely on his touch.

At this time, Ke Liu received Pippen's pass and started a fast break.

As fast as a gust of wind.

At this time, everyone in the New York Knicks had given up on chasing, including the madman 'Sprewell' who was closest to Crawford. He just made a gambling steal and left it alone.

After all, this kind of pursuit is meaningless at all. If you can't stop him, it's a waste of energy.

However, in an instant, everyone saw a bolt of lightning approaching Jamal Crawford.

Zhang Feng, who activated [Cap Chaser] Level 3, rushed towards 'Ke Liu' desperately.’

"Uh, Ah Feng is not calm enough!"A commentator at the scene said

"Yes, I'm so uncool. This kind of pursuit is completely pointless...."Another person echoed

, but just in the middle of the sentence...

The narrator stopped short.

Zhang Feng, who was 4 meters away from Keliu at the beginning, got infinitely closer after a chase....

Keliu, who was on a fast break, noticed Zhang Feng chasing behind him out of the corner of his eye. He was also surprised and said to himself:"What the hell is this kid? His speed without the ball is too fast.""

"But, kid, you are still a little immature."

There was a smile on Jamal Crawford's lips, and he was not too worried about Zhang Feng's pursuit.

On the contrary, Jamal Crawford, who is experienced in fast breaks, slowed down his pace Come down,"Run!""With a click, he jumped up. Zhang Feng saw this and jumped up almost at the same time. However, Crawford used a big windmill lever in mid-air to avoid it.

The basketball was switched from left hand to right hand....

He rowed out lightly.

At this time, Zhang Feng had already landed after being deceived by Ke Liu's fake move.

"snort!"Zhang Feng, who saw that he was being teased, jumped up hard after landing.

The astonishing speed of the bullet was like a rocket taking off.

In an instant, the whole person had reached the highest point,"Pop!"sound...Fingertips touched Jamal Crawford's windmill layup...

The basketball that was disturbed popped out of the frame...


"I can’t believe it, I succeeded in chasing the hat."

"He is truly worthy of being our Knicks’ super rookie—Warcraft Zhang Feng!"

At this time, the DJ on the scene screamed again, completely forgetting what he said before, this kind of hat-chasing is meaningless and just a waste of energy.......

It wasn't over yet. Zhang Feng, who missed Crawford's shot, took off for the third time and struggled to pick off the rebound.

Reorganize the attack.

Just after halftime, Scottie Pippen came again.

Facing Pippen's defense, Zhang Feng, who had been intercepted once before, did not show any weakness, let alone escape.

"Haha, A Feng is so brave"

"How dare he challenge Pippen again."

The DJ at the scene couldn't help laughing.

In the United States, individual heroism is greatly admired.

The audience couldn't help but applaud when they saw that Zhang Feng became more and more courageous and dared to challenge Pippen again.......


Zhang Feng simply dribbled the ball twice and then suddenly made a fake gesture of worshiping Buddha....

Praying to the Buddha, in fact, means pretending to shoot and lighten the opponent's center of gravity.

But obviously, Pippen, the second-in-command with 6 championships, ignored him at all....

"Boy, your worship to Buddha is not pious enough." Pippen joked

"Well..."Zhang's plump face has black lines. The old gun in front of him is almost retired, but he still has nothing to say defensively.

Simply... say!

"Old guy, don’t follow me all the time, even though I’m handsome, rich, and sexy..."

"Get out of the way quickly, I will knock you down later, and others will say that I do not respect the old and care for the young."

Faced with the veteran's joke, Zhang Hou shamelessly fought back.

This is the first time that Pippen, who has been in the league for more than ten years, has seen something like this....Weird little guy.

However, as the second in charge of the Bulls dynasty, how can he be easily shaken?


His right hand once again hit the basketball in Zhang Feng's hand, almost knocking it down.

"fuck! This veteran's defense is simply airtight."Zhang Feng complained in his heart.

Seeing that he could not get past Pippen alone, and when he was trying to get his teammates to pick and roll him, the fat 'Zach Randolph' took the initiative to step forward and use the pick and roll.

Zhang Feng quickly followed it, and Pippen Peng's ability to get around pick-and-rolls at his peak was one of the few in the league, but now that he is old, he is no match for Zhang

Feng in terms of speed.

【[Tank Breakthrough] activated, with arrogant strength, he directly resisted the second-year boxing champion.

Zhang Feng strode into the inside lane.

Another Chicago tower, 'Antonio Davis', made timely defense and made the save.

Zhang Feng, who was surrounded by the twin towers, did not force the ball this time, but passed it to the second generation of Big Bird who ran towards the bottom corner.’——Van Horn.

White shooter catches and shoots!

Three points into the net!


Splashing waves


"Nice pass!"

"Beautiful three points!"

The DJ on the scene praised.

At this time, Zhang Feng and the second-generation Big Bird 'Van Horn' completed a high-five happily.

Seeing Zhang Feng who has a better relationship with the players on the court, the madman Sprewell became more and more excited. It's not a taste.

According to this trend, this damn rookie will soon ride on his head.

In the next round, the Madman's defense showed an uncool scene and directly gambled for a steal. However, this was missed by Jamal. -Crawford dribbled behind his back and followed up with a fast break.

Once it gets crazy, it's a super rhythm, but that doesn't mean he can't pass the ball.

Facing Zhang Feng's pursuit, Keliu, who had suffered a loss once, passed the ball to Pippen who was open and shot from the top of the arc!

"Uh-huh!"Hit with a hit.

A three-pointer in return.........

In this way, the game progressed to 7 minutes and 31 seconds of the second quarter.

Chicago Bulls 42vs38, leading the Knicks by 4 points.

The coaches of both sides replaced the starters on the field again, and after almost finishing the first half, they began to enter the bench training stage.

During the break, Zhang Feng upgraded the 4 blocks he obtained in the game with a total of 200 skill points.

"Ding, congratulations on the host's [Vision] being increased from [72] to [73], consuming 100 skill points."

"Ding, congratulations on raising the host's [Ankle Terminator] Lv2 (0/100) to [Ankle Terminator] Lv3 (0/500), which consumes 100 skill points."......

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