He quickly apologized,"Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't realize the car was yours."

Ye Feng frowned and said,"I don't like what you said. Are you apologizing because of my car? Does that mean you can insult others at will? Young man, your idea is very dangerous. The most important thing for a person is not wealth, but character. Do you understand?"

The man pinched his nose and nodded.

Everyone else agreed.

"Well said!"

"No wonder he's so low-key"

"This is the demeanor of a boss."

"Is it great to drive a BMW? I hate you nouveau riche people the most. You have no manners at all!"

"Apologize earnestly!"

It has to be said that the farts of big men are all fragrant.

Ye Feng's words made everyone applaud.

At the critical moment, his girlfriend even fought back.

"Jiang Fei, let's break up. You are such a bad person."


Before the man could react to the curses from everyone, his girlfriend was gone.

The next second, an even more shocking scene happened.

The woman walked to the Ferrari Poison.

"Is this the 90 million yuan car? Can I feel it?"

I have to say.

The woman has a great figure.

Her face is conservatively estimated to be 85 points+.

When a woman like this speaks up and reveals herself intentionally or unintentionally, most men will not refuse.

However -

Ye Feng is obviously not a casual person.

He shook his head and refused,"I'm sorry, I have something to do. Let's do it another day."

The woman was dumbfounded.

Didn't expect that Xiong Da's help would be useless?

She quickly made amends,"Sir, I just want to thank you for letting me see Jiang Fei's true face, and I want to treat you to a meal as a thank you."

The woman's emotional intelligence is very high.

Seeing that her best weapon didn't work, she immediately changed direction.

It has come to this point, and she had just dissuaded her boyfriend. It would be worse than a beast to drive him away.

Ye Feng said,"Then get in the car. It's a good time to try the power of this car."

The woman nodded happily.

Next, under the envious gaze of everyone, the wing door opened again.

The woman sat on the car.

The perfect wrapping feeling brought by the luxurious leather made her expression shocked. It is worthy of being a 90 million god car!

It is more comfortable than BMW!

The next second,

Ye Feng stepped on the accelerator.


A burst of throttle sounds came. The roar of the top dual V8 engine resounded throughout the venue.

The strength of the world's fastest sports car burst out perfectly at this moment!

One foot on the accelerator.

Go straight to the entrance of the parking lot!

【Ding! Reputation +1!】

【Ding! Reputation +1!】

【Ding! Reputation +1! 】

Reputation soared again.

Amid the exclamations of the crowd, Ye Feng shifted gears, stepped on the gas, and accelerated.


After a series of operations, the crowd could no longer see the taillights of the car.

After passing countless intersections, the Ferrari Poison slowly stopped in front of the red light.

Feeling the envious eyes outside the window, Chen Qing felt as if time had stopped.

This feeling was so enjoyable!

She looked at Ye Feng with a smile on her lips.

"Sir, your thighs are very strong."

The woman said inconspicuously.

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