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Su Chen and Qin Xiaoying walked straight out of the hotel. As soon as they walked out of the door, Qin Xiaoying smiled lightly and opened her red lips:"Master, how was it? My performance just now was pretty good, right?"

Su Chen said calmly:"Actually, you really It doesn't have to be like this!"

Qin Xiaoying said angrily:"Actually, I don't want to either, but you have also seen that it was Fang Yaru who made the mistake, and it was her own fault. Besides, who made her look down on the master!"

"Well, just think that you have helped me feel proud once, I owe you a favor!"

"This is what you said, so I will remember this favor! Qin Xiaoying chuckled:"By the way, master, that Lin Shiyuan...You. Do you like her very much?"

Qin Xiaoying was extremely curious about this issue. Zhao Yang mentioned Lin Shiyuan before and was slapped by Su Chen. She knew that Lin Shiyuan occupied a deep position in Su Chen's heart.

When she was studying art, she confessed to Su Chen but was rejected. It was probably because of Lin Shiyuan.

Su Chen's face suddenly became a little dazed, thoughts were flying in his mind, and memories about him and Lin Shiyuan came up. Those memories were very warm. He nodded heavily to Qin Xiaoying:"Well, But I like her very much. She is my favorite woman in my life!

Su Chen's answer made Qin Xiaoying's heart twitch, and she said bitterly:"Master, you...can you tell me what happened between you and Lin Shiyuan?""

"Okay, but I have to go home right now, what about you? Su Chen asked.

Qin Xiaoying thought for a moment and smiled:"Where is your home? Is it far away?""

"Not far, half an hour away!"

"It's still early, so I'll accompany you to your home, but you have to tell me the story about you and Lin Shiyuan, and you have to send me back!"

"Okay, I’ll tell you in the car!"


After chatting, the two people immediately moved and came to the side of the road. After a while, Su Chen reached out and stopped a taxi. The two got into the car. Su Chen said to the driver:"Tangqiao Town!"


The car started and left here quickly.

Qin Xiaoying sat next to Su Chen, looking at Su Chen with watery eyes, expecting him to speak.

Su Chen was silent for a while, sorted out his thoughts, and Shi Weiwei said:"Lin Shiyuan and I both studied at Wanjiang University, but in different departments. Not long after I entered university, I got to know Lin Shiyuan. Because of her beauty, she was named the new generation campus beauty of Wanjiang University!"

"The two of us didn't know each other in school, but met by chance in Zishan Park. I was hiking at that time. When we were halfway up the mountain, it suddenly started raining heavily. I ran to a pavilion to take shelter from the rain. Little did I know that Lin Shiyuan was also there at that time. While climbing, running down the mountain, taking shelter from the rain in the same pavilion as me!"

"I was really surprised to meet her there, but I was timid and didn't dare to talk to her. What I didn't expect was that she took the initiative to strike up a conversation with me. She even knew me and had an impression of me.!"

"After that, the two of us started chatting. We had many common topics. The more we talked, the more we became more and more interested, and we added contact information to each other!"

"Later, I kept in contact with her. I knew that she was the daughter of the Lin family. I didn’t dare to have any inappropriate thoughts about her and just treated her as a friend!"

"But I never imagined that after chatting for a few months, she asked me to sing. I didn’t think much about it at the time, so I went to KV with her. I didn’t expect it. She drank a little wine and actually He confessed his love to me proactively!"

"I was really flattered at the time and couldn't believe that Lin Shiyuan would like me, but I knew that our identities were very different. She and I were not from the same world at all. I didn't agree. I rejected her in a tactful way!"

"Unexpectedly, she suddenly broke down and cried loudly. I felt at a loss and didn't know how to persuade her. Later, I didn't know what to think, so I hugged her, and she hugged me too. , the whole person was blank, and he didn’t know what was going on. At that time, he was with her....!"

Speaking of this, Su Chen paused and glanced at Qin Xiaoying, only to see her looking at him in a daze, as if she was very absorbed in listening.

"Why did you stop? What happened to you at that time? Qin Xiaoying asked curiously

"Ahem...Sneak the fruit!"Su Chen said a little embarrassed.

Qin Xiaoying blushed:"You just established a relationship, why did you just go to that step? Isn't this too fast?"

"Ahem... I can't help myself!"

"Okay, I'm speechless for you guys, what then?"Qin Xiaoying asked

"After that, our love was open and honest, and there was no taboo about it. It didn’t take long before word spread throughout the school. Later, the Lin family also found out about our relationship. Lin Shiyuan’s parents found me privately. They gave me two million to let me leave. Lin Shiyuan, but I didn’t accept it!"

