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The next moment, someone proposed

"How about we go to the cinema and watch it?"

Several big guys nodded.

They wanted to see what Ye Feng was so confident about! What was the basis of this movie!

Two hours later.

When they walked out of the cinema


"The special effects are already astonishing!"

"The concept conveyed by this movie is incompatible with my home!"

"This movie must not be allowed to become popular!"

"Increase the resistance!"

At this moment, several bigwigs were surprisingly unanimous. It was because of the conflict of ideas that they felt terrible. Hollywood blockbusters!

They emphasized personal heroism! This was the foundation of their culture! But now! This movie was actually about global cooperation? Obviously, there was no one person saving the world, but they watched it with relish! They even agreed with this point of view! When they realized this, they panicked immediately. No! This movie must not be allowed to be released on a large scale!



More and more battle reports came in.

First day!

Domestic box office 1.2 billion!

Global box office exceeded 200 million US dollars! (excluding domestic, the same below)

Three days!

Domestic box office exceeded 3 billion!

Global box office exceeded 400 million dollars!

68 markets directly topped the list!

158 markets entered!

186 markets entered!

First week!

Domestic box office exceeded 6 billion!

Global box office exceeded 700 million dollars!

Highest in the same period!

152 markets topped the list!

186 markets entered!

The only exception!

Is rice!

This scene completely stunned the netizens


"Kneel down to Ye Feng’s father!"

"This is truly a devastating blow!"

"Six great snipers attacked, but were defeated by Ye Feng alone!"

"No one else has this strength!"

"Just ask who else!"

Everyone was really excited!

Once upon a time!

Xuanguo movies were synonymous with backwardness.


Ye Feng finally helped the country stand up straight with two movies.


Awesome in capital letters!

Everyone had nothing to say except admiration.

At this moment!

《R Newspaper published an article.

They highly praised the quality of this film!

【《"Wandering Blue Planet" deeply reflects Xuanguo's concept of family affection, heroic feelings, dedication, homeland complex and international cooperation.

Movies are no longer about superheroes saving the world, but about humans changing their own destiny together. This concept is a breakthrough in the narrative routine of Hollywood science fiction movies, integrating Xuanguo's unique thoughts and values into the imagination and discussion of the future of mankind, and expanding the vision of mankind's longing for a better future.

If the above is only limited to the movie itself, then the special effects that surpass Hollywood have to be attributed to Future Pictures.

This movie really makes people understand what Xuanguo special effects are!

What is a real big production!】

《Youth Daily forwarded the article and specifically praised Future Pictures and its founder Ye Feng.

The article said that Future Pictures founder Ye Feng was extremely talented. He not only made outstanding contributions to the history of music and film, but also broke the monopoly of international giants on the video industry through floating point technology, creating a new chapter in Xuanguo's video industry.

He is worthy of being a role model for contemporary youth!


The fishing reel was in an uproar

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"What did I see?"

"quilt《R》、《Annual Report"? This is really awesome!"

"How many times has this happened?"

《"The Wandering Blue Star" has completely ascended to the throne!


Haolai House.

A group of senior executives were furious.

They received feedback from various places.

Six blockbusters!

None of them is a rival!

In fact!

The total global box office of the six movies is not as good as that of one movie!

Several old guys were furious!

At this time.

The secretary ran in in a panic.

"Oh no! Some fans have already applied online to boycott our Haolaiwu. They think that we are intentionally boycotting the release of this excellent movie and want us to stop the boycott immediately, otherwise they will initiate a complaint procedure!"


The big guys were dumbfounded.

Looking at the list handed over by the secretary, several big guys were completely panicked.

This group of science fiction fans!

It can be said that they are the most fanatical in the film community.

Limited by the niche of science fiction films!

The viewing mood of this group of people is suppressed.


Finally, an excellent science fiction movie is released.

But they can't watch it?

This emotion makes them feel very depressed.

At this moment!

There are more than 500,000 people on the complaint book!

This number is still growing.

Major media are reporting it simultaneously.


It has become a global laughing stock!

"What should we do now?"

"It definitely won’t work if you just force it!"

"We have to think of a solution!"

At this moment, the big boss received a call.

I don't know what he said, he sat down on the ground dejectedly.

""Remove the restrictions!" He said this after a long while. It seemed as if all his strength had been drained out. Everyone was stunned!


As fans around the world waited in anticipation, a piece of heavyweight news came out.

《"The Wandering Blue Planet" was lifted from the ban!

Countless people cheered!

The next moment, a more exciting scene happened.

This movie!

It directly topped the box office record of the same period.

It can be described as crushing.

At this moment.

187 markets around the world!

《Wandering Blue Planet" all topped the charts.

This scene has never been done by anyone, not to mention Eastern filmmakers, even Western blockbusters.

Ye Feng once again made history.

At this moment!

The world is boiling!

This battle!

Ye Feng won a great victory!


When the news reached China, all the fans were so excited that they burst into tears.


"The absolute movie king!"

"Kneel down to daddy, is there anything missing from your thigh?"

"This is truly a single-handed effort to promote the revival of Xuanguo films!"

"You can't deny it! This time six blockbusters are released! It's still my brother Ye who defeated him!"

"I can only say! Ye Feng's pretense is so impressive and elegant that it makes my eyes light up!"

"187 markets all topped the list! Guaranteed global box office of over 2 billion! This is a true miracle! Awesome!"

Netizens from all walks of life were full of enthusiasm.

They seemed to feel a sense of honor.

This is a real victory!_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend,

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