"How's your appearance?"

"Deng Chao, your appearance is okay!"

"I'm barely in the upper middle level among celebrities."

"But saying this in front of Ye Feng, isn't that like showing off your sword in front of Guan Gong?"

"Well, there are probably two of me between your appearance and Ye Feng's!"


It hurts!

Deng Chao felt like vomiting blood.

King Liu said kindly:"Zifeng, come, come and sit down, you are here to see Ye Feng, right?"

Zhang Zifeng nodded with a red face.

At this time, the ingredients for several dishes have been prepared.

Ye Feng lit the fire, heated the pan, poured oil, and deep-fried.

A set of actions was done in one go!

Seeing this scene,

Huang Lei was a little panicked.

"what's the situation?"

"This move is really powerful."

"Great! I suddenly feel like I should move my feet over there?"

Peng Peng and He Jiong's expressions changed a little.

At this time,

Ye Feng had already started to stir-fry.

The next moment, the fragrance of the leaves, mixed with the aroma of oil, filled the entire mushroom house.


"What a taste!"

"Ye Feng, how did you do it?"

"This smells so good, doesn’t it?"

Everyone was stunned.

Peng Peng and He Jiong couldn’t help licking their lips.

It smells so good!

This strength is unparalleled.

Seeing that the two old guys were about to betray him.

Huang Lei reminded:"Peng Peng, what you smell may not be true. You can only know whether the food is delicious after you put it in your mouth!"

Peng Peng nodded:"Teacher Huang, you are right, but to be honest, the fragrance they made is indeed much better than yours. It’s like the power of a chef to turn decay into magic!"

Huang Lei:"……"

He was so angry that he hit Peng Peng with a big spoon


"Peng Peng is so heartbreaking!"

"What truth are you talking about?"

"I feel a little sorry for Chef Huang’s next scene!"

"Stop talking, I feel sad!"



Film crew.

With Ye Feng joining, the number of people in the entire live broadcast room skyrocketed.

It went from 20 million at the beginning to 25 million.

Now it is 32 million!

Most of them are here to see Ye Feng!

This male god can actually cook?

This successfully attracted a group of female fans.

They enthusiastically brushed the barrage


At this time, the meal was ready.

Five dishes were prepared on each side.

Both sides were very confident in their cooking skills.

As a result, when the dishes were served,

Huang Lei's face fell.


How is it possible?

The color, aroma and taste?

There is such a big difference? Comparison makes people feel nauseous!

Comparison makes people throw away goods!

Looking at the dishes that looked so different, Huang Lei almost cried.

He is a chef after all!

How come he suddenly became a third-rate player?

At this time,

Deng Chao smiled and said,"Well, we won't be polite. Let's eat first!"

He picked up a piece of braised pork and put it in his mouth.

The next moment, his mouth was full of oil!

The aroma of braised pork mixed with the feeling of gravy.

Everyone was drooling.

"Delicious! So good!"

Deng Chao finished eating and took another piece.

He took another piece!

This is really delicious!

Seeing him wolfing down the food, everyone was drooling.


"I was just looking at you!"

"No! We have to start eating too, or you will eat it all by yourself!"

Liu Tianwang and his men started eating.

The next moment!

It would not be an exaggeration to describe them as wolfing down the food.

Huang Lei and his men were all stunned.

"Is it really that delicious?"

"Isn't your acting a bit exaggerated?"

"Do you have to be so scary?"

"How about we go and try it too?"

He Jiong and Peng Peng looked at each other and saw the same idea in each other's eyes.


Teacher Huang's face still needs to be given.

He Jiong:"You guys, you are worthy of being actors. With such exaggerated expressions, you think I will go over? Dream on! I will only eat the dishes made by Teacher Huang today!"

Peng Peng:"That's right!"

The two of them started eating.

"Mmm! Delicious!"

"As expected of Mr. Huang’s cooking skills!"

The two praised it repeatedly.

But compared with the wolves at the opposite table, it was obviously much worse.

At this time.

He Jiong said calmly:"Mr. Huang, I'll go to the opposite side to take a look and help you prove that they are cheating! This acting is too much!"

Peng Peng also echoed:"I'll go too, I also want to complain about their acting!"

Huang Lei smiled and said:"Okay, go ahead, expose them harshly for me, don't save face!"


He Jiong and Peng Peng came over


"You are over there!"

"What are you doing here? There are so many of us and there isn't enough to share!"

He Jiong:"Don't be stingy, I'll just take a bite."

Peng Peng:"Yes, just one bite, just one bite."

King Liu blinked:"Are you sure you want to take just one bite?"

He Jiong:"Definitely just one bite!"

Peng Peng:"I won't take any more than one bite!"

The next moment.

King Liu:"Then let them have a taste."

The two of them each picked up a piece of braised pork and put it in their mouths.

The aroma of the oil mixed with the aroma of the meat, and a special taste

"Wow! Is this braised pork?"

""It's too delicious, isn't it?"

The two were stunned.

The oath they had just made was thrown out of their minds.

They started eating right away.

"Hey! Where's the promised bite?"

"Don’t eat it, or we’ll all be gone!"

"Stop! Stop now!"

Peng Peng raised his head, showing his greasy mouth and said:"Hehe, it's so delicious, I want to eat more!"

Huang Lei was dumbfounded by this scene.


What about spying on the enemy?

Why did you suddenly betray?

The barrage was full of hahaha

【Fragrance warning!】

【You say no, but your body is very honest!】


【Is it really that delicious?】

【Seeing Peng Peng eating like this, I am drooling】

【He is worthy of being called the eternal straight male cancer!】

【Seriously, I'm hungry!】

【I'm hungry too! 】

Seeing everyone eating, many netizens were completely hungry


Half an hour later, everyone devoured the food.

Ye Feng's table was completely devoured. Peng Peng was still licking the bowl and drooling. Huang Lei was eating alone, grunting as if he was angry. However, two fists could not defeat four hands. He could only eat while crying in his heart. These people were so snobbish! They actually left him alone! After they finished eating, everyone started to clean up. Huang Lei was still crying while eating.

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