Even for Wei Teng, the number one optimization company in Xuan Country today, it would take countless manpower to achieve this.

But now.

Future Pictures only needs a dozen people to do all this.

What does this show?

Everyone in it is a great god!

Top video optimization experts comparable to An Ran Xiao Hun!

For a long time.

President Zhang sighed and said:"It seems that we didn't make a mistake. In this case, let's upgrade the level and issue a gold certification! The status is equivalent to the throne of Mount Rushmore!"


The conference room exploded again.

No one expected that President Zhang would say this.

Ranked on Mount Rushmore!

This is the supreme honor of Optimization Network!

Since the last Mount Rushmore King was born three years ago, Optimization Network has not produced a Mount Rushmore-level king for a long time.

Even though everyone is a gold medal certification, the gap between them is like heaven and earth!

The gap is like the difference between silver and gold!

The Mount Rushmore King has always been awarded to only five top optimization companies.

Now it is awarded again?

This is simply too horrifying!

Many people dissuaded it.

"Mr. Zhang, is it over?"

"Gold certification is enough, the throne of Mount Rushmore is not easily given to others"

"Yes, in just two hours, he went directly from Bronze to Frozen Throne. This speed is too scary."

"The key is that no one knows what the situation is with this company. Will there be mistakes if we hastily grant it the status of king?"

Mr. Zhang frowned when he heard this.

"Don't I understand what you are saying?"

"But the strength of Future Films is obvious to all!"

"There are no problems in all aspects of the investigation! Even the on-site supervision could not find any loopholes. What are you worried about?"

"Are you simply worried about the future strength of the film industry?"

"Or do you want to act as a lobbyist for those companies?"


The conference room suddenly stagnated.

Mr. Zhang's words seemed to have pricked some people's little thoughts.

Those who still wanted to argue did not dare to speak.

Mr. Zhang looked around the audience and said lightly:"The throne of Mount Rushmore is still awarded, but the announcement will not be released to the public for the time being. Tell Future Pictures that we will conduct random inspections from time to time in the future. As long as they can complete the task as they did today, they can continue to be ranked on Mount Rushmore, and the entire network will be notified at the same time! Otherwise, they will be disqualified!"

A group of people nodded.

Not issuing an announcement is the last insistence.

Except for those in the business, outsiders do not understand that there is a difference in gold certification.

People who understand will not publicize it!

In this way, the affairs of Future Pictures will not cause too many waves.

They also have room for maneuver in optimizing the network


Optimize the network.

A group of programmers also saw this scene

"What the hell did I see?"

"The shortest gold certification in history!"

"Two hours, Future Pictures completed the gold certification in just two hours?"

"This strength is absolutely the No. 1 in China"

"I've said it before, Future Pictures is a landslide in the pretentious world. Others pretend to be awesome and then run away, but he pretends to be awesome and then does it."

"A good one to do it"


Countless people were shocked.

At this moment, everyone knew that a rising star was rising.

Completing the certification from blank to gold medal in two hours was more than just a gold medal!

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