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At this moment.

A group of senior executives are waiting to watch the show.

To be honest!

Use a conference room to wait solemnly.

Many bigwigs think it is an insult to Western pop music.

An oriental boy!

It's not worthy of taking up so much of their time!

While a group of senior executives were chatting and laughing.

The secretary ran in in a panic.

"Oh no! EMI has reported that the overseas sales of Let I Go have exceeded three million copies. In 88 markets, 40 markets have ranked in the top three right after the release. In 79 markets, it has ranked in the top five, and all markets are in the top ten!"


The executives were stunned.


"How can it be?"

"Are you sure this isn't fake?"

"I absolutely won't believe this data!"

The big guys shook their heads arrogantly.


Ten minutes later!

The data was confirmed again!

It was a hammer!

It was three million copies!

Ye Feng had no need to falsify it.

In just ten minutes!

Another million copies were sold!

The popularity remained high!

The big guys' faces turned pale in an instant.



One of the five major Western pop music companies.

The same was true for all the senior executives.

When they heard the sales of three million copies, they were skeptical. Some even contacted EMI directly.

However , the feedback they received was astounding. Three million copies! No fraud! The data was still rising! At this moment, all the bigwigs were completely dumbfounded.


The old guys were equally arrogant.

"This kid actually dared to challenge the authority of my bulletin board?"

"Does he really not know who holds the final say in pop music?"

"Don't mention him! Even Taylor Swift and Beyoncé, who are currently popular, have to bow their heads in front of us!"

The big guys sneered.

At this moment, the secretary ran in in a panic.

"Oh no!"

"That new song I Da Mi has sold 500,000 copies!"

"Now it’s directly on the billboard!"

The big guys were stunned


"How long has it been?"

""On the list in half an hour?" the big guys asked.

The secretary nodded with a wry smile.

Several big guys were shocked.

This is a result!

Even those kings are no better than this!

Several people looked at each other in bewilderment.

"what to do?"

"Should we continue to suppress him?" the secretary asked.

The person in charge, Powell, snorted and nodded:"Humph! Continue to suppress him! He is not allowed to enter the top three! I don't believe how much spark he can produce!"

The secretary smiled bitterly and said:"But now Dami's fans like Ye Feng very much. When Ye Feng wanted to challenge our Billboard, those fans all supported him. If we continue to suppress him, will it be counterproductive?"

"Like it?"

Powell shook his head:"They just like the jokes of small people challenging authority. Listen to me and continue to suppress him! I don't believe he can make much waves!"

At this moment, the arrogance of this academic giant was fully revealed!


When the battle reports were sent back to China, countless fans cheered excitedly.

《1titgo》 was released.

Global sales exceeded 7 million copies in half an hour!

Overseas sales exceeded 3 million copies!

August 8.

It topped the list in 31 mainstream markets around the world!

Including top music markets such as F country and E country, they all received rave reviews.

They praised Ye Feng's new song as incomparable, and Liang Jingru's singing brought a different temperament to the song!

Ye Feng!

A well-deserved oriental musician!

His musical talent is unmatched even by those kings.

August 9!

More battle reports came.

It topped the list in 72 mainstream markets around the world.

Country B,

Country C,

Island country!

Major mainstream markets have topped the list.

They are generous with their praises. This is a flawless classic work.

Ye Feng's grasp of Western pop music is unprecedented. He is the intersection of Eastern and Western music, and he deserves to be a master of both Chinese and Western music.

Wait until August 10.

It topped the list in mainstream music markets around the world.

88 markets, 8 topped the list, except for Da Mi!


A strange scene appeared!

Ye Feng's two new songs ranked third and fourth!

They just couldn't get on the list!

This scene angered countless people


"It's suppression!"

"Anyone with eyes can see that you did this on purpose!"

"Why do the other 88 markets recognize Ye Feng's musical talent, but your Billboard fails? Is your Billboard noble?"

"Still authoritative? All the Tm pants are gone!"

"You are trash!"


At this moment, the billboard was completely torn apart by the true face of pseudo-authority.

At this moment, a piece of news broke out.

Ye Feng!


Tired of creating"1etitgo".

Infinite tsunamis surged


Jincheng First Hospital.

At this moment.

A group of doctors are on standby.

The attending physician and dean Yuan Hua can't even remember how many big shots have come to see him during this period.

From the big shots in the imperial capital to the Governor's Mansion!

From the big shots in the prefecture to celebrities from all walks of life!

That young man has touched the hearts of countless people.

Those big shots who stomped their feet and made Jincheng tremble three times even said,"At all costs, use the best technology, the best people, and the best medicines, we must cure Ye Feng. He is a hero of my Xuanguo music." At this moment.

Yuan Hua is very melancholy.

Obviously, all the vital signs are stable, why doesn't Ye Feng wake up?

He is doubting his medical skills for so many years.

He can only hope that the young man will wake up as soon as possible.


In the intensive care unit,

Liang Jingru's face turned red from crying.

She blamed herself.

Why didn't she persuade Ye Feng at that time!

She had been fighting for three days and three nights, and she had to catch up with the progress.

In the end, her younger brother ended up like this!

At this moment, she sat in front of the bed, holding Ye Feng's hand.

Behind her,

Wang Dong looked at this���He sighed.

He said:"Liang Jingru, no one wants Ye Feng to be like this, don't be too sad, the doctor also said that Ye Feng's vital signs are intact, he is just too tired, his body is repairing itself, and he will be fine in the next two days."

Liang Jingru nodded:"I know, but I just……"

At this moment, she felt indescribably sad.

If she had insisted a little longer

, the secretary came in and whispered something in Wang Dong's ear.

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