This season of I Am a Singer has a lot of strong actors. Every episode of I Am a Singer has so many powerful ones. The talented singers who join are all fans who pay attention to this show. The most Something to look forward to.

The last time I was a singer, there were indeed many, many powerful people, including Teacher Liu Huan, who had always been very optimistic about Luo Wen, and.

Lin Qingfeng, the lead singer of a very famous creative group in Baodao, also came over.

There are also many other talented singers.

So the competition this time is still very fierce.

In fact, being a successful singer is not an easy thing. Nowadays, it is basically the starting singers and the replacement singers competing for the lead.

The singers who kick off the club are usually relatively new musicians who come with their own works. Basically, they are treated as a round trip, and then they pack their bags and go home.

After all, some big-name figures are very powerful, and they have attracted a lot of popularity from the audience along the way.

This naturally gives them an innate advantage, so now, for many people, even if they are qualified to play in the gymnasium, it is difficult to achieve a new breakthrough.

In fact, in this season of I Am a Singer, no singer has been able to successfully stay on the same stage.

But this time, the appearance of Luo Wen and his teacher feel that even the most tacit understanding in this season can set off a new ratings.

Because Luo Wen is so popular now, more than 20 new songs have directly topped all major music charts.

All of them were directly searched on Weibo, because he should be the first new singer to dominate the major hot song charts in huge numbers.

The key is that the stories between him and his six wives are very eye-catching and full of gimmicks.

If Luo Wen can be attracted to the stage of I am a singer, if nothing else, the popularity alone will be greatly improved.

After all, I am a singer. After so many seasons, the ratings were booming at the beginning and then gradually declined.

In fact, the life cycle of this program has almost come to an end.

After all, every variety show always has a life cycle. From the beginning, the attractive elements of this show are so strong, but later on, it is normal for everyone to get tired of it.

Mainly because every time we invite big names, many people hesitate.

In a program like this, sometimes, even famous singers may not necessarily get good results. If they win, they will be taken for granted, but if they lose, they will be laughed at. Being on this program requires a certain amount of mental endurance.

So not so many big names are willing to join this show directly.

More often than not, there are some unique new-generation singers who suddenly break out and gain more people's attention. Some even become famous instantly through this program!

So in fact, there are many new generation singers who are willing to appear on this show. After all, they have no burden.

This time, after Luo Wen showed off his heavenly singing voice, his most authentic and unique singing immediately shocked the entire program staff.

Because what Luo Wen sang live was almost exactly the same as what he sang in the recording studio. It was even more shocking live than in the recording studio!

Teacher Hong Tao immediately thought that Luo Wen was a natural master of live combat and a powerful player!

Moreover, among the young voices he has heard in the past, Luo Wen is definitely the strongest one!

After having this idea, Teacher Hong Tao made a prompt decision and directly issued the most sincere invitation to Luo Wen.

"Teacher Luo Wen, you are really amazing. You should be the most amazing young master I have ever seen. This time, I implore you to come and take a walk on our singer stage."

"I believe that just once, just once, you will have a national audience, remember your voice! Remember your show! As for appearance fees, we will give you the best treatment, so please rest assured."

Teacher Hong Tao said it very sincerely, and Luo Wen also saw the sincerity of this chief director.

Luo Wen:"Haha, thank you Teacher Hong Tao for the invitation. I am very willing to participate in such a high-level event. variety show recording!

Hong Tao:"Teacher Luo Wen, you have agreed. That's great. We will immediately arrange for the corresponding photographers to film some aspects of your life and make a simple introductory VCR for you."

Teacher Hong Tao made a prompt decision. He has always been very serious and responsible about the recording of this program. After all, inviting new singers is a very important part of the follow-up, so once the singer's name is confirmed, he will do it immediately. There will be a new filming, so the scheduled filming is tomorrow, about some daily life of Luo Wen and his 6th wife, as well as some of his thoughts on music.

No one thought that Luo Wen would get a mainstream music career so quickly. Recognized, I didn’t expect to be able to directly enter this kind of top-level competition platform so soon!

Luo Wen’s more amazing performance is yet to come! _Fei

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