Lin Hongxuan snorted coldly:"Humph, what kind of dragon among men? He offended the Sun family so much. Do you think the Sun family would give up so easily? Moreover, he actually openly talked to Master Jin in that tone, even though Master Jin didn't know what he was doing. The reason didn't cause him any trouble, but it doesn't mean that Master Jin doesn't hold grudges in his heart. He acts so arrogantly and arrogantly. I don't even know when he will die on the street!"

"Dad, as a brother-in-law, I don’t think he is as big as you said. Why do I feel that he is not afraid of Young Master Jin at all? Lin Qingxue said

"Absolutely impossible!"Lin Hongxuan said decisively:"That kid has learned a little bit of skills now, but he doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth. He is dumbfounded. Behind Mr. Jin is the Hell Gate. What do you think he can do to fight against the Hell Gate?"

"this..."Lin Qingxue also couldn't figure out why Su Chen wasn't afraid of Jin Yunjie, a behemoth force like Hell Gate. Just thinking about it made people shudder.

Lin Hongxuan warned sternly:"You should have less contact with him in the future, and don't talk about your brother-in-law or your brother-in-law. I, Lin Hongxuan, will not accept him as the son-in-law of my Lin family!""

"So what if one day, my brother-in-law really becomes a dragon among men? Just like Chen Nantian, the peerless genius who has emerged from the Chen family in Jiangdu in recent years. Do you accept it? Lin Qingxue asked.

Lin Hongxuan sneered disdainfully:"Haha... do you think he could become like Chen Nantian?" Chen Nantian is now a martial arts master and the number one in the Jiangbei Dragon Group. He is known as the one in the future. At least, he, Su Chen, can become a being like Chen Nantian. I, Lin Hongxuan, knelt in front of him for three days and three nights. OK!"What if Lin Hongxuan knew that Chen Nantian was just Su Chen's apprentice? What wonderful expression do you think Lin Hongxuan would have?

An hour later!

Minghu Garden in the central area of Wanjiang Dongcheng!

In the central area of Minghu Garden, there is a large housing area built along the mountains and rivers. , the building is antique, like the mansion of a wealthy family in ancient times. It is the residence of the

Sun family, one of the four wealthy families in Wanjiang!


The sound of the water glass breaking was heard. Sun Xiong, who had just returned home with Sun Wei, sat angrily on an imperial chair, recalling what happened at the reception. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and his whole body was shaking.

"Dad...that boy bullied our Sun family so much and brought disgrace to our Sun family today. We must take revenge. I suggest you hire a killer to kill that boy!"Sun Wei said with great anger.

"You bastard.."

Sun Xiong thought about Sun Wei's spineless calling Grandpa Su Chen at the cocktail party. He stood up angrily and rushed to Sun Wei, and slapped him in the face.


Sun Wei's body instantly fell to the ground.

"Dad...why did you hit me?"Sun Wei covered his face with his hands, looking depressed.

"Master...what happened?"

A middle-aged woman hurriedly walked in and asked. This middle-aged woman was Sun Xiong's wife, Ye Xiang.

Next to Ye Xiang, there was also a young man in his twenties, and a man in his fifties. Next year, the old man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks will be Sun Hao, the eldest son of the Sun family, and the old man will be Wang Fu, the housekeeper of the Sun family.

"nothing..."Sun Xiongqi's breathing was up and down, unable to calm down.

Ye Xiang hurriedly helped Sun Wei up and asked:"Xiaowei, tell me quickly, what's going on?"

Sun Wei said with a ferocious look:"At the reception at Taoyuan Hotel just now, we were bullied so badly by a person. This person is the one who caused the harm today. We originally wanted to vent our anger on the person my sister almost divorced, but we didn’t know that person’s apprentice turned out to be Li Yunwu. As a result... the second uncle’s hand was broken by Li Yunwu, my sister was slapped unconscious, and my father was also beaten. Forced to kneel down in public!"


When Ye Xiang, Sun Hao, and Wang Fu heard this, their expressions changed drastically.

"Sir...who is this person? Why do you bully our Sun family so much?"

Ye Xiang's face was full of anger.

"It's not clear yet, Wang Fu... you should check this person immediately and find out more clearly for me!" Sun Xiong ordered

"Yes, sir! Wang Fu responded and walked out of the living room.

Sun Hao said with a gloomy face:"Dad... what are you going to do now?" Li Yunwu was able to defeat A Bao with one move last night. A Bao was an intermediate martial artist. If he wanted to defeat him with one move, I guess even a senior martial artist could not do it. This Li Yunwu was probably already a great martial artist! Li Yunwu's sudden increase in strength may be related to that person. That kid may not be simple!