"They then asked Lin Shiyuan not to meet me, and locked her up at home without being allowed to go out, but it was useless. Lin Shiyuan still ran out to meet me. Not long after that, Lin Shiyuan was suddenly and forcibly sent to study abroad by her parents, and I never wanted to go out again. I didn’t meet her or contact her, alas!"

At the end, Su Chen sighed deeply.

"Are you done? Qin Xiaoying asked

"It’s over! Su Chen nodded:"Is this story poignant?"

Qin Xiaoying shook her head:"It's not very poignant. It's almost the same plot as many bloody TV series!""

Su Chen:"....."

"How long has it been since you had no contact with her?"

"It’s been more than seven years! Su Chen responded:"I guess she must have returned from studying abroad now. Her children may be very big now!""

"That's not necessarily true. What if she is still waiting for you?"Qin Xiaoying guessed

"This is impossible!"Su Chen didn't dare to think about it. He thought about that.

"How is it impossible? Haven't you been looking for it? Isn't it her? Have you been waiting for her?"

"I.."Su Chen didn't know what to say. Although he still liked Lin Shiyuan, he was not waiting for her. In the past seven years, he had been carrying out tasks assigned by the system.

If he hadn't performed system tasks, he would have gotten married and had children by now.

"What am I, you are so infatuated with a man? You have to know that women are more infatuated than men. I believe she may, really be waiting for you!"Qin Xiaoying feels that the possibility is very high

"hehe.."Su Chen smiled bitterly. He was so infatuated. Of course, he was still happy to accept this image and would not expose himself.

"What are you laughing at? Don't you believe her feelings for you?"

"That's not true. I believe she must believe her. It's just that it's been too long, more than seven years!"

"You'd better ask around, you are so powerful now, I believe the Lin family will definitely not stop you!"

"I definitely have to ask about it. Let’s ask after I get home!"

Su Chen also had a glimmer of hope in his heart. If Lin Shiyuan is really waiting for him, he will not let anyone stop them no matter what.

"Let me help you find out now. Is the Lin family famous in Wanjiang?"

"Of course famous, four wealthy families!"Su Chen responded, feeling a little nervous.

Qin Xiaoying took out her mobile phone and immediately made a call:"Sister Liu, please help me inquire about something right now. Help me inquire about the four wealthy families in Wanjiang. , some of Lin Shiyuan’s current living conditions!"

"good!"The other person responded.

Qin Xiaoying hung up the phone:"Master, I have an intuition that Lin Shiyuan will definitely be waiting for you. Don't worry, you two will definitely get married!"

"Hope so!"Su Chen said lightly.

The two of them were suddenly speechless and silent. The atmosphere was a little stiff. Qin Xiaoying moved, leaned towards the window and looked out the window. Her expression was blank, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Su Chen also looked towards On the other side of the window, she felt inexplicably nervous.

About ten minutes later, Qin Xiaoying's phone rang, and she pressed the answer button:"Hey, Sister Liu, have you heard anything?"

"No, that Miss Lin, she is abroad now and has not been home for seven years!"

"No way? What's going on?"

"I don’t know. I heard that it was caused by a love affair during her college years. She has always been angry with her family. The Lin family went abroad to persuade her many times, but she was very stubborn and refused to go home!"

"So is she married?"

"I'm not sure about this!"

"ok, I get it!"

Qin Xiaoying hung up the phone and said to Su Chen:"Lin Shiyuan is still abroad and has not returned to Wanjiang for seven years. As for whether she is married or not, it is not clear yet!"

"Well, thanks, I’ll find out myself if I have time!"

Time flew by, and the two of them were silent all the way.

An hour later, the car drove off���Come to Tangqiao Town!

Su Chen looked at the outline of Tangqiao Town. It had not changed much from seven years ago. It was still the same street, with the same old poles, and many old buildings, with some familiar figures occasionally passing by.

Go home feeling good!

"Little brother, where are you getting off? asked the driver

"Turn right from the road in front and you'll be there in five minutes!" Su Chen replied.

The taxi drove along and quickly turned right.

A few minutes later, the car was about to pass several houses on the roadside. Most of these houses were beautiful two- or three-story small western-style buildings, but one of the houses on the roadside The most ordinary house was a low and simple brick house, which was in sharp contrast to those small western-style buildings.

Su Chen's eyes fell on the brick house. That house was the place where he had lived since he was a child, and where his adoptive parents lived. Home

"Master, we’re here, stop here!"Su Chen said calmly


The taxi stopped, Su Chen paid the fare and got out of the car with Qin Xiaoying.

Qin Xiaoying was wearing sunglasses, and her appearance was easy to recognize. However, it was in the countryside, and there were only a few households here, so there were not many people, so she didn't care.

