After the second day of recording, a group of musicians no longer know how to judge Lovin’s singing skills and his creative talent. The most important thing is.

What is the level of that group of little sisters? They all know it very well. When it comes to acting, they all have very good acting skills.

But when it comes to singing skills, it can only be said to be average.

Even among them, the better ones, that is, they can keep it in tune, which is already very good.

As a result, after Luo Wen's teachings, everything has changed dramatically.

It cannot be said that each of these young ladies has the voice of nature, but as soon as they sing with Luo Wen, the resonance and the change of emotions will instantly become a different degree of agreement.

The unparalleled tacit understanding and unique singing performance style instantly made these big names in the music industry mesmerized!

"Oh my God, what methods did you use? Let them sing so beautifully!"Wang Fei really didn't hesitate to praise him at this time.

No one expected that with Luo Wen's cooperation, several young ladies would show unprecedented talent and ability in singing!

"Loven, you are such an amazing person! I really didn’t expect that you have such great abilities in this area. Can I apply to find a few new people and let you help me train them?"

The person who said this was another big shot in the music industry. At this time, he happened to be in the city of Luowen. Hearing Lin Xi's invitation, he couldn't help but be very curious and came over to take a look!

The result surprised him very much!

This A big figure in the music industry, named Song Ke, has actually cultivated many well-known figures in the music industry in the past period of time. Now he is the most important figure in music creation.

The important thing is that there will be too many newcomers who were trained by him. The female contestants in the past talent shows were all trained by him to become powerful female players in the music industry.

And there is another big brother in the music industry. , Liu Huan was also in this place!

At this moment, Liu Huan was very excited when he heard Luo Wen and a group of girls singing:"Brother Luo Wen, you are really amazing! Such beautiful music is yours, and that kind of oriental ancient rhyme song is very popular with me. When can we collaborate?"

When he came here to record today, Luo Wen had already seen that there were many big figures in the music industry that he was familiar with. He suddenly appeared here, and he couldn't help but look forward to it. Obviously, he was attracted by hearing his new song. Come.

A group of young ladies are also prepared to embarrass their husbands!

For many people, Luo Wen’s appearance is obviously an accident. This is the first time for these kings and queens to hear Luo Wen. This unique style of music is mainly because the songs are well written, and the singers are extremely amazing.

This combination is definitely a hit for the new song. Suddenly

, someone like Luo Wen appeared.

Before, they didn't pay much attention to things on the Internet, because these real big names still focused more on their own careers.

Later I discovered that Luo Wen had such a unique relationship with so many first-line ladies.

"Haha, little brother Luo Wen, you are so awesome, but I can also understand the thoughts of so many goddesses being with you. If I were a woman, I wouldn't be able to withstand your charm!"Lin Xi couldn't help but laugh out loud at this time.

A group of young ladies couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed at this time.

But seeing their men being praised by so many boss-level people, they couldn't help but feel sweet in their hearts.

The most important thing is What's more, Luo Wen is really their pride now. Being able to show it like this shows that Luo Wen's talent is very eye-catching.

They just lack a chance to show it. Will they only have Luo Wen if they have the opportunity? Just release the new song, and they will be responsible for charting it, and with the help of several of them, we can definitely create a new miracle!

"Let's just wait and see what effect Brother Luo Wen will have after he releases these songs, right? I'm sure it can definitely start a new trend!"Song Ke couldn't help but say with admiration at this time.

After all, she knew very well that in such an environment, the music scene really needed a new creative figure to join.

And these new songs written by Luo Wen are all It is a very novel style, and it is more in line with the demands of young people.

The most terrible thing is that Luo Wen's style is flexible and changeable. It not only contains some of the most unique elements of modern pop songs, but also some folk songs. Wen Qing's songs are very popular with them!

Such a versatile and versatile player is really rare!

And what they are looking forward to now is that after Luo Wen shows all this, the fans will What kind of reaction will the audience have? _Fei

Lu reminds you: three things about reading - favorites and recommendations.

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