The venue.

Following the host's announcement, the scene was in dead silence.

Three days!

Future Pictures and Chinasoft jointly won the bid

【Ding! Reputation +1!】

【Ding! Reputation +1!】

【Ding! Reputation +1! 】

Future Pictures became famous.

A little-known company directly beat out established companies like Wei Teng and Huaruan to win first place.

Before the bidding started, no one could have imagined that. The old king abdicated! The new king ascended the throne!

This is the change of dynasty! Many manufacturers who were inspired by Ye Feng's words came forward to congratulate him. After the greetings, Ye Feng looked at the

【Host: Ye Feng】

【System: All-round superstar system】

【Reputation: 110,000 points】

【Special Mission: 110,000 mission rewards have been unlocked. 】

Just as Ye Feng was shocked——


【Congratulations to the host, you have accumulated 110,000 reputation points】

【Special mission reward: 30% equity of Xiangjiang Hotel, the single largest shareholder!】

【Tip 1: Your equity certification has been notarized, and all procedures are handled by the system.���, no problems will occur】

【Warm Tip 2: In order to maintain the financial order of interstellar civilization, the task rewards given by the system cannot be transferred or bought and sold before upgrading. They are only for the host's own use. Please be informed. 】

Xiangjiang Hotel!

The largest star-rated hotel chain in China!

Market value exceeds 10 billion!

The system directly issues 30% of the shares?

Even if it cannot be bought and sold, wouldn't it be nice to show off?

Ye Feng was stunned.

It's just... why is this name a little familiar?


Never mind.

Let's deal with the present first.

He looked at the person in charge of Xuanying.

The two sides shook hands and signed a contract in a friendly atmosphere, agreeing to get the movie optimized in three days.

The Xuanying staff handed over the edited version of the movie.

Director Li, the person in charge of Xuanying, said seriously:"Mr. Ye, please rest assured. If the technology this time can really surpass Hollywood, I promise to persuade the board of directors to agree that your subtitles will be placed at the beginning of the movie, ahead of the director and the leading actor."

Ye Feng nodded:"Then I'm relieved."


Everyone left one after another.

Seeing the crowd dissipate, Rong Lan finally cast out his doubts

"Mr. Ye, what should we do next?"

Ye Feng smiled and said,"Of course, it's time to eat and drink."


Rong Lan was dumbfounded.

Surprise was written all over her beautiful face.

The task was to be handed in in three days. How could he still have the mind to eat and drink in such a short time?

After thinking about it, she reminded:"This mission only lasts for three days. Shouldn't we work overtime?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said:"Don't worry, someone will come with the ultimate version of"Across the Galaxy" in three days. We just need to relax during this period."

Rong Lan stopped talking.

She really wanted to ask Ye Feng, are we going to give up treatment?

In the end, she didn't say anything.

She said:"Mr. Ye, Wei Teng's gang will never give up. We still have to be prepared to deal with it."

Ye Feng nodded.

His heart was full of disdain.

Wouldn't he just give up?

He wished the other party would make trouble.

Any conspiracy was based on similar strength.

Now the strength of both sides was completely different. It was ridiculous that Wei Teng actually thought that they were at the same level?

In fact, he knew what means Wei Teng would use. Forbearing and not firing? It was just to let the bullet fly for a while. All of Wei Teng's calculations were to make wedding clothes for his reputation!

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