After seeing the images left by Yang Mi, a group of young ladies could not help but panic in their hearts. Luo Wen was a fitness coach after all.

The figure is well-trained, and it can be seen that hard work has been put into it.

What Chen Yuqi said just now is really better than those movies, but that's really not a guarantee.

They could feel how powerful the real happiness that Yang Mi was talking about was.

At this time, the most panicked people should be Tong Liya and Reba.

After all, it is easiest for them to develop with Luo Wen now, and it will probably be their turn soon. Thinking about what may happen in the future, they all feel a little panicked.

It is likely to happen to them countless times in the future, and they all have a feeling of their hearts beating faster.

Luo Wen is really awesome.

What’s interesting is that while they were watching, they didn’t forget to express their opinions in the small group.

And these opinions they expressed were seen to be taken into account by Luo Wen.

Chen Yuqi:"I'll go, this is fine, I've learned a lot!"

Li Yi:"Luo Wen usually looks quite a gentleman, I didn't expect that!"

Na Ga:"But sometimes she is still quite gentle, I feel like Sister Yaya Even Reba can't stand it."

Reba:"Just watch, don't drag us two together."

Chen Yuqi:"Haha, who doesn't know what you are thinking, this time Sister Mimi has taken the lead. , then it’s the two of you."

Li Yi:"Oh, look at Sister Mimi, she’s so confused."

Na Ga:"Luo Wen is too cruel, I can’t laugh or cry."

Reba:"It’s amazing, we are. You still underestimated Luo Wen!"

Tong Liya:"We must not let Luo Wen know that we have looked at it thoroughly, otherwise Luo Wen will definitely return it with his bad character!"

Chen Yuqi:" Haha, if this is really the case, let’s just push Sister Yaya and Sister Reba out."

Li Di:"That’s right, that’s it."

Na Ga:"Don’t go too far."

Reba:"Why doesn't Sister Mimi say anything?"

Chen Yuqi:"Haha, I must be embarrassed. Let's continue watching."

Li Yi:"Wow, that's amazing!"

Na Ga:"I feel very sorry for Sister Reba and Yaya right now. Sister, what will they do?" Chen Yuqi:"What should I do? Sister Mimi can do it, why can't they?"

Chen Yuqi:"Hahaha, no. Say it, let’s say it!"

Reba:"Hi! It’s so scary!"

Chen Yuqi:"Sister Mimi, are you okay now?"

Naga:" If you don't speak anymore, I guess Sister Mimi won't have a chance to answer the question, right?"

Li Di:"Don't worry, Sister Mimi is still very powerful!"

Chen Yuqi:"Oh my god, we are really convinced now, I am. I think Sister Reba and Sister Yaya should exercise well."

Na Ga:"Otherwise, your physical fitness will really not be able to keep up, hahaha!"

A group of sisters discussed each other, and one message came out every once in a while. They are all here to evaluate how this movie is.

At this time, Yang Mi was embarrassed to look at her, her face turned red.

"I think it’s time to make a better movie to show off our acting skills! Luo Wen said to Yang Mi with a smile at this time.

"Ah, you still want to take pictures? Yang Mi was blushing furiously at this time.

Luo Wen:"Didn't you take this photo yourself?" And I think there are some parts that were not shot well. Let’s shoot it again. The quality of this movie is not good enough. Let’s get another high-quality one!

Yang Mi panicked:"Can you shoot again tomorrow? You can at least let me rest and rest.""

"Hehe, tomorrow has things to do tomorrow, and today has today’s tasks. Does it mean that if you eat today, you don’t need to eat tomorrow?"Luowen should speak confidently at this time.

"Please spare me……"At this moment, Yang Mi suddenly became as motionless as a dead fish.

"Haha, if those sisters knew that you had read all their comments, I don’t know how they would feel."After a while, Yang Mi couldn't help but said in a funny way.

"That's not to say that you sold them lightly. Don't worry, I won't tell them now. I have to save some face for you. But you have to agree to one condition." Luo Wen gently patted Yang Mi's face and said

"What conditions?" Yang Mi responded a little feebly at this time.

"You will know tomorrow, and I will let you go today. Luo Wen smiled happily and said

"Great, great, thank you husband! I'm really scared. Wait until I get some rest? I can do better too, right?"Yang Mi's words immediately made Luo Wen smile proudly.

"Husband, I also watched your new song this time. The sisters are very satisfied with it, and I am especially satisfied. Let’s sing a chorus when the time comes!"

Yang Mi changed the topic to other things at this time, because she was really afraid that it would arouse Luo Wen's other interests, and then he would be miserable.

"Just your singing skills?"Luo Wen couldn't help but said a little bit dumbfounded at this time.

"Hey, hey, he has released a single and an EP after all! Can you please stop looking down on me so much? Yang Mi said angrily.

Luo Wen:"To be honest, I'm really not satisfied with your singing skills, but it doesn't matter, your husband sings well!" And I will help you make up for all these shortcomings, but you will have to train with me for a period of time."

"When we release another single with Zhang Qi, I also thought that you would shoot a MV for me and make some big songs together, which should be able to get twice the result with half the effort."

"Ah, MV? Then who should we ask to be the director?"Yang Mi also became interested at this time. He couldn't help but open his beautiful eyes and asked curiously.

Luo Wen:"Hey, you don't need to invite anyone else, I can do it myself. Then I will let you see my husband's director. Talent! Luo

Wen's words immediately stunned Yang Mi. Seeing her like this, Luo Wen couldn't help but have a new idea!

Luo Wen:"Don't worry, you are all on the front lines and followed me. If you are not as good as before, then I He is truly a sinner. Fans won’t let me go, right?"

"So in fact, when I first got together with you, I had already thought of some plans. If possible, I could start almost at this time.

Yang Mi couldn't help but be very curious at this time:"What's the plan? Why don't I know about it at all?" Luo Wen smiled:"

I never revealed it. Of course you have no idea.""

"But I am confident that if you follow my plan, you will definitely become more and more popular. Let's discuss it together when we get home."_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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