Chapter 135: The buzzer-beater kills the Mountain King! 【4/X】

When Zhang Feng stood under the basket, he discovered that Matsushita Yuri was double-teamed and might not even be able to pass the ball.

Zhang Feng was already prepared for this...

When Matsushita Yuri was completely intercepted, Zhang Feng turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed away.

【Hat Chasing Master】Lv3 activated.

Straight line speed +10, jumping +10.

Although Matsumoto Minoru's speed is not slow, compared with Zhang Feng, it is a world of difference.

There is no comparison at all...


Minoru Matsumoto's layup was hit by a big hand on the backboard.

See yourself covered...

Matsumoto Minoru was also confused.

As Sanno's second ace player, Minoru Matsumoto specifically looked back before reaching Lingnan's three-pointer.

Found that there was only one person in Lingnan and chased him....

Moreover, at that time, Zhang Feng had never even passed the midfielder, but now he has blocked himself.......

After nailing the big hat, Zhang Feng did not stop there.

The other hand in the air directly picked the basketball off.

After taking it off, Zhang Feng ran non-stop towards the frontcourt.

The speed of dribbling is not very fast...

However, after Issei Fukatsu followed, Zhang Feng suddenly accelerated...

"Whoosh!"The whole person was like an arrow, directly passing through Fukatsu Kazunari.......

"Speed change"

"It seems like he really understands what a rhythm breakthrough is!"

Mu Shen, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but secretly smacked his lips when he saw this scene.

After passing Fukatsu Kazunari, Zhang Feng began to accelerate with all his strength....

In just a few strides, he rushed to the opponent's basket.

Facing the inside line guarded by Kawada Masashi, Zhang Feng passed the ball without looking at anyone, and passed it to the cross-country Hiroaki who was ambushing in the bottom corner.

The three giants of Lingnan!

Minds think alike!

The force of this ball distribution, if it were anyone else, it would be difficult to catch it.

But the two of them have stayed together during the summer vacation until now...

The sense of tacit understanding is overwhelming!

After cross-country Hongming caught the ball, he hit a three-pointer with his hand

"Whoosh!"sound... basketball hollow hit


"Off-roading is okay."

The score [92:91].

After the cross-country Hiroaki scored, Sanno Industries' coach 'Goro Domoto' requested a timeout


The referee's whistle sounds.......

On the bench of Sanwang

"Zebei, is it okay?"Domoto Goro said to Sawabita Eiji who was wearing a towel.

"Yeah, I get it, coach."Eiji Sawabita nodded. The reason why Goro Domoto put Eiji Zekita on the bench is to let him understand that he can no longer continue to fight and play alone. Facing other teams, you can be willful.

But the person opposite , it cannot be solved by willfulness

"good."Domoto Goro made lineup adjustments and replaced Zebei on the field again.

"Zebei, you are no worse than him."Before the timeout ended, Goro Domoto looked at his beloved disciple and said

"Got it, coach"......

Sanno returned to the starting lineup.

Lingnan also changed into the starting lineup, and Yuzhu reappeared.

Eiji Sawabita returned, adding some excitement to the game.

Zebei, who just came on the field, showed off his powerful [sudden pass] combination....

First, with the help of a pick-and-roll, he got past the opposing Xiandao and broke into the basket, but after encountering Zhang Feng's assistance, he passed the opponent's opponent Xiandao and broke into the basket.

Eiji Sawabita didn't force it, but passed it to Kazunari Fukatsu who had a small gap.

After Fukatsu Kazunari received the ball, facing Aoyama's elegant defense, he feinted a shot, knocked it away, and then made a three-pointer.

At the critical moment, he used a stable three-pointer to overtake the score again [92:94].

Lingnan's offense did not use the horns tactic this time, but a tsunami pick-and-roll between Xiandao and Zhang Feng.

Unlike the first half, Zhang Feng was able to break through.

If you can break through to the inside, you can attract double teams.

Zhang Feng passed the ball to Xiandao, and Xiandao was not lenient and also hit a three-pointer.


The two teams have entered the [moment of life and death], with swords and swords clashing.

Every time he scores a goal, it is so heart-wrenching.

Everyone in the stadium knows that no matter who it is, if they miss the shot, they will probably lose the game.

In other words, both teams have to bite!!!.......

There are 32 seconds left in the game

【103:102], Lingnan leads by 1 point.

However, the ball is in the hands of the Mountain King.

This ball is still handled by Eiji Zebei.

Xiandao and Zhang Feng switched defenses.

