Zhang Meng led the two people into the lobby of the store and came to a row of brand-new electric vehicles. He said:"You can choose one yourself. Don't worry, the price is absolutely fair. They are all conscience prices." , I will never trick you!"

"Wife, I'm back!"

A loud voice suddenly came, and a tall man walked into the store carrying dishes. It was Xu Chao.

As soon as Xu Chao entered the store, his eyes first fell on Chen Meiqi, and suddenly his figure, face, and... His temperament suddenly shocked all the cells in his eyes.

However, when his eyes fell on Su Chen, his face suddenly became a little ugly, and his expression was very unnatural, as if he was constipated..

Yesterday, Su Chen brought a beautiful girlfriend back in a Lamborghini. The news spread throughout the village. As a fellow villager, how could he not know about it? Some people in the village praised Su Chen's girlfriend for being as beautiful as a fairy. In fact, I don't believe it. After all, Su Chen has no money and is not handsome. How could he find such a beautiful girlfriend? It is definitely an exaggeration.

But at this moment, seeing Chen Meiqi's appearance and figure, this is no exaggeration!

My wife stood next to Chen Meiqi and compared it. It was like the difference between a native chicken and a golden phoenix. The green leaves were dull and colorless.


Xu Chao didn't know what he was feeling at this moment. He is a face-loving and strong person.

He likes to compare with others, especially his peers.

Originally, he was the best among his peers, so he has always enjoyed this feeling, but it seems that he no longer enjoys this feeling. Now!

His seat has been pushed down and replaced by Su Chen.

He took out a pack of Furong King cigarettes and took out one. He wanted to smoke to calm down, but his hands were shaking for some reason. The cigarette was a bit unsteady and fell to the ground.

He bent down, hurriedly picked up the cigarette, and smiled awkwardly at Su Chen:"Su Chen, I didn't expect your girlfriend to be so beautiful!"

"Not bad, so-so!"

Su Chen said calmly.

"This is just average, I feel prettier than many big stars. How did you find such a beautiful girlfriend?"

Xu Chao was very curious.

Su Chen was about to make nonsense, but he didn't know that Chen Meiqi rushed to answer:"I was the one chasing him!"

Xu Chao:"....."

Zhang Meng:"....."

I wipe it!

What the hell is going on?

Both of them were dumbfounded! Stunned like a sculpture!

I can't believe it, Su Chen was actually being chased from behind?

They both thought that it might be Su Chen who stalked Chen Meiqi.

Otherwise, how could a poor boy, not handsome, possibly counterattack the goddess under normal circumstances?

Oh my god, the two people's views completely subverted their cognition.

A goddess with no flaws in her temperament would actually pursue a poor boy?

If the poor boy was handsome, that would make sense. The problem is, isn't Su Chen handsome?

Even those bloody plots in TV series have never been so outrageous.

"Really...are you really the one chasing Su Chen? Xu

Chao asked in disbelief.

"That's right. Any questions?"

Chen Meiqi smiled lightly.

"No..no problem.."

Xu Chao looked embarrassed and didn't know what to say anymore. He could only say that strange things happened every year, but he had never encountered such a strange thing.

He didn't know how Su Chen could be so charming?

"do you know? When I chased Suchen, why didn’t he agree at first? He kept rejecting me, huh... I was the one who stalked him for a long time before I finally caught him!"

Chen Meiqi said with a proud look on her face,

Su Chen:"......"

Have you ever seen someone show off? Have you ever seen anyone show off like this?

He was speechless for Chen Meiqi.

He really doesn't want to pretend to be such a big dick?

Xu Chao and Zhang Meng looked at each other. Chen Meiqi's behavior was simply beyond their understanding of normal humans.

This Chen Meiqi definitely took the wrong medicine and became blind, so she did such an abnormal thing!

"Beauty...can you tell me, what do you like about Su Chen?"

Zhang Meng wanted to know eagerly. She was also a woman. In her heart, Su Chen had no charm or merit.

Xu Chao pricked up his ears and also wanted to know.

