Zhang Feng took the field for less than three minutes and already led Lingnan to a 15:2 performance.

However, Zhang Feng was not disappointed because the Xiangbei team was not knocked down by his own momentum.

On the contrary, whether it was Rukawa Kaede, Sakuragi Hanamichi or Akagi Takenori, they all became more and more focused during the game.

Especially Sakuragi Hanamichi, who almost destroyed the pass to Naito Tetsuya several times.

It has to be said that Sakuragi Hanamichi has a natural talent for basketball.

During the game, he understood the 'correct instructions' for forward defense on his own.

In terms of rebounding, if it weren't for Zhang Feng's pressure, they might have scored 64 points with Yuzhu.

Sakuragi Hanamichi 6!

Fish lives in 4!......

However...The disparity in strength gave Xiangbei a glimmer of hope.

When the point difference was widened to 25 points,...

Zhang Feng plans to teach the Geminis in northern Hunan a good lesson.

1 minute and 30 seconds into the second half.

Zhang Feng defends Rukawa Kaede who is attacking with the ball

"What, you don’t dare to attack anymore?"Zhang Feng started talking rubbish.

"snort."Rukawa Kaede snorted, and he gave up passing the ball.

Outside the three-point line, he began to dribble constantly, finding his most comfortable rhythm.

A fake move to pretend to shoot....

But Zhang Feng was unmoved. Instead, he slapped the basketball in Rukawa Kaede's hand and flew it away.

"What can you do without shooting?"

"My stupid junior brother!"

"Hate it!"

Zhang Feng said these words by mistake.

Rukawa Feng was so angry that he almost vomited blood....

Doesn't this bastard look like a senior?

Rukawa Kaede's breakthrough is very sharp, comparable to the first-year Immortal.

But he doesn’t have a proficient mid-range shot, which makes Zhang Feng not feel too comfortable on defense........

Side kick!

Rukawa Kaede continued to catch the ball and prepared to attack.

At this time, Akagi quickly raised a pick-and-roll for him outside the three-point line.

Rukawa Kaede took a look and quickly used Akagi's cover to move down.


He still underestimated Zhang Feng's ability to bypass defenses.

Zhang Feng, whose speed has far exceeded the level of this league, will catch up with Rukawa Kaede in a few steps.


Rukawa Kaede's face was livid.

Since junior high school, he has only been so frustrated on the basketball court twice.

And these two times were brought to him by the same person!!!

Rukawa Kaede worked hard and prepared to break out and jump. After reaching the air, he tried to use the lever to get rid of Zhang Feng.

However, what Rukawa Feng never expected was that Zhang Feng's wingspan was really amazing.


A nail-biting block shocked the entire audience.

At the same time, Zhang Feng also accepted the rebound........

"Stupid brother!"

"You are really weak!"

Zhang Feng looked at Rukawa Kaede playfully and said.

Rukawa Kaede didn't speak, and followed Zhang Feng who was advancing with the ball expressionlessly.

"asshole!"At this time, an angry sound sounded from Zhang Feng's flank.

Sakuragi Hanamichi unexpectedly rushed over...

Amazing speed!

At this time, Rukawa Kaede's eyes lit up, he saw the right opportunity, and prepared to steal him in the chaos.

【[Second Pass to the King] starts...

Vision +20!

Zhang Feng suddenly swung it hard, and the veins on his face were exposed


The basketball hit the ground from the crotch of Sakuragi Hanamichi who came quickly, and bounced into the hands of Tetsuya Naito.

Naito catches the ball under the basket and eats the pie!

Another two-handed dunk!

After successfully dunking, Naito roared domineeringly.

After running to Zhang Feng, he immediately seemed to be a different person, and said meekly and obediently:"Boss, your passing is really comfortable."

Uh.... sweat...

Sakuragi Hanamichi and others looked confused when they saw the contrast in this scene.........

3 minutes and 08 seconds of the second half.

After Zhang Feng caught the ball inside, he made a drift layup and hit the rebound. He said to Sakuragi Hanamichi who almost blocked him:"Sakuragi, you need to be more focused.""

"snort. No need for you to talk nonsense. Sakuragi Hanamichi said stiffly.


"If you are not serious, you are not qualified to be my opponent."

Zhang Feng didn't say much. After leaving these words, he walked away.

Sakuragi Hanamichi's talent is not only reflected in physical fitness, but also innate learning ability, rebounding awareness, defensive awareness, etc. It will make him very good.

But if he doesn’t have enough concentration on the court and plays the game with a casual attitude, it will be a death sentence for a paranoid person!!

If this is the case,

Zhang Feng will never play again! Sakuragi Hanamichi, say one more word.......

The second half progressed to 4 minutes and 4 seconds.

Rukawa Kaede's physical strength declined and he could no longer defend Zhang Feng.

At this time, Zhang Feng had already made two consecutive three-pointers from [Infinite Style-Shooting].

Extend the point difference to 35 points.

Zhang Feng indicated that there was no need to continue. When Shigeru saw this, he nodded and replaced Zhang Feng.

Looking at Zhang Feng who was no longer playing, and what he said to himself, this made Sakuragi Hanamichi conduct a deep self-reflection.


"I'm not being serious!"

"I want to be stronger!"

"I want to become stronger enough to defeat you."

Sakuragi Hanamichi clenched his fists and swore secretly.

In addition, there is another person who has the same idea as Sakuragi Hanamichi.

But at this time, he was breathing heavily and looked tired.

"Senior Mumu, what's going on?"

"Logically, shouldn't Rukawa's stamina be at this level?"

Ayako asked curiously. Although Rukawa's stamina was somewhat flawed, he wouldn't be so exhausted that he had to crawl out of the water at the beginning of the second half.

"Because his opponent is - Warcraft!"Mu Mu said in a deep voice.

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