As soon as he entered Yang Mi's room, Luo Wen acted like a wild beast, not giving the young lady any chance to react.

I don't know how long it took, but Yang Mi finally woke up from the blissful dizziness that she would never forget.

She felt that her whole body was in a daze at the time, but she also felt an unparalleled happiness.

This is her first time trying this magical thing!

But he immediately let her know what a woman’s happiness is.

"Husband, I love you to death. From this moment on, I can never leave you again!"

At this time, Yang Mi was really more obedient than ever. She would do whatever Wang Yangyang did.

She was completely conquered by this man. Sometimes, as a beautiful writer once said, the road to women The best channel in her heart is that unique position!

After this breakthrough in the relationship, Yang Mi's whole mentality completely changed. She officially recognized the identity of Luo Wen's husband, and her daughter Nuo. The identity of Nuo’s father!

This close relationship instantly heated up their relationship.

Luo Wen..."Hey, you know me now. You are enjoying yourself. I can't get enough of you.""

"Ah, what should I do?"Yang Mi didn't know what to say at this time. She had no experience at all.

Just now Luo Wen really wanted her and felt what peak happiness was, and it exhausted her energy in an instant.

At this time, she really moved She didn't have the strength at all, so she could only talk to Luo Wen reluctantly.

However, Luo Wen was very considerate of her emotions at this time, and gently did some aftermath work for her, but she wanted Yang Mi to feel it. Completely different satisfaction

"What else can be done? Cold salad, can I still treat my own wife like a slut? Yang Mi couldn't help but blushed at this time and said:"It seems that it is not a wrong choice for us to follow you together. If I am the only one, I really can't stand it. You bad guy, you are too powerful."!"

"Hey, it's good that you know, help me win down a few sisters quickly, and you can relax a little bit. Otherwise, I will have to deal with you with my firepower."Hearing Luo Wen's words, Yang Mi felt sweet and scared at the same time.

She was high enough, but it would be bad if she got too high.

"Hehe, hasn’t Yaya already confirmed it with you? Go back and take her down! This way I will also have a good sister to share the burden with."

"And Reba, I am the best friend to her and know her very well. I have already seen that she has unusual thoughts about you. I just didn’t expect it, so I was contacted and posted first. hey-hey."Yang Mi's words immediately made Luo Wen's heart feel alive again.

"Ouch, why are you here again? Are you so excited just by talking about it? As expected, you are a bad guy who has always been ambitious, and now you are still with me. When you talk about other sisters, you are happy, but I am not happy! Yang Mi said a little jealously.

After all, at this time she had just confirmed with Luo Wen that everything had made a breakthrough, and the result was good. When she talked about it, her sister Luo Wen was very excited.

"Hehe, look at what you said, shouldn’t I just say it? It's not okay to think about it, plus now they are all my wife's in name. There are only three left, even if you haven’t given birth to a child, I have to take you three. I don’t want to see my child taken care of by someone else in the future!"

Yang Mi heard Luo Wen's words, but rolled her eyes angrily:"You are just thinking nonsense. How is it possible? Now your three daughters are so clingy to you. We are all jealous when we look at it. Others are not interested at all. Maybe it has entered our hearts"

"And if I follow you, they can't run away, but how are you going to treat them well? Take a look at your performance, and then I'll consider whether I should give you an assist!"

At this time, the blush on Yang Mi's face has not faded away, and she is obviously very satisfied. She is so bright and glowing after being nourished by Luo Wen.

"Wife, you look so beautiful now. Do you want to post your current status to your sisters so that they can be envious?" Luo Wen had a bad idea at this time.

Hearing Luo Wen's words, Yang Mi's eyes suddenly lit up:"That's necessary. You don't even know where Yaya sent the red envelope when she sent the message today? She said she was happy to have a husband, how jealous I was!"

"It was from the moment I saw her handing out the red envelope that I was sure of my feelings. I finally knew that I couldn't possibly watch other sisters just being nice to you like this while I remained indifferent."

"So now, I let you come. Just by doing this, wouldn’t I offend others? As soon as everyone got friendly with you, I beat you away and even took your first blood. hey-hey."

Yang Mi looked like a little girl who had done bad things at this time, and like a little mouse who stole rice. She was very proud of herself.

How could there be any regret or embarrassment?

Seeing her like this, Luo Wen glared at her angrily. One glance:"You also know that you have done something bad, sorry sisters? , I think you would still do it even if you knew"

"That's right, that's what I want to do. I'm the eldest sister in the sister group. I have to fight for the first place in everything so that I can control this group of guys! Do you think it's so easy to say"big sister"?"

"And I just want to grab the first place, and I just want to be with you! Yaya has already taken the first spot. If I can't even get this first blood, it will be a huge failure."

"And even if I offend my sisters, I have no regrets. I will do anything for the man I love. Even if I offend everyone in the world, I will do it!"

At this time, Luo Wen looked at her, and Yang Mi couldn't help but feel a little dazed. She is indeed a cruel woman.

Seeing Luo Wen's eyes, Yang Mi couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, but she was a little crazy, using Holding Luo Wen's face with both hands, he said obsessively:

"Husband, don’t blame me, Mimi is cruel, I like you so much, love you so much. I didn’t make this clear before because there were many things that blinded my eyes."

"Now I see clearly, I just want to do everything I can do. Don’t worry, husband, I will make you famous. I will let everyone know how powerful and outstanding you are. By then, everyone will envy me for being so good. a husband of"

"I am very, very glad that I chose to be pregnant with your child. Nono is our child. Giving birth to her is definitely the happiest and happiest decision in my life!"

"Without her, we probably wouldn't have this chance to be together."

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