Rong Lan heaved a sigh of relief.

She felt nervous at the same time.

The calm and generous queen of Zhongruan actually had sweat on her palms at this moment. It was because of nothing else!

She thought she was in a desperate situation this time.

Who would have thought that things would turn around in the blink of an eye, and Ye Feng gave her a miracle!

This was truly an unexpected surprise.

Not only that.

Zhongruan had some special feelings for her.

Ye Feng's actions destined him to no longer be a symbol, but a living person, walking into Rong Lan's heart.

Compared to Rong Lan, other people's thoughts were much more subtle.

They still remembered their sarcasm towards Rong Lan an hour ago.

Now Ye Feng may get the gold certification!

How can they not be nervous?

Everyone is looking forward to it. Ye Feng responded calmly.

His hands kept clicking like magic.



【Agree! 】

After confirming it countless times, all tasks were submitted.

Next, it was a long wait.


Optimize the network.

One minute passed... nothing happened when the task was submitted.

Five minutes passed... still nothing happened when the task was submitted.

A bunch of programmers couldn't hold back their excitement.

"Will it be impossible to handle it?"

"Don't worry, how could such a task be so simple?"

"Even if it is completed within a day or even a week, it is definitely at the gold certification level."

"That's it!"

At this moment, a big guy popped up.

An Ran Xiao Hun!

He was the fastest record holder on the optimization website an hour ago!

If Blue Sky Technology is a big guy, then An Ran Xiao Hun is a god!

The kind that sits firmly on Mount President!

He who has always been lurking actually popped up, and countless programmers waiting in front of their computers were excited.

"What did I see? Sadness?"

"Isn't Anran Xiaohun one of the top programmers in Weiten? How come he has time to show up?"

"It must have been blown up by Future Pictures."

"Listen to what he says first."

【Sadness: I saw the result of the task of Future Pictures, it is perfect, there is no flaw to find, and I am sure that such a completion method is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

Sadness gave a high evaluation to Future Pictures right from the start.

A bunch of programmers were furious.

"Oh shit!"

"What did I see?"

"Boss Anran is actually liking it?"

"This is what it means when heroes appreciate heroes!"

"Compared with the sour Blue Sky Technology just now, the statement made by Master Anran is clearly superior!"

"This is the attitude a boss should have!"

"I kneel down to the boss Anran, you can see the trick even from this"

"When your hand speed increases, you can also"

"Are you sure fast hand speed is enough?"

"Is the person upstairs driving?"

"The car door has been welded shut, no one can get out of the car today!"

As everyone was discussing, Anran Xiaohun spoke again.

【An Ran Xiao Hun: However, the difficulty of Hell Level is incomparable to the previous two levels. Even if I personally go out, it will take me half a day to top the list, and that’s at my peak. If you expect him to set new records, you can raise your expectations.】

【But even so, he was able to dominate the rankings in half a day, and he was a well-deserved king, and he could challenge the throne of Mount Rushmore! 】

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