This recording is an extremely important thing for the entire family.

After all, in the past period of time, it was hard for everyone to imagine that Luo Wen, a guy who looked like a latecomer, could still have such a high musical talent.

Perhaps no one could imagine that Luo Wen had some unique abilities of his own in this aspect.

Everyone has different opinions about Lovin, but most people think that he is an ignorant person.

For many people at this moment, Luo Wen's appearance is a surprise.

In the past period of time, a group of goddesses were very independent. No one expected that they would suddenly have such a common husband.

There was a sudden change that even their fans couldn't react to, let alone other people in the entertainment industry who were watching the excitement.

And those who came to this recording site today are all Yang Mi and a few other little sisters, friends in the music industry. After all, if you can have such a connection with them at this time, you must have a very good relationship. of.

At this moment, the relatives and friends who came here to record do have other thoughts about Luo Wen.

Mainly because Luo Wen snatched away all their sisters at once, which was indeed a very unexpected thing for them.

The key is that Luo Wen was unknown before, and no one knew who he was. Suddenly, he gained the favor of 6 goddesses, and even directly became their closest person.

That’s why there is such a unique effect

"This time, these little girls seemed determined to follow Luo Wen."

At this moment, a diva-level existence appeared in the recording studio.

Wang Fei is an iconic diva for the entire mainland pop music scene.

After all, in this time and space, what she has done Yes, those musical achievements are indeed very shocking, and her relationship with a certain male star has become a topic that many people talk about.

It is precisely because of this that she can understand these things. Female thought.

They are very persistent in love. So when it comes to love, they can make such a decision. Wang Fei understands that now a group of sisters are playing new songs for Luo Wen, even if she is a diva. All the powerful people called over.

Wang Fei finally saw how much this sister group valued Luo Wen and really put all their best resources on this man.

"Haha, no matter what, it is their own decision. Let’s take a look today and give some good suggestions if we can. If it doesn’t work, forget it. After all, not just anyone can help him up!"

This is another musician who is also very famous in the industry. He is a songwriter. His name is Lin Xi, a very famous songwriter in Nangang.

He is also a very famous and very famous person in the industry. Ka.

The most important thing is that he has written songs and lyrics for these superstars. There is no doubt about

Lin Xi’s level. Anyone who has met him and worked with him knows it very well.

Suddenly he was asked to face such a new person and asked him to make some comments. Naturally, Lin Xi still had some arrogance.

He said he didn't know these sisters, and they had a little relationship with them. Not particularly familiar.

He came this time mainly because he was invited by Wang Fei, one of the sisters whom he valued very much. He had a good relationship with her.

So after having such an idea, Wang Fei came to her. The good guy Fei did his best and called this powerful little friend here.

"Haha, they finally found someone they like, so please help. It’s really no longer possible to say anything at that time."

Wang Fei's words are also very simple and straightforward. After all, sisters have to help each other. Her relationship has been used. Whether she can win everyone's approval by then is Luo Wen's own ability.

This time, they left This is the best recording studio. In addition to Wang Fei and Lin Xi, there are also some other music critics and different musicians who come here.

These are all the connections between several sisters in the music circle. At this moment, everyone is suddenly invited here, naturally because of Luo Wen's relationship, and also because of the importance the sisters attach to Luo Wen.

Now everyone is very curious whether Luo Wen has such an ability that can give everyone. A real change.

However, most of them still believe that Luo Wen will not have any good results this time. After all, no matter how good a fitness coach sings, he is still an amateur!

At this time, Yang Mi and others Sister, she followed Luo Wen and arrived in this recording studio.

Most of the team were acquaintances of everyone present, but the leader, a young man, became the focus of everyone's attention. _Fei

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