At this moment, for Luo Wen, everything seems to have been blocked, and he just feels very at ease to perform his singing.

Everyone has clearly felt the unique artistic atmosphere in Luo Wen's singing.

Everyone knows that a performance like this by Loewen is not something that ordinary people can do.

And now, this unique concept of Luo Wen's follow-up has appeared very powerfully in everyone's mind.

Such a concept is something that absolutely no one has ever thought of before.

It turns out that the song can still be sung like this!

It combines the charm of oriental ancient style, plus a unique and elegant singing voice, and there are various subsequent coordinations.

The chemical effect produced by this is simply refreshing for everyone. The most important thing is that if this style of music was really sung by Lovin himself.

That's really scary. He created a new genre!

Lin Xi, Wang Fei, and other musicians on the other side felt the same way when they heard Luo Wen singing in the recording studio.

Suddenly there was a sense of astonishment, surprise, shock, and an indescribable sense of déjà vu mixed in my heart.

Lin Xi is also a well-informed person, and Wang Fei is also a diva who has sung many different genres of music.

But after hearing the style of Lovin's interpretation at this moment, I was completely brought into Lovin's rhythm.

What’s more, it’s an amazing feeling!

Yes, it's really amazing. They have never heard of this song. It was obviously composed by Luo Wen.

After such a performance, Luo Wen's status instantly rose a lot in their minds.

Because they all know that Luo Wen, let alone other things, can make him famous with this song alone.

Good looking and very good singing skills!

He seems to have a good character. Although many fans are trying to criticize him now, based on his performance just now, Luo Wen is still relatively humble.

It would be unreasonable for such a person not to be popular!

At this moment, Lin Xi and Wang Fei couldn't help but smile bitterly.

There was Luo Wen who was much, much stronger than they imagined.

No wonder these goddess sisters would choose him without any hesitation.

At this time, let alone him, even the sisters standing next to Luo Wen were shocked.

Because although Luo Wen had sung before, he had also sung some songs that he sang with them, and they also played this ancient oriental song. They had just heard the concept of the full version.

At this moment, Luo Wen seemed to be emitting a unique light, attracting all their thoughts to Luo Wen. He seemed to be a huge magnet, able to attract everyone's attention.

The singing Lovin is so powerful and so charming!

In the last few lines, at the peak of the chorus, Luo Wen used a Peking Opera singing style to complete a unique singing, and the ending tune at the end also made everyone feel refreshed.

It turns out that pop songs and ancient Peking opera can achieve such a perfect fusion, which is definitely a genre of its own! incredible!

After singing the song, as a sound engineer in the recording studio, I realized that Lowen had never been asked to stop in the middle, and he passed the test in one go!

He didn't even have a chance to adjust some of the tone. Lovin sang too perfectly.

Sing to the end!

At this moment, when Luo Wen slowly walked out of it, he was greeted by different looks from everyone.

And suddenly, there was warm applause.

The roar of applause was captured by more than a dozen people in the room. It was just a small-scale noise, but everyone continued for a long time. They were really amazed by Luo Wen's performance this time.

These people who make music are actually quite simple. If you have the talent and ability, you can naturally conquer them.

You don't have this ability, and they don't even think about looking at you.

At this time, Lin Xi walked over directly and gave Luo Wen a big bear hug:"Brother, you are the most powerful young man I have ever seen. When it comes to making music, I am not as good as you!"

"Brother Xu, please stop trying to kill me. You are my senior and my idol. You say that, and I feel ashamed!"

Luo Wen is actually very clear that he is influenced by another great god. Without that great god in this time and space, he can get these songs into his own hands.

As a new resource allocation , and this kind of singing was also achieved through the exchange of the system and a new breakthrough.

So in a sense, Lin Xi achieved his current position completely through his own efforts and ability. Wen is a bit of a bargain-hunter, but he has worked hard to maintain himself, but in the face of praise from great gods, Luo Wen is very self-aware, and he still needs to have the same attitude as everyone else. The change still makes him feel better. Lin Xi is not the only one who has such an idea. All other musicians can't help but admire it at this time.

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