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After a while, Tong Xinyan walked out of the bathroom, and her phone rang.

"Xinyan, when you want to invest in shares, you must find a way to do so. Mr. Ma said that Mr. Su is his master. When he founded Ali e-commerce, he was guided by Mr. Su. Mr. Su is a capable person. He said that in the future, Su Sir, you are likely to become the richest man in China in the new generation. This is your opportunity. You must find a way to seize it!"The voice on the other side was very excited.

"Ma Jianyun’s master?"

Tong Xinyan was stunned, and her heart was filled with turmoil. She couldn't believe that Su Chen had such an awesome identity.

Moreover, when Ma Jianyun founded Ali e-commerce, it was through Su Chen's guidance?

"Okay, I get it, I’ll talk to him right away!"

Tong Xinyan hung up the phone and returned to the office with an excited face.

As soon as she entered the office door, Tong Xinyan sat next to Su Chen and said straight to the point:"Mr. Su... I founded this Changmei, although the business situation is not the same. Very good, but I have deep feelings for Changmei, and I suddenly feel reluctant to leave here. Is it okay if I want to invest in it?"

"Invest in shares? Su Chen was stunned and shook his head decisively:"I won't accept any shares!""

"this.."Tong Xinyan's face froze, she didn't expect Su Chen to refuse so simply, but thinking about what Liu Jingrong said, Su Chen is very likely to become the richest man in China in the next generation, representing Changmei's unlimited potential.

She hoped and said:"Then can I get a job here?"

"Of course this is no problem!"

Su Chen readily agreed. Tong Xinyan is the boss of Changmei and has rich experience. Su Chen plans to hand over all the management of Changmei to Xia Tao. He wants to stay behind the scenes and be a hands-off shopkeeper, and does not want to be tied down by the company's affairs.

Xia Tao Tao has no management ability, so he is a little worried about being the shopkeeper. With Tong Xinyan's help, it will be even more powerful, and he can completely relax.

"So may I ask, what position do you plan to give me?"Tong Xinyan asked hopefully.

Su Chen thought for a moment:"General manager!"

"no problem!"Tong Xinyan happily agreed.

"In that case, I will trouble you to take care of my cousin from now on, and my brother Huang Fei. He also has no management experience, so I need you to take care of him. As for your salary, how much do you want?

Tong Xinyan hesitated and tried to ask:"Is it okay if I buy 50 million shares and then get 5% of the shares?""

"haha.."Su Chen smiled:"You believe in me so much? Aren't you afraid that I will lose all your money?"

Tong Xinyan smiled charmingly and said firmly:"I believe in Mr. Su's ability, even if I lose, I will be willing to do so!"

"Well, since you trust me so much, I’ll give you 5% of the shares!"

Su Chen agreed. Although he didn't want others to buy shares, Tong Xinyan was able to do this. He was not so stingy, and Tong Xinyan was really important to Changmei now.

"Miss Tong, please bring me a piece of paper and pen!"

Su Chen ordered.

Tong Xinyan stood up, took a piece of white paper from the desk and blackmailed Su Chen.

Su Chen took the paper and black pen, wrote more than ten kinds of medicinal materials, and handed it to Tong Xinyan :"Let’s buy these medicinal materials in large quantities first!"

"What is this?"Tong Xin glanced at the herbs above, her face full of confusion.

"Don't worry about it, just do as I say!"Su Chen didn't explain.

"good!"Tong Xinyan nodded slightly and didn't ask any more questions, but she had a hunch in her heart that it must be a big move.

"Xiaotao, you stay here now and study hard with Manager Tong!"Su Chen ordered

"Um! Xia Tao nodded seriously.

Su Chen looked at Huang Fei:"Huang Fei, what about you?" When do you want to go to work?"

"Can I do it tomorrow? I want to quit my job!"

"OK!"Su Chen nodded slightly. Suddenly, he thought of his classmate Zhuang Xiaona again. Yesterday he met Zhuang Xiaona, and while chatting with her, his words revealed that his life was not very satisfactory, and he immediately asked:"By the way, Huang Fei, you Do you have Zhuang Xiaona’s contact information?"


"Contact her!"

"good!"Huang Fei nodded slightly, took out his mobile phone, opened WeChat, sent a voice video, and quickly connected to the video

"Zhuang Xiaona, Suchen is looking for you! Huang Fei handed the phone to Su Chen.

Su Chen took the phone and Zhuang Xiaona said nervously:"Su Chen, what do you want from me?" I'm working?"

"I bought a company! Do you want to come and work at my place?"Su Chen got straight to the point.

"Ah...what are you doing?"Zhuang Xiaona looked happy.

"Miss Tong, where is Changmei’s management team lacking people?"Su Chen asked

"A supervisor in the human resources department happened to have resigned. Do I still plan to recruit another? Then let her do it!"Tong Xinyan said

"What does the HR manager do?"Su Chen asked Zhuang Xiaona

"Yes, of course I did. Where is the address?"

"On the 12th floor of Zhongshang Building, Changmei Company!"

"Okay, I'll be right over! After hanging up the video call, Su Chen returned the phone to Huang Fei, stood up and said,"Miss Tong, I'm leaving now. Changmei's affairs will be left to you for the time being. My classmate, please help arrange it."!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Su, I will take care of everything!"Tong Xinyan nodded.

Su Chen and Huang Fei quickly left Changmei. As soon as they left Zhongshang Building, they parted ways. Su Chen took a taxi, first went to the bank, applied for a bank card, and transferred The check amount of 40 million was transferred to the account, and then he headed back to Qingshuiwan.

When he returned to Qingshuiwan, Su Chen became a little leisurely and suddenly felt bored.

Time passed by and the lights began to turn on. The moonlight cast a bright light, and the entire Wanjiang River was filled with bright lights.

At about seven o'clock in the evening, Su Chen was still meditating. At this time, his cell phone buzzed in his pocket. He took out his cell phone and pressed answer. Luo Yupan’s voice came:"Su Chen, where are you now? I'll pick you up!"

""Qingshui Bay, I'll wait for you at the gate of the villa area!"

Su Chen responded, hung up the phone, got up and left the room, and walked leisurely towards the gate of the villa area.

When he arrived at the gate of the villa area, he waited for about five or six minutes. A red Porsche drove slowly and stopped in front of Su Chen. The door opened and Chu Yurou got out of the car.

Chu Yurou was obviously dressed up carefully, wearing a black well-cut tight dress that perfectly set off her figure.

She had a light makeup on her face, which did not give people a sense of gorgeousness. Her hair was tilted down like a waterfall, and her eyes were a bit cold. The whole image was amazing.

"Get in the car!"Chu Yurou smiled lightly, that smile was as bright as a lily

"Um! you look pretty today!"Su Chen praised and got into the car.

After being praised, Chu Yurou raised the corners of her mouth slightly, showing a charming smile, and sat in the driving seat:"Are you going to wear this outfit to the reception? This is not very good. How about buying some clothes on the way?"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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