President Wang changed the subject and said,"To be precise, it is not surpassing, but leading by at least one generation. If Haolaiwu wants to catch up with Ye Feng's floating point technology, it will take at least three to five years!"


Director Wang looked over at once:"What did you say just now?"

Mr. Wang repeated his words and said:"To Director Wang, it's not about surpassing, it's about leading by at least one generation. I watched this short film in the cinema myself. When the 3D giant screen was projected, the visual effect was a true 360-degree surround! It was truly immersive! It was much better than Hollywood!"

Director Wang took a deep breath:"Are you sure?" Mr.

Wang nodded:"Also present at the time were Mr. Yu from Bonanza and Mr. Zhang from Hengdian. You can ask them again!"

The next moment.

Director Wang said nothing and went straight to the two of them.

Half an hour later.

Three domestic cinema bosses gathered in Director Wang's office

"The special effects of this movie are definitely the best in the world!"

"Ye Feng said that this movie optimization engine uses the next generation floating-point technology, which can fundamentally create more information elements!"

"This floating-point construction method can fully display the information in each pixel during playback, achieving a visual effect that surpasses that of Hollywood!"

"At that time, in the hotel, we used ordinary 2D screens to directly achieve 3D effects. Even compared with the technology of Haolaiwu, it was only a fraction of the difference. When watching in the cinema, it was even more advanced!"

Director Wang asked:"At that time in the hotel, are you sure it was an ordinary screen?"

The three bosses said in unison:"Yes! We all went up to touch it at that time!"


Director Wang took a breath of cold air.

The next moment.

He said excitedly:"In this case, then we will vigorously support Ye Feng's film next. The 30% screening rate you just mentioned is not enough. Since the quality of this movie is so good, I think 50% is not impossible!"

The three CEOs were dumbfounded.

50% screening rate?

Is the box office of this movie going to explode?

Ten billion?

Several people suddenly had this idea.

Director Wang said:"In addition, the current publicity is not enough. Since it can surpass Haolaiwu, we don’t have to hide it. Ye Feng should be more low-key. It’s not easy for him to promote more. As a partner, you theaters can also create momentum!"

At this moment, the boss seemed to have seen the scene of Xuanguo Film surpassing Hollywood.

Just like music!

The domestic film industry also started late.

In recent years

, nearly half of the 50 billion box office each year has been taken by Hollywood blockbusters.

It relies on special effects and plot!

That's real money.


Ye Feng has defeated Hollywood in terms of special effects!

As for the plot?

He believes that as long as there is a virtuous cycle with special effects, the domestic film industry will definitely become bigger and stronger!

Cultural renaissance!



He seemed to have seen all these scenes.

After giving all this instructions, he was still not satisfied.

He said to the secretary:"Notify the Governor-General's Office of Jiangnan, if you have time, come with me to inspect Rolling Stone. We want to witness this scene with our own eyes!"


The secretary nodded.


Just when the fishing reel was still immersed in Ye Feng's special effects.

The three major cinema chains stood up!




These three cinema giants spoke out.

Xuanying: We have seen the sample of"Wolf Warrior". The special effects technology of this movie is not just beyond Hollyhouse, but a full generation ahead. With such film technology in China, our future film industry is promising! In order to show support for Ye Feng and his industry, on October 1st, Ye Feng's"Wolf Warrior" filming will increase to 50%!


A group of netizens were stunned.

"Oh shit!"

"What the hell?"

"50% screening rate?"

"Chen Sicheng fainted in the toilet from crying!"

"I fainted in the toilet after watching the movie Hao Lai Wu!"

"Is this going against the will of heaven?"

"Am I the only one who is curious about what the sample looks like?"

"Is it hype?"

Just as everyone was wondering.



The two major cinemas spoke out at the same time.

Hengdian forwarded Xuanying's Weibo and liked it: Yes, the sample is indeed shocking. Even the visual effects of those Hollywood blockbusters cannot compare to it. This time the domestic film industry has really ushered in huge benefits. Hengdian Cinema has also decided to increase the screening rate to more than 50%! Bonai

Cinema then forwarded: I agree! It is hard to believe that such a blockbuster is made with domestic technology! Bonai must support such an excellent movie! 50% screening rate! This is responsible for the movie! And also responsible for the audience!


A group of netizens were completely stunned


"The three major cinema chains have spoken out?"

"Are you sure this isn't hype?"

"Hype? Have you ever seen three movie studios with market value of tens of billions hype a movie?"

"This movie is definitely worth watching!"

"Looking forward to his release!"

At this moment

《The popularity of Wolf Warrior has skyrocketed.

100 million!

200 million!

500 million!

Weibo trending search directly broke out 500 million!

The highest popularity in history!

Countless people rushed to pre-sale tickets.

Wolf Warrior!

It's completely popular!


Just when the whole nation was paying attention.


A group of senior executives of Rolling Stone Records were waiting respectfully at the door.

Director Wang!

Jiangnan Governor's Mansion!

All the big guys are here again!

They specifically asked Ye Feng to receive them!

After watching the giant screen movie in the theater, all the big guys were completely stunned.

On the left!

It is the hottest action blockbuster in Hollywood at the moment!

It is said that the special effects alone cost more than 200 million US dollars!

On the right!

It is Ye Feng's"Wolf Warrior"!

I thought this was a massacre without suspense!

As a result!

The massacre was a massacre!

But the target was just the opposite!

The blockbuster Hollywood, which is known as the holy land of movies, was instantly killed by Ye Feng into the gutter.

The contrast of the visual effects is completely like heaven and earth.

Seeing this scene.

All the big guys were stunned.


They no longer cared about anything else, and dropped their work and rushed to Rolling Stone!

At this moment

��The big guys shook hands with Ye Feng excitedly.

Director Wang and the Governor of Jiangnan gave him earnest encouragement.

When they heard that Ye Feng's technique was only in its infancy, the big guys were stunned.

Are you kidding?

The technique that could kill Haolaiwu in seconds was only in its infancy?

The big guys smiled like flowers.

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