New York Knicks starting lineup:

Point guard: Zhang Feng, height 206cm, weight 115.5kg (official weight is 105.5kg, but due to taking [muscle-building drugs] two days ago, the weight increased dramatically without losing athletic ability 10kg)

Shooting guard: Latrell Sprewell, height 196cm, weight 89kg; small forward: Scott Thomas, height 206cm, weight 104kg; power forward: Keith Van Horn, height 208cm, weight 105kg; center: Dikembe Mutombo, height 218cm, weight 121kg;.......

This game is quite interesting. The Bulls' starting point guard is also this year's rookie 'Kirk Hinrich', who was selected by Chicago with the 8th overall pick.

In addition, although the New York Knicks performed well in the summer league, it was not the main game. It was just a proving ground for rookies. There is a huge gap between them and the NBA.

But in the preseason, it's different.

Although big-name stars will not use their full strength, it can basically be seen how good a rookie is?

There is no doubt that the focus of tonight's game is all on Zhang Feng, the NBA's super rookie.

How strong is a man who dares to reject Adidas's 96.5 million for 7 years, a man who makes current NBA superstars tempted by huge amounts of endorsements? Still really stupid?

In addition, the outside world also wants to see whether the New York Knicks' reconstruction is successful?

Is there any conflict within the Knicks?.......

"drop!"The referee's whistle sounded.

The centers of both sides jumped the ball.

Uncle Mu of the African Mountains vs. Eddie Curry, the Little Shark.

Obviously, Uncle Mu, who has better height and wingspan, got the rebound first.

Zhang Feng took the lead and picked up the basketball. After arriving, immediately launch a fast attack

"OMG, come and see what this rookie is going to do?"

"This is just the beginning, and I am already full of energy and want to have a big fight!"

The DJ on the scene said loudly......

Zhang Feng's speed was extremely fast, like a bolt of lightning, he directly squeezed out of the way of 'Kirk Hinrich' who wanted to entangle him, went inside, and took advantage of the rest of the Bulls team not being able to defend in time, and completed a single shot. arm glide chop



"This is our top pick, No. 13 Zhang Feng from Syracuse University!!!"

The Knicks home DJ went completely crazy.

He didn't expect that this game had just started and it would be so exciting.

On the other hand, Zhang Feng, who weighed 115.5kg, couldn't help but sigh. The increase in weight made it difficult for him to break through. become more relaxed......

Chicago offense.

Kirk Hinrich advanced with the ball. Facing Zhang Feng, Hinrich, a white player, was very smart. Instead of confronting Zhang Feng head-on, he chose to let his teammate 'Eddie Curry' pick and roll for him.

Eddie Curry's pick-and-roll quality is very high, which is due to his huge size.

Eddie Curry, who weighs 213cm, weighs 134kg.

Nicknamed 'Baby Shark'.

After the pick-and-roll, the Knicks can only switch defenses.

Eddie Curry vs Zhang Feng!

Kirk Hinrich vs. Uncle Mu from Africa!

Kirk Hinrich puts the basketball in the hands of Shaq 'Eddie Curry'.

Eddie Curry posts up Zhang Feng in the low post


"Our top pick is going to be bullied"

"This Chicago rookie is really bad."

The Knicks home commentator said angrily.......

Super tonnage center vs point guard, no matter how you look at it, the point guard wants GG rhythm.

But at this time, a shocking scene occurred on the field.

Zhang Feng, who was standing behind Little Shark, actually withstood Little Shark's first hard attack.

"boom!"A moment... sizzling....

The audience in the first row clearly heard the sound of the friction between the floor and sneakers.


"Oh, my God!"

"Our new owner of the Knicks, Warcraft Zhang Feng, actually withstood the little shark who was 213cm tall and weighed 134kg."

The DJ on the scene became excited again......

"Huh...this...The strength is so terrifying."Little Shark was stunned. This is not the power of a point guard. Even a top-notch insider is nothing more than this.

But then, Little Shark gathered his strength and bumped into Zhang Feng again.

This collision!

Zhang Feng! Feng was finally knocked back half a step.

Despite this, everyone was still shocked by Zhang Feng's performance.

You must know that the opponent was a heavyweight insider second only to Shark O'Neal, but it did not cause a one-sided trend........

One chisel!

Two chisels!

Three chisels!

The little shark used all his strength to knock Zhang Feng back to the basket.

Suddenly, the little shark turned over and violently ate.

Although Zhang Feng is known as a magical beast, with sufficient strength and weight, he is still a bit inferior when facing such a behemoth.

Under the brute force of the little shark, Zhang Feng's body leaned back.

But the small shark's bullet speed and bounce are not at the same level as those of the big shark.

He couldn't knock Zhang Feng away and dunked directly into the basket.

The little shark squeezed Zhang Fenghou away, and his strength was almost exhausted, so he could only shoot.

At this time, Zhang Feng's 218.2cm long arms blocked Little Shark's shot when his body lost balance and fell backwards.




For a moment, everyone's eyes widened, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

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