After hearing Yang Mi's arrangement, the other ladies were actually very interested.

The most important thing is the quality of Loewen’s work.

This is the most important point, but Yang Mi has always had good requirements for film and television works.

Although Yang Mi has been working very hard to film TV series in this time and space, he has also filmed some that did not have a good reputation in the past.

After all, in order to survive, they also need to work hard.

But now they don't need to do that.

More importantly, we need to consider the reputation and quality of these works.

In the end, can they get a very good ratings and bring them higher popularity?

They also have some understanding of some online works.

There are many, many people who have adapted novels into film and television dramas, which have become very popular on TV screens.

But there are also some works that have been criticized by countless people as soon as they go online.

How to shoot, how to perform, everything needs to be improved to be recognized by the audience!

Yang Mi and others knew this, but the most important thing was whether the work itself could be well presented.

At this time, Yang Mi sent the draft of Luo Wen's novel to everyone.

Soon everyone's mobile phone will be able to receive such a text message reminder.

A group of young ladies were eating breakfast while reading the manuscript they got on their mobile phones.

After a quick look at the results, I found that Luo Wen's writing style is really good, he has a great style, and he seems to have a deep literary background.

But why are the characters written down so embarrassing?

"Sister Mimi, this guy Luo Wen is really bad, and all the books he writes have this... How should I put it? It's that kind of feeling of flowing air!"

Reba is blushing a little after reading this.

"Haha, but you can't deny that he does write it well, and such a protagonist is very popular among men! Look at the website he voted for. There are a lot of people bragging about it."

"Was he the one who bought the navy?"Chen Yuqi also clicked on that website to take a look at this time.

At first glance, there were indeed more than half of the readers shouting below:

"Haha, this is my favorite protagonist, so naughty!"

"I really want to see how he will act as a double agent in the future! Hiding the secrets from the Tiandihui and the little emperor at the same time, this is amazing!"

"The point is, this level of shamelessness really refreshes our understanding of a person's lower limit!"

"Yes, but actually this character is very loyal!"

"Sometimes it's like this. Most of the heroes are dog-slaughters, and the description is quite realistic!"

"I can't meet such a hero, I can't have such a good brother"

"Are you sure that such a brother won't trick you?"

"The person who can write this book is also a genius, or a weirdo. This is definitely the most amazing martial arts novel I have ever seen!"

Yes, Luo Wen wrote a martial arts novel this time.

In this era when martial arts is dead, such a classic suddenly came out, with a unique Jianghu style, which immediately made a bunch of martial arts fans excited Get up.

This is also the reason why this book became so popular all of a sudden.

Some of the comments are extreme, some are pertinent, and most of them are praiseful.

But the only thing in common is that everyone is urging it. Even though Luo Wen's update speed is very fast, tens of thousands of words are uploaded a day, but even this still cannot alleviate the readers' love and love for this book, so countless reminders were born.

You can't help but be curious about these readers' reactions.

Yang Mi can't help but defend Luo Wen at this time:"It shouldn't be a troll, the readers' reactions are very real."

It seems that Luo Wen is also very talented. In fact, after reading these words, they really felt Luo Wen's poetic and calligraphy style.

Although the protagonist described a small gangster, But some of the descriptions and the talent revealed between the lines are really shocking.

Although several young ladies made their own comments, they were all fascinated until they saw the end, only to find that they suddenly disappeared.

They usually have a habit of reading scripts quickly. They first have a general understanding of the script, and then read some unique character settings and some relevant information about their characters, and then read it slowly and carefully to understand the inner feelings of the characters. Wait.

So at this time, they used this quick reading method for the first time, and soon they had reached the last section, just wanting to know the plot of the story.

"Ah, I also want to push for an update. Why is it gone now?"Chen Yuqi couldn't help but screamed.

"Hey, hey, hey, please keep your voice down, can you let Lao Yang know?"Yang Mi reminded them in a low voice again

"Why can't he know?"A bunch of young ladies became curious.

"He didn’t even tell us that he wrote a novel, so naturally he didn’t want us to know! I also saw it secretly. Today he was lying on his desk and fell asleep. I happened to see him next to him."Yang Mi couldn't help but explain.

"Haha, what should I do? I still want to see it!"Reba also found it very interesting at this time.

Li Yi gave a reliable suggestion:"Let's also register a few accounts to give him flower reviews and reward monthly tickets, and we can also send him razors along the way!"

"Haha, yes, it’s quite pitiful to see him begging for votes every day. As a lovely reader, let’s give him some skills!"At this time, Tong Liya couldn't help but support!

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