Suddenly faced with the gazes of so many sisters, Reba felt a little dizzy, but she seemed to find that things were not simple.

So she turned around and looked at Luo Wen, who still had a little pride on his face.

"What did you say to them?"Reba asked him angrily.

"Haha, the important thing is not what Luo Wen said, but what did you just do in the kitchen? It won't be that little time just now, you are already inside……"Chen Yuqi was talking with great interest just now, but the last sentence immediately led everyone in another direction.

What's terrible is that this guy is hiding his little face, and the picture is so beautiful that the baby doesn't dare to look at it.

Reba immediately laughed angrily:"You female gangster, what are you thinking in your head! Nothing happened just now!"

"Haha, let me just say, the previous video between Luo Wen and Sister Mimi was so powerful, the battle shouldn’t end so quickly, right? Ouch, I was shocked. I thought you were so greedy? It makes my little heart skip a beat!"

Chen Yuqi said mischievously while lining up his heart.

Reba's face immediately turned redder.

In fact, although it was not as Chen Yuqi said, it was not far behind.

If the sisters weren't all here, If Reba can't let go, Luo Wen will definitely punish this young lady on the spot.

But now she can only think about it. After all

, there is only so much that can be done in such a time period.

Something that made Reba extremely depressed still happened, but

Xiao Doudou next to her said loudly:"Mom is lying! It's wrong for mom to lie! I clearly saw you and dad having sex just now! Where dad holds you in the corner, how sweet you are!"

Hearing Xiao Doudou's words, a group of sisters immediately said"Wow!"

"So that’s it. It seems like Sister Reba, you are not being honest!"Li Di's smile also became more meaningful and playful.

"It's just that you are not sincere to the sisters. What's the point? Aren't you and this bad guy already flirting with each other for a long time?"Na Ga also helped to speak.

"Hey, welcome to join my husband’s precious wife camp, you are indeed my good sister."Yang Mi didn't have anything to worry about. He directly pulled Reba over and said with a smile.

"Luo Wen acted too quickly. He took down two young ladies in a row just after he came back. This made me panic."Chen Yuqi also looked scared at this time.

"Hehe, don't panic, give up the resistance, we can't escape, you have also seen the power of my artillery, at least help me share some of the burden with my sister!"

Luo Wen's words immediately made the remaining sisters blush.

"You guy, can you talk properly? Why do you think about these things all day long? I don’t know how you wrote those songs."Naga couldn't help but complain.

But her little face couldn't help but turn redder.

In fact, her opinion of Luo Wen has not changed much. She doesn't hate it, but she doesn't particularly like it.

However, she has had these contacts recently. , seeing several good sisters fall one after another, she really saw Luo Wen's attraction to women.

How long has it been like this?

Of course, it is mainly due to talent and various abilities. Luo Wen does. They were surprised and even amazed.

It made them feel like they had found a treasure.

If Luo Wen was not that good, it would be better to say it, but now Luo Wen's performance is indeed very outstanding.

The young lady really likes his talent in music and literature, and the video of him and Yang Mi eating chicken was really hot.

Thinking about it again, several other young ladies didn't have much idea. Sister, I can't help but feel hot in my heart.

They are also women, so why do they still miss her a little?

What's more important is that Luo Wen has always been so good. Although he is a bit bad, men are not bad and women don't love them. This makes people very confused.

A group of young ladies are very flexible. Of course, they can still control it now because Luo Wen did not focus on them, but several young ladies have already fallen. Anyway, this is the situation now, and they have to face it.

Luo Wen's attitude makes them a little bit overwhelmed.

But the one who is the most shy and depressed now is Miss Reba..

He was actually betrayed by his own little daughter. This experience would make people laugh.

Of course, only the sisters knew about it.

But even so, for Reba, what she had just been close to Luo Wen was. It was really embarrassing to be exposed in front of her.

At this time, Reba's face was as red as a ripe tomato and she felt like she was about to bleed.

"That, that, is not what you think."I, I, I, I just said hello to Luo Wen, but this guy..."

However, before Reba could finish speaking, Luo Wen made a move that made Reba flustered._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu novel

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