Those music platform websites are extremely efficient. After all, they all want to use Luo Wen’s character to build a higher reputation for them.

In fact, Luo Wen did not say how much money he wanted to make through some of the sales shares. After all, the income from music websites is quite a lot, but not too much.

The most important thing is the impact these songs had on Lovin after they became famous all over the Internet.

While a new song is about to be released, a MV for the new song is also essential.

Because he himself knows very well that by being able to shoot these MVs with these young ladies, the final impact they will have is that only the new songs alone will be much more powerful.

The main reason is because the MV heroines are big enough. You know, there are 6 new songs and 6 MV protagonists, all of whom are A-list goddesses. The effect produced by this is not ordinary.

For Luo Wen, those six new songs are just a few of his new songs. This time he has prepared a whole album of songs, 13 songs in total.

Each one is very unique! He is sure that these songs can produce unexpected effects!

Luo Wen handed over these songs to three of the top domestic digital music platforms for operation, and then there was nothing else to do.

Then he started to prepare for shooting a new music video with the girls so that he could use his newly acquired directing skills.

But what everyone didn't expect was that when these big names in the music industry said that they would sing for a newcomer, an inexplicable person suddenly stood up.

"Thank you seniors for your appreciation of me. I will release a new song recently. I didn’t expect that the seniors would notice my existence! It’s such an honor and I’m so happy. I will continue to work hard in this direction of the music industry in the future. Thank you Teacher Liu Huan, Teacher Wang Fei and all the seniors for their guidance and encouragement!"

The person who said this is a young singer named Huang Yifan, who is actually not a newcomer, but in the past, he practiced as a trainee in Bangzi Country and debuted as a group.

In the end, because of He is from the mainland of the East, so he has gained huge popularity in the mainland, and because he is handsome, has decent singing skills, and has good team management, he is very popular in the mainland after having this foundation. Guona Company has terminated the contract. You must know that in Bangzi Country, although the ability to create stars is very strong now, compared with the domestic market, it is not that good.

And as a member of the group who has just debuted, Bangzi Country is kind of like that. The strict hierarchical relationship system between seniors and seniors has always made him quite unhappy.

As long as you are popular enough in China, who cares about your seniors, stepping on them to get the upper hand is what they often do.

However, in Bangzi Country, if Being disrespectful to his predecessors might lead to more criticism or even bans.

Moreover, there were too many restrictions on his development, so Huang Yifan suddenly felt that there were too many shortcomings in his development there, so he immediately terminated his contract and returned to China.

Their family also had some capital, so after coming up with the idea, they immediately implemented it.

Sure enough, after returning to China, his development has been smooth sailing. He has participated in various variety shows and gained popularity in an instant. Recently, he is also planning to release a new song. , to test the attitude of fans and listeners, in his opinion, no one could be more suitable for Liu Huan and Wang Fei's evaluation, so he stood up and admitted that he was criticized by Liu Huan and Wang Fei. , a gesture of praise from the younger generation!

And he also specially favored these two big names in the music industry.

At first, I didn't know what it was like for these two big shots.

It turned out that this guy actually pretended to be like this. There was no one else who had their favorable comments.

Wang Fei might have been a little calmer and didn't say much, but Teacher Liu Huan was different. He had a high status and was straightforward, so he didn't need to worry so much. I responded on Weibo, Huang Yifan, with this paragraph:

"It’s good for young people to have dreams and drive, but don’t be too self-righteous. We don’t know each other and have no connection. Your song? Sorry, I really haven't heard of it."

Sometimes the slap in the face really comes too fast. The scariest thing is that you get slapped with your own face.

If it ends like this, it may not take long before everyone thinks it is a joke.

As a result, many of Huang Yifan's idiot fans do some excessive behavior

"Who is Liu Huan? He dares to speak like this to us Fanfan!"

"That’s too much. We Fanfan are the most powerful. Why?"

Now Huang Yifan was dumbfounded. It was already a joke that he felt good about himself, but he turned out to be a bunch of stupid fans who were adding fuel to the fire.

This time it was going to be confusing!

He didn't even know these so-called things. The fans were tricked by his opponents.

He quickly prepared a statement on Weibo to clarify, but in the end his management team stopped him.

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