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He rarely shows up

"Congratulations to my brother Ye Feng! He has successfully broken my record for many years! To be honest, we, the older generation of musicians, are very happy to see such a talented and well-behaved young musician emerge! I hope that the male god can reach new heights in the music industry!"


The fishing reels are boiling all of a sudden!

King Liu!

The ageless male god in the entertainment industry!

He is enthusiastic about charity, but he has always been very low-key.

His last Weibo post was a call for donations for disaster relief a year ago!

I didn't expect that he would speak for Ye Feng!

Everyone was surprised.

King Liu has countless fans.

Seeing their idol treat Ye Feng as his younger brother.

The two strongest fan forces in the entertainment industry have successfully merged.

Album sales have risen again!


Rolling Stone Records.

A bunch of big guys listening to that English song

"《Rolling in the Deep"? Is this Ye Feng's English song?"

"Quick! Turn it on and listen!"

The next moment, the music started flowing.

【TeresafirestrtinginmyheartReahingafeverpitchanditsbringingmeouthedarkFinllyIcanseeyucrystalc1earGoaeadandsellmoutandIlllayyourshipbae 】It started with a surging prelude! The dense drum beats made many big men's hearts surge. The next moment. The music officially started. Everyone was stunned.


"Such explosive power!"

"Perfectly in line with the style of Western pop music!"

"No one else understands Western pop music better than him!"

"This high note!"

"Can this be sung?"

"This is definitely Ye Feng's highest note! His range spans directly from B3 to D5!"

""Ye Feng's singing skills are beyond imagination!"

Everyone was stunned.

At this moment, they finally knew why Ye Feng's English song was on the list.

At this moment, the director of the data department excitedly reported

"Mr. Wang! It's on the list! It's on the billboard! Ranked 10th!"


Mr. Wang was shocked:"Tenth? Billboard No. 10?""


The director of the data department excitedly handed over the screenshot.

The next moment, all the senior executives saw this shocking scene.

《Rolling in the Dep! It was ranked tenth on the Billboard!

Not only that.

Two other Xuan Guofeng songs were also ranked in the forties.

Ye Feng's plan to promote Xuan Guofeng with English songs finally paid off.

Wang Dong laughed and said,"Hahaha! Great! Quick! Send it out. This is the first time that a Xuan Guo musician has appeared on the Billboard. We need to let all domestic music lovers share this joy!"

The next moment.

The Rolling Stones battle report was released!

Ye Feng's new song was directly listed on the Billboard!

The fishing reel was completely blown up






Douyin discussion everywhere

"Oh my god! It's on the bulletin board?"

"Is this the first time that a musician from Xuan Country has appeared on the world stage?"

"That’s right! The previous highest record was 13th place, only three places away from the top ten, which was the most regrettable one!"

"Ye Feng is really great! This is bringing glory to Xuanguo Music!"

"We all support you!"


At this moment, countless people left messages.

There were also countless media comments.

I Love Music Network!

This mainstream music media said: Ye Feng's new song was on the Billboard chart. This is the result of several generations of musicians working together, and it is also the result of Ye Feng's own efforts. As we all know, domestic music has developed slowly. Now Ye Feng interprets it with strength and draws nourishment from classical culture. He can also create better music!

One song on the main list and two songs on the secondary list is the best interpretation!

This is Ye Feng's victory!

It is also a victory for the domestic music industry!

Let us congratulate Ye Feng and those musicians!

The Voice of Music!

This music platform is not so subtle.

He commented In the article, he said: When more and more singers are lingering on various variety shows and not doing their jobs, Ye Feng can keep his music base and continue to work hard. Now, the results are remarkable!

Entering the Billboard is the best report for musicians like Ye Feng!

When we reflect on why we can't create excellent music, we might as well consider whether we are really as devoted as Ye Feng? Do we really treat music as a passion instead of speculation or making money?

The voices of the two major mainstream media pushed Ye Feng's popularity to the extreme.

Fans from all walks of life flocked in.

When they bought the album, they really understood what excellent music is!


Sony Music.

A bunch of executives were waiting to see what was going on.

Millions of copies sold!

And overseas!

This was simply impossible!

At this moment.

The director of the data department rushed in in a hurry.

"Mr. Li!"

"Things are bad!"

"Ye Feng is on the bulletin board!"


All the senior executives were shocked.



"How is this possible?"

Several bigwigs were dumbfounded.

If the previous music network was fair and just, then the billboard was the same!

No one could cheat!

But now!

Ye Feng was on the list!

This means...

Mr. Li smacked his lips and asked:"Is it the alternate list?"

The director of the data department hesitated and said:"It is the official list, currently ranked tenth."


The bigwigs took a breath again.

The official list!

It turned out to be the official list!

How long has it been released? It has rushed to the top ten?

The bigwigs who were waiting to see the show were all dumbfounded.

Mr. Li even asked:"How is it possible? Those Xuan Guofeng songs should not have such a large audience!"

The director of the data department explained:"This time, the overseas version of the album has a song that is different from the domestic release. It is an English single!"

Everyone was completely dumbfounded.

Mr. Li even said:"What? Quick! Open it and listen!"

The next moment.

When the low and unrestrained melody sounded.

A group of bigwigs collapsed directly._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading-collect, recommend,

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