When Shohoku attacked, Miyagi Ryota was said to have the speed of"lightning and flint". However, under Zhang Feng's defense, his height became a fatal injury.

Any extraordinary skills have become a decoration.

This made Ryota Miyagi become impatient.

At the same time, Zhang Feng seized a loophole in Miyagi Ryota who made a mistake while busy, and activated [Lightning Stealing].

A human-shaped lightning seemed to appear in front of Miyagi Ryota's eyes.

Immediately afterwards...

Miyagi Ryota discovered that the basketball in his hand was missing.


"Damn it!"

Miyagi Ryota, who was intercepted, quickly pursued the defense.


The"electric light and flint" that the outside world calls it is completely inadequate in front of Zhang Feng.

After chasing for a certain distance, I could only watch Zhang Feng leave.

When Zhang Feng arrived one step ahead of the free throw line, he jumped up with a sound of"crush".




"No way!"


The audience saw Zhang Feng take off from the free throw line and soar with one arm for a dunk.

I couldn't help but be stunned and dumbfounded.

You must know that even in the whole of Japan, I am afraid there is no one person who can do it.

But the high school student in front of everyone was trying.

Zhang Feng, who can jump as high as [92], already has the jumping ability of an NBA spring man.

Plus a height of 193cm and a wingspan of 208cm...

Slam dunk from the free throw line, not too difficult.

Zhang Feng was like walking in the air. After walking for a certain distance, a burst of explosions sounded.




"It's really a monster, it's simply terrifying."

Seeing Zhang Feng's successful slam dunk, the arena suddenly started to boil.




For a moment, the cheers and applause almost tore off the roof of the stadium.

At this time, Ludo Yohei and others sitting in the audience couldn't help but said:"I can't imagine that there is someone stronger than a single-celled creature like Sakuragi."


"I can't imagine it"...

"Sakuragi, defend carefully." Takenori Akagi, who was still under the basket on the other side, patted Sakuragi Hanamichi on the shoulder and said

"Um."Sakuragi Hanamichi, who had been staring at Zhang Feng's back, came to his senses and said,

"Xiangbei Attack"

"Liangtian, don't be impulsive, he is not that easy to deal with!"

Akagi once again warned Miyagi Ryota who was catching the ball from the baseline.

"Um."The unwilling Miyagi Ryota nodded.

This time, Miyagi Ryota forced himself to calm down.

He did not dare to risk another breakthrough.

The basketball was once again transferred to the hands of Mitsui Hisashi.

This time, Mitsui Hisashi missed it slightly.

"Dang!"With a sound, the basketball bounced out of the frame.

Competition for rebounds!

Naito vs. Sakuragi

Hanamichi. Naito had the advantage in strength and weight. According to Zhang Feng's instructions before the game, Sakuragi Hanamichi was stuck to death.

But Zhang Feng was quite surprised. yes...

Sakuragi Hanamichi, who failed to take advantage of the first jump, actually pointed the ball into the air and picked off the rebound the second time.


Uozumi felt bad. Sakuragi Hanamichi, a beginner, had made great progress. One-on-one, Naito couldn't guard him.

However, just when Yuzhu came to help Naito assist in defense,...

Sakuragi quickly passed the ball to Mitsui Hisashi on the outside.

"Mistress!"Sakuragi shouted.

After Mitsui Shou caught the ball, he feinted a shot and sent off-road Hiroaki flying. He took a horizontal step and dodged to the left!

He raised the knife and dropped it!

Flame Boy!

Fight back strongly!......

"This shot from No. 14 is really beautiful."

"Logically speaking, this level should not be discovered just now."

In the audience, 'Morohoshi' who has not played against Mitsui Hisashi said:

Mitsui Hisashi made 3 of 3 three-pointers in the opening game.

Although there is a certain amount of luck in shooting, Mitsui Hisashi's shooting posture, shooting time, and The strong self-confidence in my heart, I can tell at a glance that it is definitely not the kind of luck.

"He was the MVP of Kanagawa Prefecture when he was in junior high school. It's a pity that he was idle for two years. Otherwise, he would be the MVP now...."Not far away, Fujima Kenji expressed regret for Mitsui Hisashi.

"ah! That's it"

"No wonder."

Tsuchiya Jun and Nan Lie were slightly startled.......

The two sides went back and forth like this for several times.

Shohoku mainly relied on Hanamichi Sakuragi's rebounds and Hisashi Mitsui's three-pointers.

As for Lingnan, it is in full bloom.

In addition to Zhang Feng, who can't guard anyone, there are also Xiandao and Yuzhu who can shoot three-pointers.

The score was very tight, and Lingnan was never able to widen the gap.

The key to this is Hisashi Mitsui, who exploded in this game.

Mitsui Hisashi, who fought against the odds, showed his tenacious will.

Even in the face of Zhang Feng's defense, Mitsui Hisashi's confidence still did not waver.

Of course, the price is physical strength...

Two years of vacancy left Mitsui Hisashi's physical strength and endurance extremely poor......

At 5 minutes and 31 seconds of the first half, Shohoku once again relied on Mitsui Hisashi's fifth three-pointer to bring the score back to [18:21], only trailing by three points.

"drop!", the referee's whistle sounded.

The Lingnan team requested a timeout.

There is no doubt that this timeout is mainly aimed at Mitsui Hisashi's strong point.

Mitsui Hisashi has entered a desperate state, unless it is Zhang Feng, others cannot guard him at all.

But It was impossible for Zhang Feng to defend Mitsui Hisashi, because this would allow Kaede Rukawa and Ryota Miyagi to move into the inside.

Therefore, Shigeichi Taoka sent Ryoji Ikegami to the field, and followed the substituted cross country. Hong Ming said:"Off-road, Lingnan's future is yours, take a good look at how Chishang defends"

"Um."The cross-country Hongming who became the ATM of this game felt very guilty. When he heard the coach's words, he felt that he was sorry for the coach's trust. He lowered his head and said in response......

After returning from timeout.

Lingnan attacks.

Zhang Feng made a huge disguise and stepped past Rukawa Kaede's right wing.

The domineering first step left Rukawa Kaede, who had emerged in the national competition this year, helpless.

After breaking into the inside line, Sakuragi Hanamichi followed.

"Ah Feng, don’t think about it."The hunched-over Sakuragi Hanamichi focused his eyes on Zhang Feng who was dribbling.

"hey-hey."A smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Feng's mouth, and then, a Sam God almost knocked Sakuragi Hanamichi down.

However, Sakuragi Hanamichi, as the second strongest player in overall physical fitness in the high school league, quickly stabilized himself The center of gravity was chasing Zhang Feng, who was on the inside.

At the same time, Rukawa Kaede, the first line of defense that Zhang Feng had passed, was chasing Zhang Feng at an alarming speed. It

's almost like racing on a racing track....

The final champion was Zhang Feng.

Rukawa Kaede and Sakuragi Hanamichi wanted to block shots, but in the end Zhang Feng took the lead and dunked the basketball into the basket.

After dunking, Zhang Feng playfully patted the buttocks of Sakuragi Hanamichi and Rukawa Kaede respectively....

Just like in the previous life, in the All-Star Game, when faced with James who failed to catch up, Nacha patted his butt, as if swearing:"This era belongs to me!!!" ps: Today will be a slam dunk chapter. end!

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