Even if he is as strong as Immortal Dao, he has no confidence that he can prevent this ball.

Looking at the high school league, there is only Zhang Feng!

Zebei Eiji cross-stepped and dribbled. Suddenly, Zhang Feng moved his body to the left.

Fake action...

Zebei suddenly pulled back, then turned around and broke through Zhang Feng's right wing.

But Zhang Feng, whose lateral speed and agility were as high as [99], quickly stopped him and stepped forward.

Zebei knew it would be difficult for him to eat it...

As Sawabei was advancing, Masashi Kawada suddenly came around from the inside.

Masashi Kawada, an all-around center.

Has various offensive weapons.

Zebei quickly distributed the ball.

After Masashi Kawada catches the ball, he shoots directly

"Don't even think about it!"

Uozumi shouted loudly, dragged his tired body, and rushed out.

He was so angry that he crowned the great ape king!

The momentum was terrifying!

However, Kawada Masashi was just a fake move....

The fish he deceived flew up, and then rushed to the basket....

A two-handed slam dunk basically sealed the victory for the team........



"After all, the strength gap between the two teams is too big."

Everyone couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, there were only 18 seconds left.

The score was [103:104], and Sanwang took the lead by one point at the last moment.......

This goal put all the pressure on Lingnan.

Uozumi apologized to everyone with tears in his eyes


"Fish live!"

Zhang Feng smiled and patted Yuzhu's shoulder and said.

But then, Zhang Feng's face also showed a trace of solemnity.

Lingnan attacked, and Shanwang's final defensive strategy was to confuse the perimeter defense with 3-2.

Zebei stared at Zhang Feng's At the same time, Lingnan used the"double horns" strategy. After Yuzhu blocked Zhang Feng, the other two went down to the bottom corner. After Feng's breakthrough route was blocked, he passed the ball behind his head to Yuzhu at the top three points of the outside arc.



The hearts of everyone in Sanwang Industry sank.

"Don't come in!"Everyone secretly thought


Basketball and iron.

Fish lived in the last moment and could not withstand the psychological pressure......

"It’s over!"

"it's over!"

Looking at the basketball that popped out of the frame, everyone in the arena couldn't help but secretly thought. However,...

There is one person who doesn't want to give up like this.

Zhang Feng jumped up quickly, and with a vigorous move, he took the rebound from Kawada Masashi who had already grasped the rebound.

Zhang Feng wants to take off a second time...

But Masashi Kawada was very smart and leaned back before Zhang Feng exerted his strength.

With a weight of 94kg, Zhang Feng had no choice but to...

But just then...


A roar sounded.

Yuzhu, who was outside the three-point line, roared and rushed into the basket.

The angry Great Ape King took off the rebound.

But because he rushed too fast, his body did not stand still....

The whole person fell towards the backboard...

However, before falling out of the bottom line,...

The Great Ape King smashed the basketball at Kawada Masashi's foot.

There are only 0.8 seconds left in the game


Shigeichi Taoka requested a timeout......

0.8 seconds left!

1 point behind!

Physical fitness is less than 70%...

In the minds of the audience, this is almost impossible...

For this reason, when Shigeichi Tagoka requested a timeout, many people had already chosen to leave........

After the timeout, Sanwang deployed an airtight perimeter defense.

This makes it difficult for Zhang Feng to catch the ball.

The person who serves is 'Sendō Akira'.

At this time, Zhang Feng, who was followed by Kazunari Fukatsu and Eiji Sawabita, had no space to catch the ball.

Watching the time passing by, it would be a violation to not send the ball out again.

Xiandao, who was usually calm and composed, broke into a cold sweat at this time.


"It's all up to you."

At this time, Zhang Feng, who seemed to be walking slowly, suddenly accelerated....Driving to the basket...

Sendō throws the basketball high...

The direction is heading towards the basket....

"Humph, forget it!"

Kawata Masashi jumped up and tried to intercept him in mid-air.

Zebei followed behind him at the same time.

At this time, Zhang Feng in mid-air was like a sandwich....

It can be said that there is a wolf in front and a tiger behind


With Zhang Feng’s wingspan of 203cm and super jumping, Zhang Feng was the first to touch the basketball with a single click....

When the basketball flies into the air...


The referee's whistle sounded. competition is over.

Everyone held their breath as they watched the basketball fly towards the basket....




After he bumped around the rim 4 or 5 times,...


The basketball hits the net!!!...... ps: Big chapter! Hahaha, I finally finished beating the Mountain King, Madhu, and Lao Cai are exhausted too.~~~

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