The result - his own assistant directly rejected it?

Fei Yuqing shook his head and said:"You really are! Oh! I don't know what to say to you, you didn't even look at it? Can you still find the invitation letter?"

The assistant also knew that something was wrong.

He hurriedly said:"The garbage was thrown away!"

As if he thought of something, he said:"Oh, I can still find the email!"

Fei Yuqing said:"Why are you still standing there? Open it quickly!"

Assistant Xiao Wang quickly turned on the computer and restored the email from the trash.

The next moment.

Seeing the content of the letter, Fei Yuqing was dumbfounded.

Wen Jiang was also dumbfounded

【The eaves are like cliffs, the wind chimes are like the sea

, I wait for the swallows to return, the time is arranged, an accident is staged, you quietly walk away]

The poetic feeling that came over them shocked the two music masters.

This line of lyrics alone is enough to prove Ye Feng's strength!

Fei Yuqing said with emotion:"I knew Ye Feng's talent before, and I also knew his ability to write lyrics and compose music, but when such lyrics appear directly in front of you, you can only admire it!"

Wen Jiang also said:"You are worthy of the title of music master. For such lyrics, no one in the new generation can write them. The old generation of masters Huang Zhan and others may be able to do it."

Fei Yuqing said:"Yes, but there are differences between the two. Master Huang Zhan and others are more moving with emotions, and Ye Feng's lyrics are more about scenery. They have their own merits. I still prefer Ye Feng's lyrics. Huang Zhan's lyrics are still too miserable!"

Wen Jiang nodded.

Fei Yuqing said,"It's a pity that there is no follow-up to the lyrics."

Wen Jiang said with a smile,"You didn't agree, how could they give you the complete version of the lyrics? What if the news leaks out?"

Fei Yuqing smiled and said,"That's right!"

Wen Jiang said,"What should you do? Do you agree? I have to reply to them as soon as possible!"

Fei Yuqing shook his head and said,"I didn't do a good job on this matter. I will personally apologize to Ye Feng."


Wen Jiang was a little surprised.

Fei Yuqing is a king of the old generation, and he actually apologized to the newcomer?

Fei Yuqing smiled and said,"Don't look at me like that. There are talented people in every generation. Ye Feng's talent has long surpassed ours. Now it is the young people who lead Xuanguo music to the world!"

Wen Jiang nodded.

He understood Fei Yuqing's thoughts.

In recent years,

Xuanguo music has been weak.

It has almost no say in the international arena.

The older generation saw it with their own eyes and felt pain in their hearts.

But what are the four little kings now?

Besides making money, they still make money!

How can they put any thought into music?

Only Ye Feng!

His appearance is like a comet, illuminating most of Xuanguo music!

At this moment, the two older generation figures placed their hopes on Ye Feng.


Rolling Stone Records.

A group of senior executives eagerly awaited Fei Yuqing's arrival.

This old-generation superstar flew directly to Jincheng after learning that Ye Feng wanted to cooperate.

Not only that!

He also personally apologized for his assistant.

This calm and humble attitude moved many senior executives.

Led by Wang Dong, a group of senior executives personally greeted him.

Ye Feng personally picked him up at the airport.

This kind of treatment is definitely rare.

Even if he is a superstar!

Ye Feng would not do this if he didn't like it.

When Fei Yuqing walked out of the airport, a business car took him away directly


In the car.

Fei Yuqing said:"Ye Feng, how come you have time to come here?"

Ye Feng said:"Senior Fei is willing to help, of course Ye Feng cannot be rude!"

Fei Yuqing laughed:"Ye Feng, you are too polite. Speaking of which, the first thing I did when I came here this time was to see the lyrics. You don't know, I was so excited after seeing only two sentences!"

Others nodded one after another


"Those three sentences are simply poetry!"

""Ye Feng, it's already this late, hurry up and show it to us!"

Several senior executives urged.

They were also envious of the lyrics.

Ye Feng handed over the lyrics.

The next moment, the full version came into view.

【I send you away from thousands of miles away.

You are silent in black and white.

The silent era may not be too far away. Love each other.

I send you away from the end of the world. Are you still there?

Where does the sound of the piano come from? Life and death are hard to guess.

Spend a lifetime waiting.

Just this paragraph!

No need to look at the melody!

Just look at the lyrics!

It is definitely a classic!

The senior executives of the Rolling Stones were stunned.

Even Fei Yuqing, the old senior in the music industry, was dumbfounded.

He said:"Ye Feng, is this the part I sing?"

Ye Feng nodded:"Yes, this time I chose the senior to sing, just hoping that the senior will perform with beautiful singing, and I will use RB style to create a completely different auditory effect, which can create a better impact, and it is also my idea for live performance!"

Everyone was collectively petrified!

Bel canto singing!

RB style combination!

These two naturally opposing singing methods appear in the same song at the same time.

Just thinking about it makes me dumbfounded.

Wang Dong couldn't help asking:"Ye Feng, are you sure this will work?"

It's not that he doesn't believe Ye Feng!

If it were someone else, he would have denied it long ago!

These are two naturally opposing styles of music!

How can they be forced to merge?

But it is precisely because it is Ye Feng!

He would ask if he is sure.

Ye Feng said,"We will be at the recording studio soon. Senior Fei, are you interested in giving it a try?"

Fei Yuqing said,"Of course!" Wang Dong smiled and said,"King Fei, don't mind it. Ye Feng is so passionate about music that he even forgot that you haven't eaten yet!"

Ye Feng slapped his forehead and said,"Ah! Look at me! Senior Fei just got off the plane. Let's go eat first."

Fei Yuqing said hurriedly,"No! I like it this way. When I see Ye Feng, I feel like I am young, devoting myself to music. It's so good. I envy him to death! Let's go to the recording studio first and just have a bite to eat!"

Wang Dong just smiled bitterly.

The old naughty boy versus the young man!

He is really risking his life!

The secretary said,"Mr. Wang, what should we do now? They are still waiting at the hotel!" Wang Dong waved his hand and said,"Just pack it up and send it to the company! Let's record the song first and then eat!" Everyone was at a loss whether to laugh or cry.


Rolling Stone Records.

In the recording studio.

Ye Feng and Fei Yuqing tested the sound.

After confirming that there was no problem, Ye Feng sang it live.

The sound like mountain streams flowed out of the headset.

Everyone was stunned.

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