After the words fell, the group of people became even more confused.

"Future Pictures? Have you heard of it?"

"Have not heard"

"I do not have either"

""Hahaha, are you sure you are not kidding me?"

Countless people were shocked.

They had never heard of Ye Feng's name.

Only several top optimizers were shocked.

At this moment, Rong Lan stood up.

She explained:"I can prove that he is the founder of Future Pictures Group. If you don't believe it, you can go to the announcement on the homepage of the optimization website. There are the latest batch of gold-certified companies."

"gold medal?"

"It’s actually a gold medal?"

"You are not kidding, are you?"

"A person of Rong's status would never speak nonsense when he stands out."

A group of people shook their heads subconsciously.

Two manufacturers' managers seemed to remember something:"Ah, I remember, the day before yesterday, just updated a gold certification, could it be this company?"

Rong Lan nodded and said:"It's him."

The group of people suddenly realized.

No one thought that a little-known company would be gold certified.

This is more than most companies present.


"Even so, isn't three days too much?"

"Exactly! How is it possible in three days?"

"Even Wei Teng Technology can't do it, how dare you, a newly promoted gold medal company, claim that it will take three days?"

Countless people shook their heads.

Even the person in charge of Xuanguo Films felt that it was unreliable.

It was nothing!

Three days was simply too fast!

It was the kind that you couldn't catch up with even on a rocket.

At this time, Ye Feng spoke again.


"That's for ordinary gold medal companies like yours!"

""For me, nothing is impossible! If there is, then make it possible!"


The whole venue exploded.

No one expected that Ye Feng would be so arrogant!

There were only 18 gold medals won by enterprises in the country, but in Ye Feng's mouth, they were just ordinary?

Several entrepreneurs were so angry that they wanted to curse.

At this moment, someone saw something wrong.

"This list on the homepage seems wrong!"

"How come Ye Feng appears in the first row?"

"Isn't this the position of the top five companies?"

A group of people frowned in confusion.

Rong Lan took the initiative to explain:"A day ago, Ye Feng successively killed the three modes of normal, difficult, and hell in two hours. Considering his speed, the optimization network decided to upgrade him to gold certification and rank him as one of the thrones of Mount President."

"This is the first time that someone has reached the top of the Frozen Throne after two years!"


The crowd exploded again


"Topping three charts in two hours?"

"There is such a speed?"

"Even Weiteng Technology can’t do it!"

""So this is the confidence he has for three days?"

A group of people were stunned.

No one thought that this small and inconspicuous company in the eyes of everyone was actually a legendary company that surpassed the Big Five!

The kind that reached the top in two hours!

At this moment.

All doubts were wiped out.

All the tyranny became the best footnote to Ye Feng's strength!

This is real strength!

Ye Feng looked at the person in charge of Xuan Guo Pictures and said formally:"Three days! Give me three days, and I will give Xuan Guo Pictures a brand new"Across the Galaxy"! This movie will become a model for domestic film optimization! He will redefine what real optimization is!"

A group of people roared again.

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