Chen Meiqi made nonsense for a while:"He, of course. I like everything about him, his looks, his figure, his talent, his charisma, I like everything about him, he is the most ideal and perfect male god in my mind!"


After hearing this, Su Chen couldn't help but want to vomit. He had seen something disgusting, but he had never seen anything so disgusting. He couldn't help but want to expose Chen Meiqi's lies.

Xu Chao and Zhang Meng are almost the same!

Even, a thought suddenly popped up in my mind, isn't this Chen Meiqi a psychopath? Isn't this too abnormal?

"Su Chen..is she..."

Xu Chao pointed to his head and said nothing.

Chen Meiqi naturally understood Xu Chaosi and immediately said:"You suspect that there is something wrong with my brain, don't you? I am a student of Yingguo Lundun University School of Art, don't you think it's ridiculous that you suspect something wrong with me?"

"Ying Guo Lun Dun University?"

Xu Chao and Zhang Meng were once again as stunned as sculptures. If the person in front of them is really a student of Yingguolundun University, chasing a poor boy from the countryside, would this be even more exaggerated?

Fairy tales are not so unreal.

"Haha... who can't lie? You are a student at London University, but I am still a Ph.D. from Harvard University?"

Zhang Meng didn't believe Chen Meiqi's words at all.

"You don’t believe it, do you?"

Chen Meiqi sneered, took out her mobile phone, and opened the photo album:"In this photo album, there are many photos of my life at London University, there are also many videos, and many classmates are also in it. By the way, the popular actress Lin Yuhan is still me. My senior sister, I have taken photos with her several times. Do you two want to see it?"

"I...let me take a look..."

Zhang Meng stretched out his hand.

Chen Meiqi handed the phone to Zhang Meng.

Zhang Meng took the phone and looked at the photo album with Xu Chao. When they saw it, they were both stunned again.

Most of the photos in the album are photos of Chen Meiqi's life with some of her classmates. Most of those classmates are white, and each of them is dressed in a particularly Western style. There are some magnificent buildings in the background, full of European and American style buildings.

The two also saw a total of three photos of Chen Meiqi and the popular actress Lin Yuhan.

Some photos, all without any trace of PS

"She...she actually is..."

Zhang Meng's mouth opened in shock, and he could fit an egg into his mouth.

Xu Chao's eyes were about to fall off. He couldn't believe it. Such a outrageous thing had really happened.

"Mobile phone..Give it back..."

Zhang Meng handed over the phone, feeling very uneasy inside.

Chen Meiqi took the phone and said with a cold face:"Do you still dare to suspect that my brain is abnormal now?"

"Wife...I...I suddenly remembered that there are some things that I haven't dealt with. Please guard the store!"

Xu Chao turned around with a very ugly face and suddenly left the store. At this moment in his heart, it was simply too uncomfortable.

It was so heartbreaking!

He was afraid that if he stayed here, he might go crazy and vomit blood.

Jealous, he was even jealous of Su Chen. I'm already crazy with jealousy!

Not only that, I'm still a student at London University, but I'm still being chased. Isn't this so awesome? I bought an electric car in a short time, Su Chen. There was not much to choose from. The Huangcheng Xun Long Distance Running King electric bike cost more than 3,000 yuan, which was not very expensive.

Su Chen drove his newly purchased electric donkey back home. As for the bicycle, he did not throw it away, but let Chen Meiqi ride it. A woman, but Su Chen didn't treat her as a woman, she treated her as a brother.

Chen Meiqi followed Su Chen on her bicycle. She didn't have much resentment in her heart. After all, she wasn't a woman at heart, so she wasn't that stingy.

"Ding..The rental host system is starting up.."

"Ding...Target randomly matched………"

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for successfully renting out! The third rental time is to be determined!"

A voice suddenly popped up in his mind, making Su Chen slightly startled.

"Is there another me coming soon?"

Su Chen murmured, and he only had a little expectation in his heart, because one more person would pay the rent for him, and he would be able to earn another amount of money.

