"I am Liu Huixin!"!"Answer from the other side

"Liu Huixin? Have not heard!"

Su Chen felt very unfamiliar with this name.

"You don’t know about Bolin Garden, right?"

"Bolin Garden?"

Su Chen was stunned. Naturally, he was very familiar with the name of Bolin Garden. It was one of the top three real estate development companies in Xia State, with Hengda ranking first, Bolin ranking second, and Wanjiake ranking third.

It is the largest one at the moment. A new urban residential developer, many cities across the country have properties developed by Bolin.

Dongjiang City also has Bolin Park, which is very famous. It has many high-end villas and is a famous wealthy area.

"Don't tell me, you are a big boss in Bolinyuan Group?"

Su Chen asked in surprise when he thought that the other party's system was evaluating A-level status.

"Yes, I am now the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bolinyuan Holdings Co., Ltd.! Chairman of Bole Education Holdings Co., Ltd., holds 70% of the shares of Bolinyuan Group! Became the richest woman in Xia Kingdom six times!"

"Damn... the richest woman, is she so awesome? So how much are you worth now?"

Su Chen exclaimed

"Not much, just over 170 billion!"

"Damn... 170 billion is not much? You're going to die if you don't show off, give me some of it quickly!"

"So how much do you want? I can give you some shares!"

"Um.."Su Chen pondered for a moment and said:"Oh, forget it, I don't think about too much money. In fact, after the money exceeds a certain amount, it is just a number. Let's just pay your rent for one year. Yes, I just want to buy a house now. Just give me a house in Dongjiang Bolin Park!"

"Okay, you send me your bank account number, and I will transfer 24 million to you immediately. As for the house, I will help you deal with it immediately!"


Su Chen hung up the phone, took out his wallet and bank card, and immediately sent the bank card number to the other party via text message.

After a while, his phone rang again and he immediately answered the call.

"The house matter has been taken care of for you. It is a single-family villa worth more than 20 million yuan and has an area of nearly 1,000 square meters. Are you satisfied?"

"Damn it, more than 20 million, 1,000 square meters? The boss is very generous and very satisfied!"

Su Chen was extremely excited.

"You can just take your ID card to the Bolin Garden Sales Department to pick up the house now! By the way, bring your parents to live in the villa and take good care of them from now on! Give him a nanny, his parents have worked hard all their lives, let them enjoy it!"

"good! Needless to say, it’s dead!"

Hang up the phone, Su Chen felt happy for a while. If you have a system, you are awesome. You can earn money while lying down and earn a house.

Riding a bicycle, he drove leisurely towards the Bolin Garden villa area, which is close to the Bolin Garden sales building. It was very close to the sales department. In less than three minutes, Su Chen had already arrived at the sales department.

Parking his bicycle on the side of the road, Su Chen walked into the sales department. It was indeed the sales department of the Bolin Garden Villa District. It was very well decorated. It is magnificent, with gorgeous crystal chandeliers, golden marble floors, and various decorations in golden color, which exudes luxury.

There are also many sales ladies inside, all of them are young and beautiful in professional attire. Tall, good-looking, and quite eye-catching.

When Su Chen walked in, she didn't know what was going on. Her stomach was a little fussy, she wanted to have diarrhea, and she couldn't hold it in.

"Depend on!

Su Chen was depressed for a moment, then hurriedly walked up to a sales lady with heavy makeup on her face and asked:"Beautiful lady, where is the bathroom?""

The woman looked at Su Chen up and down. She had bumpy marks on her face, and she was wearing clothes worth two hundred yuan. She looked like a poor loser all over her body. Moreover, when Su Chen parked his bicycle just now, she happened to notice it and said to herself:"A poor person. B, you actually ran here to use the toilet?

Suddenly, she showed a look of disgust and said arrogantly:"In our place, idlers are not allowed to go to the toilet!" If you need to use the restroom, go somewhere else!"

Su Chen frowned slightly, a little unhappy:"I'm not just waiting around, I'm here to get the house!"

"Get a house?"

The woman was stunned. People who come here usually look at houses and buy houses, but she hasn't heard of anyone who has taken the house yet. She suddenly showed a look of disdain:"Haha...are you out of your mind? You came to us to get a house. Do you think we will give you a house? Get out of here! Otherwise, I'll ask the security guards to drive you away!"

"you...I'll tell you later!"

Su Chen felt a lot of anger in his heart, and his stomach felt uncomfortable. He was not in the mood to waste words with this woman, so he walked up to another tall woman and asked:"Beauty, where is the bathroom?"

"This way, I'll take you there!"

The quality of this tall woman was much better. She moved her lotus steps and hurriedly led Su Chen towards the bathroom. She quickly reached the door of the bathroom:"This is it!"

"Thank you, beauty. What is your name?"

Su Chen asked

"My name is Qin Xue!"Qin Xue smiled professionally.

"Oh, do you have any paper with you?"

Su Chen said a little embarrassed. He just touched his pocket and found that there was no paper.

"There are paper towels in the toilet!"

"Thank you. I will tell your boss in a moment that I will give you a promotion and a salary increase!"Su Chen smiled slightly and walked into the toilet.


Qin Xue was stunned, a little confused, shook her head, didn't think much, turned and walked to the sales department hall_Fei

Lu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting, recommending

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