I can't forget the first time I saw you, your charming eyes. I can't get rid of your image in my mind. I hold your hands and feel your tenderness. It 's really a bit suffocating. I want to cherish your innocence. I will be sad to see you being wronged.


I'm just afraid that I will fall in love with you.

Maybe one day I won't be able to help myself. Missing you will only make myself suffer.

I have no choice but to fall in love with you. After singing a song, the live studio was stunned.

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Another hit song?"

"Are you sure this isn't a recording?"

"Damn, Ye Feng is so awesome, he can sing two hit songs just by shaking his hands."

"The key is that it is particularly appropriate!"

"Am I the only one who noticed that Li Xiaoqin's eyes were red?"

"If you sing from the heart, wouldn’t you be popular?"

"A crazy man who flirts with girls!"

"You are worthy of being called a male god!"

As Ye Feng sang, Li Xiaoqin almost cried.

Her beautiful and smart eyes stared at Ye Feng, as if her heart was tied to him.

Since her debut!

Li Xiaoqin has always insisted on herself.

Several times when she encountered unspoken rules, Li Xiaoqin directly refused.

Otherwise, she would not have been unable to get past the threshold of second-tier actresses after playing Baochai.

If she had not sang Luzhou Moon with Ye Feng, she would never have been able to get past the threshold of first-tier actresses.


Ye Feng's innocence and grievances were simply designed for her.

Her eyes were red, as if all the years of staying out of the mud had paid off and she had a soulmate.

She said excitedly:"Brother Ye Feng, thank you!"

Ye Feng encouraged:"This song is for you. I will send you the complete version after I go back. I hope you continue to maintain your current state and you will definitely succeed! Tell me if anyone bullies you, and tell me if anyone says you are not popular. I promise to write another song for you! I will write until you become popular!"


Li Xiaoqin laughed with tears in her eyes.

The others were all envious and jealous.

After Ye Feng said this, no one in the entertainment industry dared to bully Li Xiaoqin anymore.

Those who wanted to use unspoken rules would have to think twice.

Ye Feng is now the top star in the entertainment industry!

His musical talent is unparalleled!

More importantly, he is the boss appointed by the top!

Youth Daily!

He was praised three times in a row! Renren


The top newspaper commended him.

Huanya Entertainment!

Just because of repeatedly offending Ye Feng, his artists fled, and the company worth tens of billions of dollars fell directly into junk stocks!

Anyone who dares to bully Li Xiaoqin has to think about the consequences.

What's more!

There are Ye Feng's songs!

Can even a top queen like Fish Leong become popular again with just one song?

"Li Xiaoqin, why don’t you thank Ye Feng quickly!"

"Ye Feng never says this, is this the first time?"

"To be honest, even I, a grown man, am jealous!"

""A new song by Ye Feng!"

All the guests wailed.

Li Xiaoqin was moved and said,"Thank you, Brother Ye!"

Ye Feng waved his hand and looked at Xiaoju.

Xiaoju's face turned red.

Not only that.

She looked at Ye Feng, her heart beating fast. Her heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably.

What kind of song would Brother Ye Feng write for her?

Would it be a love song?

Oh my God!

What was she thinking about?

While she was thinking wildly.

Ye Feng smiled and said,"What about Xiaoju? We had several opportunities to cooperate before, but we were just a little bit away from cooperation.

In fact, I did it on purpose.

Why?" While everyone was puzzled, Ye Feng directly broke the news:"Because I'm afraid of being beaten by Xiaoju's fans.

Isn't it said on the Internet that Xiaoju is a beauty that appears once in five thousand years? If I cooperate with her, many male fans will send me knives tomorrow!

How can I write songs? How can I create?"

Xiaoju's foundation is worse than the other three.

Ye Feng said a few more words.


Everyone laughed.

Xiaoju even covered her mouth and laughed


"Xiaoju is a beauty that only appears once in five thousand years!"

"Aren’t male gods moved?"

"Speaking of sending razor blades, I must correct Ye Feng's wrong statement!"

"That's for us ordinary people, for Ye Feng? Sorry! Except for the male god!"

"Yes, yes, yes! The original words were, Who is it? Stand up, I promise not to beat him to death! Ah? It's Ye Feng? Excuse me for disturbing you!"

Several guests followed suit.


Everyone laughed.

Ye Feng looked at the jokers and said with a smile:"You guys are too good at bragging, let's just listen to some music."

He cleared his throat.

The next moment.

Everyone quieted down.

Ye Feng's voice floated directly from the headset.

I forgot how long it has been since I heard you tell me your favorite story.

I thought about it for a long time and

I started to panic.

Did I do something wrong again?


I want to be the angel you love in the fairy tale, open my arms and turn them into wings to protect you.

You have to believe that we will be like in the fairy tale, with happiness and joy as the ending. The song ended.

Everyone was stunned.

The live broadcast room was filled with"wow wow wow"


"What song is this?"

"It sounds so damn good, doesn’t it?"

"I wish to become the angel you love in the fairy tale, open my arms and turn them into wings to protect you. This word is so beautiful!"

"Stop talking! Xiaoju is already crying!"

"If it were you, wouldn’t you cry?"

"If a boy sings this song in front of me, I will marry him immediately! Cars, houses, and money, are they important?"

"This is a maniac who flirts with girls!"

""I'm convinced!"

All netizens were completely stunned.

Xiaoju's face was red, staring at Ye Feng without blinking.

At that moment, she had the urge to give herself to the man in front of her.

She seemed to be in a fairy tale world, and Ye Feng was the angel! The prince charming!

A celebrity artist like her is no longer the ignorant girl she used to be. The entertainment industry is a big melting pot, and she will no longer trust others easily!

But Ye Feng is an exception! Xiaoju really believes in him unconditionally. The other guests were all envious.

"This song is so beautiful!"

"What story does it seem to be?"

"Can you tell us about it?"

Deng Chao asked the others.

Xiao Ju also looked over.

There was clearly a story hidden in the lyrics.

The crew of the program even pointed the camera directly at Ye Feng. ps: The fourth update is here! Brothers and sisters, please support us, thank you!

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