Seeing Luo Wen in such a state, several young ladies were very angry. This was a blatant hugging.

At this time, let alone Yang Mi, the other ladies couldn't stand it.

Chen Yuqi:"Don't go too far as a man. Don't think that you can do whatever you want with Sister Mimi's support!"

Na Ga:"That's right, if you keep doing this, we won't pay attention to you!"

Reba:"There's someone next to you. There are several children here. Why don't you show off your affection so much? Have you considered our feelings?"

Li Di:"We are still children!"

A group of young ladies protested angrily, but they were obviously dissatisfied. It has no effect on Lowen.

At this time, Luo Wen laughed and said,"Is there anything wrong with me being intimate with my own wife? Anyway, if you are not convinced, you can throw yourself into my arms, and I can treat you the same way."

Reba:"Ah! You bad guy! It turns out that���Just wait for us here!"

Chen Yuqi:"No, sister Reba, you have to stick to our front and don't be conquered by this bad guy so easily, otherwise half of us sisters will fall!"

At this moment, Xiao Doudou next to her was a little confused.

When she saw that Niuniu and Nuonuo's mothers had been fucked by their fathers, why was her own mother not fucked?

"Mom, why don't you have sex with Dad? Don't you like dad anymore? You said dad doesn't like you?"At this time, Doudou showed a nervous and a little fearful look.

Children's thoughts are very sensitive, and there are even some parts that make people laugh or cry. At this time, Reba couldn't help but feel a little depressed. Why did she do this again?.

The main reason is that Luo Wen deserves a beating, so he gave Tong Liya and Yang Mi such a close relationship. These two women already have a very direct relationship with him, and now they are not embarrassed. The awkward position made her a little confused

"Doudou, my mother has a toothache recently, and she can't have a good smell when she has a toothache, so she doesn't behave like this with my father."Chen Yuqi was very considerate at this time and gave Reba a scientific explanation.

Reba Alliance agreed:"Yes, yes, it's because of this that my mother is not so close to her father. In fact, there is nothing wrong with mom and dad loving each other."

At this time, Reba couldn't help but glared at Luo Wen and asked him to quickly help explain.

At this time, let alone Luo Wen, even Yang Mi and Tong Liya helped Reba.

At this time, Xiaodou Doucai managed to cope with it, but she still felt a little worried in her heart, so she quickly said to Reba:"Mom, after your toothache is cured, you must fix it for me. You and Dad must do it." , Dad can stay by my side!"

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you."Reba breathed a sigh of relief at this time. It was really not easy.

At least she was able to fool this clever person.

Sure enough, you have to use countless lies to make up a lie.

The main thing is Luo Wen. This time, it was really a good harvest, and I got the favor of two girls at once, and I felt that the third one was not far away.

Of course, I still had to completely conquer Tong Liya.

This was something Luo Wen himself was very concerned about. Clearly.

In addition to the feeling of closeness with Tong Liya just now,

Luo Wen is still very interested in this young lady, and Tong Liya is already a very unique beauty. She had already made such an agreement with Luo Wen.

In the end, it was naturally able to give Luo Wen a unique attraction.

Moreover, after having some close relationships, Luo Wen could clearly feel that this young lady had never been alone. In terms of appearance and body condition, they are on par with Yang Mi.

The two goddesses have their own strengths and characteristics.

If they really have a say this time, after all, they already have their own unique characteristics. Experience.

Of course, Luo Wen still has other demands for Tong Liya. Yang Mi has already conquered it, can Tong Liya be far behind?

And after he came back, he also saw that

Tong Liya was still in that state when he left. A little scared, but after Yang Mi happened, there seemed to be a new change.

This was undoubtedly good news for Luo Wen, so Miss General looked at them with an ambiguous look. Both of them, even Yang Mi.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little weird.

Tong Liya couldn't stand their attitude:"Why are you always looking at me like this?"

Li Di:"We just want to see what kind of state a lamb is about to be slaughtered and learn some experience!

Reba:"Don't worry, we will help you look after your daughter tonight. I wish you have a good time.""

Chen Yuqi:"Haha, this suggestion is quite good, and this blessing is also good. Sisters, I send you great blessings to Yaya, a wave of assists, and a buff for you."

Seeing such a speech from a group of seniors, Tong Liya was a little bit dumbfounded:

"You've had enough, and you will definitely do it tonight. What will happen?"

"Whether it happens or not depends on Luo Wen himself. Looking at Luo Wen's eyes, do you think this bad guy will not do anything?"

At this time, Tong Liya was embarrassed by the sisters, so she turned to look at Luo Wen, only to find that Luo Wen was looking straight at him, his eyes full of all kinds of longing.

But looking at Tong Liya Then one person was so flustered that he quickly lowered his head and took the food in his hands, not daring to look at Luo Wen anymore.

Such a state immediately made a group of sisters look at each other and smile. This young lady was too tender. In fact, Tong Liya had already accepted Luo Wen's appearance.

Everyone could see that the two of them had already had a huge affection for each other. If it weren't for Tong Liya's traditional and reserved and shy personality, how could Yang Mi get there first?

Yang Mi must have seen this, so he took the lead, right?

And at that time, Yang Mi was seemingly at odds with Luo Wen. Who would have thought that this young lady would change her mind so quickly since she joined Luo Wen ? After reading the article, Yang Mi had a completely different attitude. Now he was very obedient, as if he wanted to pamper Luo Wen.

In fact, Yang Mi's performance on the plane had already been watched by many people. Fans who arrived have made it a hot search.

_Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collect and recommend.

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