Sun Xiong's face became solemn:"I also know this. At the cocktail party, that boy remained calm in the face of Master Jin. He definitely has something to rely on. When he finds out the boy's identity, he will make plans!""

The next few people were waiting for Wang Fu to come back after inquiring about the news.

Almost forty minutes later, Wang Fu hurried back to the living room, and Sun Xiong hurriedly asked:"Steward Wang, have you found out the identity of that boy?"

Wang Fu's face was very serious:"I found out that the kid's background is not simple, and he is most likely coming to our Sun family!

Sun Xiong's expression tightened:"Tell me, what news have you heard?" Why are you targeting our Sun family? Wang Fu said eloquently:"This boy's name is Su Chen. He is the poor boy who fell in love with the daughter of the Lin family seven years ago. Seven years ago, the daughter of the Lin family was forcibly sent abroad by her family. The boy suddenly disappeared after that!""

"Until yesterday, he suddenly returned to Wanjiang. He attended the wedding banquet of one of his classmates yesterday. At that time, he was still with the big star Qin Xiaoying. That kid turned out to be Qin Xiaoying's master!"

"Qin Xiaoying?"Sun Xiong frowned, having never heard of this name.

Sun Wei and Sun Hao's expressions changed drastically. Sun Wei said:"Uncle Wang, is he really Master Qin Xiaoying? You're not making a mistake by asking, are you?"

"Absolutely, many people were present at the wedding banquet yesterday!"Wang Fu said seriously

"Who is Qin Xiaoying? Sun Xiong asked with a frown.

"Dad, this Qin Xiaoying is the daughter of the Qin family, one of the eight most powerful families in Yanjing!"Sun Hao replied solemnly, with a gloomy look on his face.


When Sun Xiong and Ye Xiang heard this, they trembled with fright, their faces turned pale, and a chill surged through their bodies.

Wang Fu continued:"Master, last night, that boy had sex with the second lady of the Lin family." Attending a birthday party for a friend of the second lady of the Lin family, the boy had a conflict with the son of Wang Kun, the owner of the Oriental Martial Arts Gym, and broke Wang Kun's son's hand. Wang Kun led someone to trouble him, but he slapped him and knocked him unconscious!"


Sun Xiong, Ye Xiang and others all turned uglier and paler.

Wang Kun was a well-known figure in Wanjiang and was also a martial artist. How could they not know that he knocked the martial artist unconscious with a slap? Then how strong was he?

Wang Fu said again:"Master, this boy is definitely here for our Sun family. His cousin is the person who the young master was knocked unconscious in a car accident a few months ago. His cousin has been revived by him. Also, Liu Jingrong has something to do with him, and there are even rumors that Ma Jianyun also has something to do with him!"


Sun Xiong and others were hit hard again, their heads were roaring, and they were so frightened that they were at a loss.

How could they not know Ma Jianyun's name?

The master of the daughter of the Qin family, one of the eight wealthy families in Yanjing?

The master of Li Yunwu?

A slap in the face

Is it related to Liu Jingrong ?

Is it related to Ma Jianyun?

Each of these news has the possibility of annihilation for the Sun family, but they are still gathered together.

"No wonder that kid isn't even afraid of Jin Yunjie!"

Sun Xiong's face turned green and white, like a sheep facing a tiger. He couldn't calm down at all.

He wanted to retaliate against Su Chen, but his thoughts were extinguished in an instant?

How can he take revenge? What can he do with it? revenge?

"Dad...what are we going to do now?"

Sun Wei said with an ugly face. He was the most frightened at this moment. After all, this matter actually happened because of him.

"You bastard, do you know you are going to kill our family?"

Sun Xiong stood up in anger and beat Sun Wei so hard that he couldn't help but scream.

"Okay, okay, sir... stop fighting, let's quickly figure out how to deal with this!"Ye Xiang hurriedly advised

"Dad... not as good as us!" Sun Hao suggested

"Summation... hum... absolutely impossible.."

At today's cocktail party, the Sun family was disgraced. If they sued for peace, how could the Sun family gain a foothold in Wanjiang in the future?

"If we don’t seek peace, what should we do?"Sun Hao was very worried.

Sun Xiong thought for a while and said:"What else can we do? The soldiers will temporarily block the water and cover up the soil. Moreover, this kid has also offended Young Master Jin. Young Master Jin may also deal with him. Let's wait and see what happens!"

After saying that, he couldn't help but beat Sun Wei severely again.

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