"What? Topping the charts again?"

"The difficult task only took eight minutes this time? It was faster than the normal task before? Are you sure there is no statistical error?"

"Even if she debuted in Sadness, it wouldn't be this fast, right?"

"What is the origin of this Future Pictures?"

A group of bigwigs were shocked.

Xiao Liu from the Data Department had already printed the information and handed it to every bigwig present, explaining:"To be precise, it was 8 minutes and 11 seconds. All tasks have been checked to make sure there are no loopholes."

Hiss - a group of people gasped.

8 minutes and 11 seconds!

In the history of Optimization Network, no one has ever been so fast.

At this moment, even the courageous Mr. Zhang frowned.

After a moment, he said:"Call Future Pictures for me. I want to confirm his identity throughout the process!"

Xiao Liu from the Data Department nodded.

Five minutes later, after confirmation by both parties, the conference room projection was turned on.

Figures appeared on the screen.

The group of people on Optimization Network seemed to be frozen like clay figures.

"How can it be?"

"There are only a dozen people in this company?"

"Based on the IP location lock and the staff we sent on site, we confirmed that the mission was completed right here!"

"But...how could it be?"

"Are these people experts comparable to top programmers?"

"This is the only possibility!"

The people at Youhuan.com were stunned.

They looked at Mr. Zhang.

"What should we do now?"

"The difficult level can't stop him anymore, does it need to be upgraded again?"

"If it is upgraded again, it will be Silver Certification. This speed is unprecedented in the history of our optimization network. Is it too fast?"

Mr. Zhang frowned and said nothing.

Just when everyone thought that he had not recovered yet.

He slowly said:"Maybe we overlooked something."

Everyone looked over in confusion.

Mr. Zhang said:"According to the information I have learned, the bidding for"Wandering Blue Star" by Xuan Guo Films has further improved the requirements for optimizers."

"From this perspective, the company's motivation to rush to the top is reasonable."

"Being able to recruit so many experts also proves his strength."

"This is an external factor. From our own perspective, many companies have always believed that the certification rules of our optimization network are too harsh. In the past two years, there has not been a person like Anran Xiaohun who has soared to the sky."

"Now there is such a company, and it is also an opportunity to prove my optimization network"

"The real problem is not that we optimize the network, but that they themselves lack the ability!"

"In this case, give him the Hell Mission permission."

"I want to see if this Future Pictures company is really that powerful!"

"In addition, notify the on-site inspectors to be in place!"

"Once cheating is discovered, the entire network will be notified!"

Everyone nodded.


On-site supervision and inspection.

When remote and technological means cannot meet the requirements, on-site supervision will be launched.

In the history of Optimize.com, cheating has happened before!

But that was limited to remote monitoring!

Cheating under the noses of on-site inspectors is unique.

When Mr. Zhang made this decision, no one dared to question it.

Someone immediately notified Future Pictures of the news.

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