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Facing the inquiries of many senior executives, the company president Bond remained calm.

He shook his head and said,"I have every reason to do this, but I can't tell you now. I can only say that I will tell you when the time comes, but at this moment! Please put aside your prejudice. If I find out that someone has tampered with the song's release, I will expose it all!"

"By then, it will not only be you who will suffer, but also the reputation of Western pop music!"


The senior executives were shocked.

They couldn't understand why the president was so partial to that oriental boy!



Hosted by the Rice Conservatory of Music.

It has always been a weathervane for Grammy and other awards.

The old guys in the conservatory of music are notoriously arrogant.

Not to mention an oriental kid, even the pop kings and queens of Rice ignored him.

Just then.

News came from the East!

Ye Feng!

That kid is going to hit the billboard again.

The time is three days later!

All the senior executives sneered.

"Three days later?"

"It’s been less than ten days since the last album!"

"What do you think my Billboard is? A fake list?"

"I don't believe you can still be on the list!"

At this moment, several old guys are extremely arrogant.

Under the spotlight.

Ye Feng's new song is about to be released


Rolling Stone Records.

A group of senior executives were waiting outside the recording studio.

For the past three days!

Ye Feng and Liang Jingru stayed in the recording studio.

Apart from the necessary washing and brushing, they even stayed in the recording studio for meals.

No one dared to go in, for fear of disturbing the two people's work.

Wang Dong, the top brother of Rolling Stone, directly moved the sofa outside the recording studio.


On-site work!

This scene made many bigwigs smack their lips.

But no one dared to say a word.

Now is the time for tit-for-tat.

Ye Feng's new song will officially hit the billboard!

Is it another female queen who succeeded after Ye Feng? Or is it another flash in the pan?

Everyone's mind is full of question marks.

During this period.

Many bigwigs came to Rolling Stone Records to inspect one after another.

Even Director Wang came in person.

But seeing this closed-door situation, they said without saying a word, and said that they would notify Ye Feng as soon as he came out of the closed-door, and that Rolling Stone should ensure a good creative environment for Ye Feng!

The storm is coming!

Everyone can feel this pressure.

Wang Dong specifically ordered people to update the dynamics in real time.

Rolling Stones official Weibo updates simultaneously.

Day 1!

【Ye Feng and Liang Jingru enter the recording studio! 】

The next day!

【Since entering the recording studio yesterday, the two have not come out again. It has been more than 30 hours! Blessings! This new song! 】

Day 3!

【It's been almost 50 hours, I wonder how the song is? We, the Rolling Stones, are both nervous and looking forward to creating"Rolling In The Deep" again in three days.

Hundreds of thousands of comments.

If someone had said before, there would be some jokes about practicing a new song all night, or saying something like"Male God Fengsu".

This time!

Everyone is encouraging!

This is Ye Feng's business!

It's also the business of the Xuan Kingdom music industry!

It's also a key battle for Xuan Kingdom's music culture to go global!

King Liu!

Fei Yuqing!

Zhang Xueyou!

A group of veteran kings sent their blessings.

Imperial Capital Conservatory of Music!

Magic City Conservatory of Music!

Jincheng Art College!

A group of veteran schools sent their expectations.

Liu Tianxian!

Cai Zhuoyan!


A group of goddesses also encouraged.

What is unexpected is!

Sony Music!

This company, which has been enemies with Ye Feng many times, actually liked and sent blessings at this righteous moment.



Haifeng Music!


All major record companies sent their blessings.

This scene moved many netizens.

Just as everyone was looking forward to it,

Ye Feng finally came out of confinement!


Rolling Stone Records.

Outside the recording studio.

A group of executives are waiting anxiously.

There are still four hours.

Ye Feng and Liang Jingru's new song"Let It Go" will be released worldwide.

But now!

The door is still closed.

The assistant said:"EMI must submit the music three hours in advance at the latest. Should we remind them? If it's later, I'm afraid……"

Several senior executives looked at Wang Dong.

Wang Dong also felt the pressure of a storm.

However, he still said firmly:"No need, if there is a delay, put the responsibility on the company! I and Rolling Stone will bear it!"

At this moment, the number one brother of Rolling Stone was ready to take the blame.


"no problem!"

"This must be done!"

"Heroes cannot shed blood and tears!"

Many Rolling Stone executives said in unison.

At this moment.

A feeling of fighting for the country spread in the narrow passage.

Even if they had no experience, everyone could feel the sense of mission and expectation of fighting for Xuanguo music!

Just at this moment.


The door of the recording studio opened.

Everyone looked over hurriedly.

Ye Feng walked out of the recording studio with a tired face.

He smiled palely and said,"It's all done. Contact EMI to prepare for the release!"

Wang Dong hurried to meet him at the first time:"How are you? Are you okay? Why is your face so pale?"

Liang Jingru said,"He has been exhausted these two days, let him rest quickly."

Wang Dong was about to give an order.


Ye Feng fell to the ground limply.

All the executives were stunned.

It was still Wang Dong who was quick to support Ye Feng.

He shouted to the people around him:"Why are you still standing there? Quick! Call an ambulance! Where are the people in the infirmary? Call them over, hurry up!"

At this moment, the Rolling Stones' leader, who always remained calm in the face of adversity, roared.

The next moment, accompanied by a series of exclamations, the scene was in chaos.


On August 1, when countless fans were eagerly waiting, the Rolling Stones released the battle report as promised.

At 10 am, the new song was released simultaneously around the world!


Please wait and see!

The next moment.

Countless fans cheered


"The male god never lets us down!"

"After three days of sharpening the sword, today I will test the edge! I want to compete with rice!"

"This battle is Ye Feng’s battle, and also my Xuan Country’s music battle!"

"No matter what, at a time when the global music discourse power is monopolized by the West, Ye Feng's ability to stand out and stir up such a big storm is already a victory!"

Countless people are discussing.

Ps: Guess why Ye Feng fainted, it must not be because of writing songs! Absolutely unexpected, haha! We will see the answer soon!_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation,

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