However, the expectation was not too high, the bigger feeling was that it was weird.

Now, in total, There are already two reborn selves.

If the three of them meet together, what kind of sparks will they create? Is the new person a man or a woman?

After a while, Su Chen and Chen Meiqi have returned. At home, as soon as Su Chen returned home, she was scolded by her parents again. The reason was of course that Chen Meiqi was caught by her parents when she came back on her bicycle.

Su Chen was speechless and apologized to Chen Meiqi again before extinguishing the anger of her parents. About ten minutes later, Su Chen's phone rang. It was a call from an unknown number in the imperial capital.

Su Chen estimated that it was the second reborn himself.

He picked up the phone and walked outside.

"Hello..Hello!"Su Chen answered the phone


Huang Yingchugu's female voice came. Judging from the voice, Su Chen could tell that the other party was a young woman. Moreover, she felt a little familiar, as if she had heard this voice before.

"That's right, you are also Su Chen, right?"Su Chen got straight to the point.

"You..how do you know?"The person on the other side was very surprised.

"Because there is already a reborn me who has met me, her name is Chen Meiqi, and you are the second reborn me!"

"I was a little confused. Damn... what the hell is going on?"

"Have you ever had a strange voice tell you that you need to pay rent to the subject?"

"Yes, that strange voice said that I am currently renting, and my status is assessed as D. I need to pay rent of 500,000 yuan to the subject every month, which can be paid monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or annually. If I don’t pay, If I pay rent, I will be punished with electric shocks continuously, and I will also be warned that no one can reveal my identity except to the subject! Is that the sound of the system?"

"That’s right, your existence is the reason for the system!"

"Damn, I thought I was reborn? Is it still bound to the system? so? Am I just an accessory produced by the system?"

The person on the other side seemed very depressed.

"That’s understandable! What is your identity?"

Su Chen was very curious.

"Damn, I am Lin Yuhan!"

"Damn it? Lin Yuhan?"

Su Chen exclaimed and was dumbfounded. No wonder the voice sounded a little familiar.

Because Lin Yuhan was one of his favorite female stars.

She was a famous film and television actress and pop singer.

She only debuted in 2016. In a few years, she came to prominence with"The Legend of Sword and Fairy" and"The Legend of the Ming Palace" became popular across the country and won the Most Popular Actress Award at the 14th Shanghai Film Festival.

In the"New Generation of Entertainment Stars" selection event, Lin Yuhan and three other actresses were jointly rated as"Four Little Actresses". In recent years, Lin Yuhan can be said to be in full swing and has become a first-line actress.

It is said that now, she has established her own business and established own studio

"What's going on, why is Lin Yuhan reborn for the second time? Could it be related to Chen Meiqi’s previous mention of Lin Yuhan? Then trigger the system to start?"

Su Chen guessed and didn't know if this was the reason.

"Well, the system just warned me not to say anything about your system. Damn it, why am I not the subject?

I'll book a ticket right now and fly over to you... I want to meet my parents, let's talk about it after we meet!"

After the other person finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Chen Meiqi came over and asked:"Who called you??"

"Another me appears! and..."

Su Chen sold it out

"And what?"

Chen Meiqi was extremely curious.

"Moreover, you know it, and the original owner of your body also knows it!"


"Lin Yuhan!"

"Damn it, can’t you?"

Chen Meiqi exclaimed, somewhat in disbelief.

"Well, she has already booked a flight and is coming!"

"I'll go. If she comes over, will her mind be a little confused?.."

"I don't know either!"

"Will there be more and more in the future?"


"Then you are so happy. Each one has to pay you rent. Each one pays 500,000 yuan a month. If there are ten, then you will have 5 million yuan a month. You will not have to worry about food and drink in this life. This soft rice, It tastes so delicious!"

Chen Meiqi is very envious

"Oh, I can't help it. Who told me that the system is on my body?"

Su Chen grinned and now feels quite satisfied with this rental host system.

Although there is no other system that rewards billions so awesomely, at least it is Let him live a happy life in the future, right? _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novels.

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