The next day, Zhang Feng finished his physical examination at the Chicago United Trial Training Center.

News about him swept across the United States

"The best rookie in history! The next magician? Or the next Barkley?"

——《Reported by America Today

"Zhang Feng, the super newcomer from China, has a physical fitness that far exceeds that of Jordan!"

——《The New York Times reports

"Astonishing physical test data, the sky is his limit"

——《Los Angeles Weekly reports......

"Zhang Feng?"

"Zhang Feng, Asian or Chinese?"

"Oh my God, what happened to China recently? First there was the little giant Dayao, and now there is the monster Zhang Feng. Is China’s basketball about to rise?"

"Ahem, is it true? Why do people say that they surpass Jordan every year? What’s the result?..."

"Yes, today’s news media are too messy in order to grab people’s attention."

People in the United States have different attitudes after seeing these overwhelming news.

It is true that every year in the NBA, there will be some rookies with explosive physical fitness....

Comparable to Jordan, even better than Jordan.

But what about the result?...

The most impressive player in recent years is undoubtedly the No. 1 pick of the Wizards, Kwame Brown. His physical test data is also unbelievably strong. He was also chosen by the God of Basketball, Michael Jordan, and eventually became a player in the NBA. The laughingstock, a famous parallel importer in the league.

But then again.

Zhang Feng's physical test data at the Chicago United Trial and Training Center were truly amazing.

Naked height: 206cm

Wearing shoes: 208cm

Weight: 105.5kg

Wingspan: 218cm

Vertical jump: 105.8cm

Run-up height: 114.7cm

100-meter speed: 10.48 seconds

Crossing the entire field: 6.35 seconds

84kg Bench press: 25 times

Maximum bench press: 190kg body fat content: 7.3%......

As a point guard, Zhang Feng's height after wearing shoes has surpassed Magic John. At the same time, he has also become the tallest point guard in NBA history.

Weighing 105.5kg, this weight is undoubtedly unique among point guards.

It has even reached the standard of an NBA small forward.

Wingspan 218cm...This coveted wingspan can make him a nightmare for outside players.

Vertical jump and run-up height are both standards for NBA springers.

The 100-meter speed of 10.48 seconds is also an elite level among NBA point guards, second only to monster players like Iverson.

84kg bench press, up to 25 reps...This statistic makes 80% of NBA insiders feel ashamed.

Maximum bench press 190kg...Among NBA rookies in 2003, he was tied for first place with LeBron James........

From a purely physical perspective, Zhang Feng is indeed a monster. Among the 2003 NBA rookies, the only one who is on par with Zhang Feng is LeBron James.

But Zhang Feng is 3cm taller than LeBron James.

In addition, the arm span should also be longer by 4cm.

As soon as the physical test data came out, Zhang Feng was listed on the ESPN rookie prediction list, which reduced many voices questioning his becoming the No. 1 pick.

In the month before this, LeBron James and Zhang Feng had always been at each other's throats.

But as soon as the physical test data came out, Zhang Feng seemed to be slightly over half a step ahead.

Of course, as the two proud sons of heaven, many people have compared them.

From [physical fitness]】、【Growth potential】、【defense】、【attack】、【backboard】、【Organization] etc.

In terms of physical fitness, the two are evenly matched.

In terms of growth potential, Zhang Feng is a few months younger than LeBron James, so it's almost a tie.

In terms of defense, LeBron James's outside defense is much better than Zhang Feng's, but in terms of inside defense, the scouts' opinions are very consistent. Zhang Feng has unparalleled inside blocking talent. Of course, this is mainly related to the fact that Zhang Feng's blocks have reached the NBA's full level [99].

Generally speaking, LeBron James is better. After all, blocks are not necessarily used for your interior defense.

Offensively, James' breakthroughs are more lethal than Zhang Feng's, and he is better at taking advantage of changes in body and rhythm. However, when it comes to shooting, Zhang Feng is a monster, at least in the NCAA. Overall, Zhang Feng is slightly better.

Regarding rebounds, although LeBron James's rebounds are very good, there is a line in Zhang Feng's scouting report that his rebounding sense is not weaker than Rodman and Barkley. There is no doubt that Zhang Feng wins in terms of rebounding.

Organization, LeBron James' organizational talent is historical. Zhang Feng has narrow vision and ordinary player-level passing ability. At this point, LeBron James completely defeated Zhang Feng.

Ball control is related to organization and offense. Although LeBron James' ball control is simple and crude and lacks beauty, he is better than Zhang Feng in terms of ball protection ability.

Personality, LeBron James's scouting report said"good commander", Zhang Feng wrote"paranoid"’.......

A few days later, after Zhang Feng's workout with the Knicks, the media swarmed him.

Asked a lot of weird questions.

But there is a question that is often raised

"Dear Mr. Warcraft, do you want to be the next Magic John?"

"No! Zhang Feng said categorically:"I am who I am!" I am Zhang Feng!"

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