The two of them walked along. Su Chen looked at the surrounding environment and met no pedestrians. Not long after, the two of them arrived at the door of the brick house.

The door was ajar, and there was a coughing sound coming from inside. It was obvious that someone was in the house.

Su Chen could tell that the person coughing was his adoptive mother Liu Yinglan.

Su Chen's eyes were filled with tears. He had not seen his adoptive parents for seven years, and he missed them deeply.

When he raised his hand and was about to push open the door, the sound of conversation came from inside.

"Guohua, please hurry up and persuade Yinglan to go to the hospital. Procrastinating like this is not the answer. She has been coughing for half a month. I guess it is bronchitis. If she procrastinates like this, it will only get worse!"

"Oh, Yinglan, just go to the hospital and don't drag it out any longer!"

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm in good health. Don't worry about me. Going to the hospital will cost a lot of money. Minqiang, our family has already borrowed a lot of money from you. We can't spend any more of your money. Xiaotao is in the hospital now. Being unconscious requires a large amount of medical expenses every month. You'd better save your money to pay Xiaotao's medical expenses!"


Su Chen suddenly opened the door and walked into the house.

There were three people in the house, two thin, middle-aged men with somewhat similar looks, and a middle-aged woman who looked weathered.

"Parents, uncle!"

Looking at the three people, Su Chen shouted with wet eyes. He hadn't seen each other for seven years, and the three people in front of him were much older than before.

His adoptive father, Xia Guohua, had white hair on his temples, a dark face, and calluses on his hands. He had obviously eaten. It has been a lot of hardship. Wrinkles have appeared in the corners of the eyes of adoptive mother Liu Yinglan. My brother-in-law Xia Minqiang is much thinner than before.

"Xia...Su Chen?"

The three people in the room looked at the towering figure that suddenly appeared. Xia Guohua slapped himself, Xia Minqiang scratched the corner of his eye hard, and Liu Yinglan pinched her arm.

Only after the three people finished making ridiculous actions did they know, Everything in front of me is not a dream, it is a real living person.

The person who has been missing for seven years has returned.


Xia Guohua and Liu Yinglan, unable to contain their excitement, rushed towards Su Chen and hugged him tightly.

Feeling this strong body, the two of them cried with joy and kept crying.

"Parents, your child is unfilial and has made you worry over the years!"

Su Chen's voice was choked, and he felt a little guilty. During his seven years as a disciple in the mountains, he had not contacted his adoptive parents. Knowing that they must be very worried about him

"It's okay, it's okay, just come back!"

"Silly boy, where have you been all these years? Why is there no news at all?"

Xia Guohua and Liu Yinglan let go of their hands and asked, wiping their tears. In the past seven years, they had gone to many places to look for Su Chen, but there was no news from Su Chen. They both thought that Su Chen had encountered something unexpected.

"I couldn't come back because of special reasons, and I didn't contact you, but I won't leave you now!"Su Chen said, he will never tell anyone about the system.

"Okay, as long as you are okay!"Xia Guohua's eyes turned red.

"By the way, uncle, I just heard you say that Xiao Tao was unconscious in the hospital. What's going on?"

Su Chen asked. Xiao Tao's name is Xia Tao. He is Xia Minqiang's son and Su Chen's cousin. He and Xia Tao have always had a very good relationship since they were young. They grew up together and have a very deep relationship.

"well! Xia Minqiang sighed and his face fell:"He and his daughter-in-law had a car accident a few months ago. The two of them had just gotten married, and the daughter-in-law was still three months pregnant. However, in that car accident, my daughter-in-law died unfortunately." , Xia Tao has not yet woken up. There are several blood clots in his skull, and the hospital has not dared to operate!"

"How did you get into a car accident?"Su Chen frowned.

Xia Minqiang's expression suddenly turned ferocious, and he gritted his teeth and said,"It was caused by that young master from the Sun family racing a car with someone else in the busy city!"

"How did the young master of the Sun family deal with it?"

"He was released after being detained for less than half a month. The accident was determined to be an accident and it was the young master of the Sun family who lost control of the brakes on his car. Then the Sun family compensated us one million!"

Xia Minqiang's face was extremely gloomy, and he obviously couldn't accept this result.

Su Chen said coldly:"Uncle, don't worry, I will take back this revenge on Xia Tao's behalf!"

"Xiaofan... let's forget it. The Sun family is one of the four wealthy families in Wanjiang. It is extremely powerful and you can't afford to offend it!"Xia Minqiang advised, extremely anxious.

"I haven’t taken any notice of the mere Sun family!"

Su Chen looked disdainful. He now has countless abilities at his disposal. If he wants to deal with a small Sun family, it is as easy as drinking water. He can defeat the Sun family in countless ways. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to do when reading - collect and recommend

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