
"It’s actually completed?"

"Awesome! Ten minutes! I bow down to you!"

"Can those top companies do it? Weiteng Technology? Chinasoft Technology? Or the top five optimizers?"

"It was about this long that Weiteng Technology dominated the charts."

"I didn’t expect to witness the rise of another company today!"

"You guys are so naive. How can you be a new company at such a speed?"

"At first glance, it’s obvious that this is a big company using a small account to tease you!"

"There's nothing wrong with you, bro!"


A group of programmers reported.

High-level accounts cannot cross levels to accept low-level tasks.

This is for the purpose of maintaining the order of the platform and ensuring the fairness of the rating.

This has led to some high-level accounts using small accounts to level up.

Of course!

No one would do this in the past.

Who would use a small account if they have the ability to top the list?

But today, someone took a risk!

This incident not only shocked the programmers, but also shocked the internal staff of Optimization.com.

At this moment, an emergency meeting was being held.

The content of the meeting was the Future Pictures that suddenly topped the list!

Topped the list within ten minutes!

It was actually a brand new company!

Mr. Zhang, the person in charge of Optimization.com, asked:"Xiao Liu, is there anything unusual in the data department?"

Xiao Liu shook his head and said:"According to the background data analysis, there is no problem with this Future Pictures company!"

Mr. Zhang looked at the Human Resources Department and asked:"Has the company information been compared?"

Yang Li, director of the Human Resources Department, immediately said:"Mr. Zhang, according to the comparison of the big data in the background, Future Pictures Company is not a vest, and has no suspicious relationship with those big companies, but this company has some relationship with Chinasoft Group. Mr.

Zhang nodded.

He looked at several members in the conference room and said,"It seems that Future Pictures is likely to be a powerful optimization company."

"Since the opponent is strong, it is not appropriate to put him in the ordinary zone. Let's upgrade his bronze certification and let him accept tasks in the silver list, so that we can see what his strength is!"

Yang Li from the HR department said:"Isn't it too fast to upgrade to bronze in less than half an hour?""

General Manager Zhang shook his head and said:"If this Future Pictures is really strong, it doesn't matter if we make some exceptions to keep him; if he can't break out of the silver zone, then I don't have to treat him differently!"

Several bigwigs immediately understood.

If Future Pictures is strong, then everything will be an exception; if not, it won't be too late to shed tears and kill Ma Su at that time!

In the final analysis, everything depends on strength!


At the same time.


A group of bigwigs were still questioning Rong Lan wantonly.

At this moment, the expression of the staff member who had just informed on the matter changed, and then immediately returned to normal.

Just when he thought he could hide the truth, Xiaoqing keenly noticed this scene.

She quietly walked aside.

Logged on to the homepage of the video optimization network.

The news that Ye Feng topped the list had flooded the entire forum.

She excitedly said:"Mr. Rong, he topped the list!"

Rong Lan looked over in confusion.

The others were also confused.

Xiaoqing quickly ran to Rong Lan, handed over the laptop, pointed to a certain place and said excitedly:"Look, Future Pictures has topped the list! Future Pictures has topped the list!"

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